*** Contributed Sessions *** +++c2 flow equations (from late mini) Number 376 (from late mini) Speaker Max Gunzburger, Iowa State University Title Sensitivities and Adjoint Variables in Optimization Problems for Fluid Flows Number 377 (from late mini) Speaker James Reuther, NASA Ames Research Center Title Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Using Adjoint Based Gradients Number 378 (from late mini) Speaker Angelo Iollo, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aeronautica e Spaziale Politecnico di Torino, Italy Title Some Aspects of Optimal Shape Design for Compressible Flows Number 379 (from late mini) Speaker Bruno Stoufflet, Dassault Aviation, France Title Aerodynamic Optimum Shape Design with Exact Gradients on Unstructured Meshes +++c3 chemical problems; global optimization Number 9 Speaker G.Chapman, University of Guelph, Canada Title Global optimization and the geometry of chemical and phase equilibrium problems Keywords chemical equilibrium, global optimization, Kuhn-Tucker theory Number 116 Speaker W.Bollweg, Universitat Munster, Munster, Germany Title Numerical simulation of crystal structures by simulated annealing Keywords global optimization, stochastic optimization, simulated annealing, potential energy functions, crystal structure Number 152 Speaker C.Barron, Oaxaca, Mexico (Gomez? Romero?) Title Lower energy geometries for small atomic clusters Keywords global optimization, tunneling, clusters, Lennard-Jones Number 286 Speaker R.Byrd, University of Colorado, Boulder Title Global optimization of molecular structure by a stochastic-perturbation method Keywords global optimization, potential energy function, molecular structure, random sampling, protein folding, structured perturbation Number 282 Speaker R.Leary, San Diego Supercomputer Center, San Diego Title Optimal crystal forms from large-scale potential energy minimization Keywords parallel computing, potential energy functions, crystal form problem, cubic lattice, Lennard-Jone potential +++c4 global optimization Number 137 Speaker W.Liu, University of Kent, Canterbury, England Title The GOP algorithm for nonsmooth global optimization Keywords global optimization, nonsmooth optimization, relaxation Number 164 Speaker S.Shishkin, University of Osaka, Japan Title Analytical comparison of the effectiveness of different approaches to global nondifferentiable optimization Keywords nondifferentiable optimization, complexity, global optimization, theory Number 269 Speaker Y.Chang, UNC Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina Title A vertex dropping framework for outer approximation algorithm with applications to concave programs Keywords global optimization, cutting plane, concave programming, numerical results, application Number 215 Speaker N.Sahinidis, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Title Separable concave minimization over polyhedral sets Keywords global optimization, branch and bound, separable concave programming, domain reduction techniques, applications Number 30 Speaker E.Galperin, University of Quebec, Montreal Title Deterministic nonconvex full global optimization: theory, methods, and applications Keywords non-derivative methods, global optimization, differential games Number 342 Speaker A.Voronin, Institute of Cybernetics, Kiev, Ukraine Title A nonlocal approach to optimization problems Keywords nonlocal models, approximation region, global optimization +++c5 global optimization Number 72 Speaker J.Pulfer, University of Saskatchewan, Canada Title A super efficient guided Monte Carlo optimization algorithm Keywords direct search, Monte Carlo, randomized algorithms, global optimization Number 180 Speaker J.Rogers, Auburn University, Alabama Title Potential transformation methods for constrained global optimization Keywords global optimization, potential transformations, DAEs Number 198 Speaker R.VonIwaarden, Hope College, Holland, Michigan Title Faster global optimization through backboxing Keywords global optimization, interval arithmetic Number 222 Speaker R.Mladineo, Rider University, Lawrenceville, New Jersey Title Bracket search on unimodal functions with spherical level sets Keywords global optimization, stochastic search, bracket search, Lipschitz optimization Number 270 Speaker K.Bennett, RPI, Troy, New York Title Global decision tree optimization using tabu search Keywords tabu search, global optimization, classification, decision trees Number 344 Speaker P.Kabanov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Title The cutting algorithm for global optimization Keywords global optimization, stochastic methods, auxiliary function +++c6 linear algebra Number 27 Speaker J.Shinnerl, UCLA Title An inertia-controlling factorization for augmented KKT systems Keywords interior method, nonlinear programming, block Gaussian elimination, linear algebra Number 3 Speaker K.Andersen, Dash Associates, Leamington Spa, England Title Improved Cholesky decompositions for workstations and vector computers Keywords Cholesky, normal equations, interior methods, Schur complement, linear algebra Number 308 Speaker M.Argaez, Rice University Title A