The Sixth Pacific North West Number Theory Conference

(PNWNT 2002)

Simon Fraser University, Vancouver

Second Announcement (26/3/2002)
The sixth annual PACIFIC NORTH WEST NUMBER THEORY MEETING (PNWNT 2002) will take place in Vancouver at the PIMS facility(East Academic Annex 1100) at Simon Fraser University on April 20-21.
It will start at lunch time on Saturday the 20th and end mid afternoon on Sunday the 21st.
Sponsored by CECM, NTF and PIMS

All welcome - No Registration - Free Lunch

Speakers include:

The meeting is sponsored by CECM (the Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics at Simon Fraser University), the Number Theory Foundation and by PIMS (The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences). As a result there is NO registration fee. BUT we still want to know who will come. Please email ( us if you will attend this conference.

We are particularly keen to encourage graduate students to participate and there will be some funds to help defray graduate student costs. Contact (

Participants should make their own hotel reservations. The following is the list of the recommended hotels near SFU:

Conference schedule:

Saturday, April 20 2002, PIMS at SFU (East Academic Annex 1100)
Sunday, April 21 2002, PIMS at SFU (East Academic Annex 1100)

Browse the page for more conference information about travel, accommodations, location and contact.

The organizing committee:

Peter Borwein (

Imin Chen (

Steven Choi (