Installing the JSPConstructor

1) download the file
     - this can be found through the Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics web site

2) create a new directory, and unzip the file into its own directory
    - if you don't already have the software, you can try downloading a product like WinZip

3) set the classpath to point to the new directory
    - On a Win9x/NT machine simply edit the "classpath" variable defined in your autoexec.bat file so that it contains a reference to the new directory

4) in a MSDOS (or some other shell) window go to the new directory, and type "java EditorTester"
    - make sure that you do not type "java EditorTester.class"  the extension is not necessary, and may cause problems.

5) enjoy the JSPConstructor
    - read the documentation on how to use the constructor