Krylov-projection algorithm for solving linear systems arising from NLP using interior-point methods Keywords linear algebra, iterative methods, KKT system, preconditioners, numerical results, inexact Newton methods Number 380 (submitted Jan 18 by email) Speaker Ed Rothberg Title Sparse Matrix Ordering Methods for Interior Point Linear Programming Keywords linear algebra, interior methods, LP +++c7 conjugate gradient and Lanczos methods Number 109 Speaker P. Chin, University of Western Ontario, Canada Title Iterative methods for large-scale indefinite systems Keywords interior methods, linear algebra, preconditioned conjugate gradient Number 118 Speaker E.Bobrovnikova, Cornell University Title Iterative methods for weighted least squares Keywords least squares, interior methods, CG, linear algebra Number 238 Speaker D.Feng, RIACS, Moffett Field, California Title Tensor-GMRES methods for large nonlinear equations Keywords nonlinear equations, large-scale, tensor models Number 100 Speaker S.Santos (D.Sorensen?), State University of Campinas, Brazil Title A new matrix-free algorithm for the large-scale trust-region subproblem Keywords regularization, nonlinear programming, quadratic constraints, trust region, Lanczos methods Number 112 Speaker L.Dixon, University of Hertfordshire, England Title Potential functions for nonsymmetric sets of linear equations Keywords linear equations, CG, exact penalty functions, potential functions, linear algebra +++c8 parallel algorithms Number 217 Speaker J.Hall, University of Edinburgh, Scotland Title A parallel revised simplex algorithm using an edge weight based pricing strategy Keywords parallel computation, LP, revised simplex, pricing strategies Number 279 Speaker M.D'Apuzzo, F. Perla, G. Toraldo (??), University of Naples, Italy Title Parallel software for box constrained convex quadratic programming Keywords QP, bound constraints, convex QP, parallel algorithms, projected gradient methods Number 296 Speaker R.Burkhart, Boeing Information and Support Systems, Seattle Title Parallel interior point methods for the assignment problem Keywords parallel computing, assignment problem, primal-dual method, interior method, preconditioned CG Number 334 Speaker R.Levkovitz, Technion, Israel Title A parallel interior random vector algorithm for multistage stochastic linear programs Keywords stochastic programming, parallel algorithms, interior method, multistage LP, software +++c9 modeling; problem structure and transformation Number 169 Speaker A.Neumaier, University of Vienna, Austria Title: NOP, a compact input format for nonlinear optimization problems Keywords modeling language, group separability, input format, nonlinear optimization Number 234 Speaker T.Coleman, Cornell University Title Structure and efficient Jacobian calculation Keywords automatic differentiation, nonlinear equations, structured matrices, sparsity, nonlinear least squares Number 203 Speaker D.Gay, AT&T Bell Laboratories Title Automatic detection of partially separable structure Keywords automatic differentiation, partial separability, modeling languages, directed acyclic graph structure Number 58 Speaker E.Polak, University of California, Berkeley Title On the transcription of optimization problems with maxmin constraints into standard nonlinear programming problems Keywords exclusion constraints, circuit design, robotics, disjunctive optimization Number 73 Speaker D.Miller, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio Title Optimal near identity transformation scheduling on Poincare type normal form reduction Keywords differential equations, discrete optimization, system analysis +++c10 least squares and related problems Number 28 Speaker P.Lemmerling, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Title Structured total least squares methods Keywords signal processing, maximum likelihood, total least squares, structured matrices Number 95 Speaker B.Bell, Applied Physics, University of Washington, Seattle Title The Gauss-Newton method on large data sets Keywords nonlinear least-squares, Gauss-Newton Number 213 Speaker Y.Li, Cornell University Title A Newton acceleration of the Weiszfeld algorithm for minimizing sum of Euclidean distance Keywords location problem, Euclidean distance, Newton's method, weighted least squares, multifacility location Number 316 Speaker P.Wedin, Umea University, Sweden Title The regularization of rank-deficient nonlinear least squares problems within the framework of optimization Keywords regularization, almost rank-deficient, L-curve Number 36 Speaker S.Blyumin, Lipetsk State Technical University, Lipetsk, Russia Title Generalized inversion in optimization Keywords generalized inversion, regularization +++c11 trust region Number 68 Speaker S.Bitar, State University of Campinas, Brazil Title On the identification property of a trust region algorithm on domains given by nonlinear inequalities Keywords identification properties, trust region algorithm, nonlinear inequalities Number 110 Speaker M.Diniz-Ehrhardt (??), State University of Campinas, Brazil Title Comparing the performance of two trust region algorithms for large-scale