Deploying the JSP Sketch

    Once the sketch has been completed, the necessary HTML tags may be generated by pressing the "generate HTML" button.  This will result in the tags being printed to the java console.  From here the tags may be cut, and pasted into the body of any HTML document.  When this is done.  The webpage should be ready to go, however the Java class files need to be readily available.

    To ensure that the applet can run it is important that the JSP class files are available, and in the correct location.  To obtain the JSP class files, check at the Java SketchPad website.  There should be a download available there.  Once you have the class files, make sure that they are properly installed in the same directory as the webpage that you have just created.  This should be a simple matter of unzipping a zip file obtained from the JSP website into the same directory.

    At this point in time, you should be able to load the webpage in a browser, and see the Java SketchPad sketch.