Combinatorics Seminar

Tuesday September 19, 2000 from 3:30- 4:30 in K9509, SFU

Luis Goddyn

Talks on

Local Tensions and Chromatic Numbers of Maps

We are alternating Tuesday afternoons with the computer algebra group. We shall have room for two talks every second week. This week there will only be one talk.

Abstract: This result roughly states that for "well represented" maps on a surface, the chromatic number of the underlying graph mainly depends on the map's "local structure".

More presicely, a (voltage) {\it tension} on a directed graph $G$ is a function $f : E(G) -> R$ where, for any circuit C,the accumulated voltage

f(C) = \sum {f(e): e is directed clockwise around C}

-\sum {f(e): e is directed anticlockwise around C}

equals zero. When G is a map on a surface S, we may relax this condition, requiring that f(C) equal zero for every "contractable" circuit C. Such a function f is called a {\it local tension}. Suppose that every noncontractable circuit in G has length at least K. Then, if there exists a local tension

f: E(G) -> [ 1, r ],

then there exists a (ordinary) tension

f: E(G) -> [ 1, r+\epsilon ]

where \epsilon depends only on K and the surface S. This, in turn, implies bounds that the circular chromatic number of G is at most $ r + 1 + \epsilon$. This is joint work with M. DeVos, B. Mohar, D. Vertigan and X. Zhu done during the PiMS Summer Workshop.