bound constrained minimization Keywords trust region, bound constraints, large-scale optimization, comparison with Lancelot Number 133 Speaker M.El-Alem, Alexandria University, Egypt Title A trust region approach to nonlinear systems of equations and inequalities Keywords trust region, nonlinear equations, least squares Number 183 Speaker M.Gomes-Riggiero, State University of Campinas, Brazil Title Hot start for the quadratic subproblem of BOX-QUACAN Keywords Bound constraints, trust region, numerical tests Number 292 Speaker L.An, Institut National des Sciences Appliques de Rouen, France Title Difference of convex (DC) algorithm for solving multidimensional scaling problem Keywords DC optimization, regularization, multidimensional scaling, statistics, convex optimization, trust region +++c12 tomography; medical applications Number 13 Speaker A.DePierro, University of Campinas, Brazil Title A row-action multiplicative method for likelihood maximization in emission tomography Keywords maximum likelihood, tomography, EM algorithm Number 111 Speaker D.Cores, Venezuela Title A new approach for solving the nonlinear reflection tomography problem Keywords tomography, low-storage, least-squares Number 178 Speaker C.Johnson, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland Title Optimization for iterative 3-d PET reconstructions Keywords interior methods, tomography, truncated Newton, maximum likelihood Number 333 Speaker H.Jones, Brunel University, England Title A parallel implementation of the EM algorithm in positron emission tomography (PET) Keywords tomography, iterative methods, EM algorithm, parallel algorithm, software Number 132 Speaker N.Hu, Washington University, St Louis, Missouri Title Myocardial material parameters estimates by displacement and strains optimizations Keywords parameter estimation, finite element method, least squares, applications, medical problems Number 258 Speaker M.Chen, The Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina Title Minimization problems in treatment planning for multi-arc steroeactic radiosurgery Keywords medical application, direction search, multidirectional search, discrete optimization +++c13 games Number 125 Speaker A.Rapaport, Imperial College, England Title A characteristic of barriers in differential games Keywords differential game, barrier phenomenon, viscosity solution, Isaacs equation, theory Number 252 Speaker C.Byrne, Applied Research Laboratory, State College, Pennsylvania Title Optimization of fractional linear inventory cost effectiveness assuming correlated allocation Keywords inventory mix, game theory, fractional linear function Number 4 Speaker A.Chikrii, Cybernetics Institute, Kiev, Ukraine Title Duality of convex structures in game problems of control Keywords Quasilinear differential games, resolving functions, duality theory, control Number 5 Speaker G.Chikrii, Cybernetics Institute, Kiev, Ukraine Title First absorption time in linear nonstationary differential pursuit games Keywords differential game, game completion, game theory +++c14 complementarity Number 108 Speaker J.Ji, Valdosta State University, Georgia Title Convergence rate of Tapia indicators in interior-point methods for degenerate LCP Keywords interior methods, complementarity, degeneracy Number 114 Speaker M.Ferris, University of Wisconsin Title New applications of complementarity Keywords complementarity, nonsmooth optimization, applications, large-scale optimization Number 175 Speaker S.Xu, University of Washington, Seattle Title Algorithms for monotone horizontal LCP, mixed LCP, and convex QP problems with box constraints Keywords bound constraints, convex QP, complementarity Number 211 Speaker T.DeLuca, University of Rome, Italy Title A globally convergent inexact Newton-type algorithm for the solution of large-scale nonlinear complementarity problems Keywords nonlinear complementarity, nondifferentiable optimization, structural optimization, unconstrained optimization, merit function Number 366 (from CM-15) Speaker Tamas Rapcsak, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary Title Riemannian Convexity and Complementarity Systems +++c15 duality Number 14 Speaker E.Prisman, York University, Canada Title The entropy approach to valuation operators in incomplete markets: there is an economic interpretation after all Keywords entropy, conjugate duality, stochastic programming Number 76 Speaker K.Murota, Kyoto University, Japan Title Fenchel duality and discrete separation theorems for polymatroid valuations Keywords Fenchel duality, convex analysis, matroids, separation theorem, integer lattice, submodular functions Number 102 Speaker W.Yang, Chongqing University, China Title $\epsilon$-duality for nonsmooth nonconvex multiobjective programming Keywords multiobjective optimization, duality theorems Number 103 Speaker R.Zeng, Chongqing University, China Title On the Wolfe duality for multiobjective programming Keywords multiobjective optimization, convex programming Number 268 Speaker D.Li, Chinese University, Hong Kong Title Equivalent transformation and zero duality gap in nonconvex optimization Keywords transformation to convex form, saddle points, theory Number 309 Speaker S.Mititelu, Technical University, Bucharest, Romania Title Scalar and vector variants for Hanson's duality theorem in nonsmooth programming Keywords nonsmooth optimization, subdifferential, duality theory +++c16 neural networks Number 214 Speaker L.Grippo, University of Rome, Italy Title Online algorithms for unconstrained minimization and neural network training Keywords neural networks, unconstrained optimization, training algorithms, learning problems Number 257 Speaker D.Tsioutsias, Yale University Title Large-scale optimization by a multiscale attentional scheme Keywords neural networks, computer vision, discrete optimization, large-scale, application Number 54 Speaker J.Wang, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Title Recurrent neural networks for solving the shortest path problem Keywords combinatorial optimization, shortest path, neural networks Number 71 Speaker Y.Duan, Chongqing University, China Title The neural network method for the unit commitment problem of the thermal power system Keywords integer programming, power systems, neural networks, scheduling +++c17 differential inclusion Number 322 Speaker F.Pereira, University of Porto, Portugal Title An algorithm for optimal control problems based on differential inclusions Keywords control, differential inclusions, fixed-time optimal control Number 159 Speaker R.Trubnik, Morris Brown College, Atlanta, Georgia Title Discrete approximations for nonconvex differential inclusions with delay Keywords differential inclusions, control, theory Number 300 Speaker M.Radulescu, Universite de Montreal, Canada Title Approximate invariance and differential inclusions in Hilbert space Keywords differential inclusion, invariance, theory, proximal analysis, control Number 82 Speaker A.Bulgakov, Tambov State University, Russia Title Boundary value problems for differential inclusions Keywords boundary value problems, differential inclusions Number 37 Speaker Igor Brigadnov Title Regularization of nonconvex boundary value problems in the small deformation theory +++c18 limited memory Number 138 Speaker M.Hernandez, State University of Campinas, Brazil (M. Biggs??) Title Limited memory BFGS applied to a REQP based on the augmented Lagrangian Keywords SQP, large-scale optimization, limited memory BFGS Number 182 Speaker M.Reed, Brunel University, England Title Update condensation: a new approach to limited storage quasi-Newton minimization Keywords reduced storage, unconstrained optimization, large-scale Number 260 Speaker M. Leonard, Santa Clara University, California Title Reduced Hessian limited-storage quasi-Newton methods Keywords quasi-Newton methods, large-scale, limited memory, reduced Hessian methods Number 209 Speaker S.Eldersveld, UC San Diego, California Title Preconditioned limited-storage quasi-Newton methods for large-scale constrained optimization Keywords SQP, large-scale, limited memory quasi-Newton updates, sparsity, indefiniteness, linear algebra Number 313 Speaker J.Wu, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas Title A Lagrangian dual ascent algorithm for large-scale convex networks Keywords large-scale, convex programming, networks, limited memory BFGS +++c19 networks Number 18 Speaker R.Schneur, PTCG, Inc., Burlington, MA Title Optimal network design for air freight carriers Keywords network design, transportation, scheduling, column generation Number 107 Speaker G.Dahl, University of Oslo, Norway Title A polyhedral approach to a path selection problem in telecommunications Keywords polyhedral combinatorics, telecommunications, routing, network configuration, integer linear programming, cutting plane algorithm Number 121 Speaker G.Mateus, University of Minas Gerais, Brazil Title Algorithm to solve the multilevel network optimization problem Keywords network optimization, telecommunication, applications, multilevel optimization Number 256 Speaker A.Harrell, US Army Engineer Waterways Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi Title Examples of network flow path routing and scheduling problems Keywords network flow, scheduling, software Number 338 Speaker M.Bonatti,ITALTEL, Milano, Italy Title Numerical techniques for solving moment problems with applications to telecommunications and manufacturing Keywords network performance, reliability analysis, random search, telecommunication and manufacturing application, moment problems Number 348 Speaker A.Liiser, France Telecom, France Title A heuristic for solving the survivability problem in telecommunication networks Keywords applications, telecommunications, survivability, decomposition methods, networks +++c20 networks and flows Number 44 Speaker M.Resende, AT&T Bell Labs, Murray Hill Title A truncated primal-infeasible dual-feasible network interior-point method Keywords network optimization, interior methods, preconditioned CG Number 285 Speaker D.Goldfarb, Columbia University Title A polynomial-time highest-gain augmenting path algorithm for the generalized circulation problem Keywords network flow, generalized circulation, maximum flow, arc excess, scaling, complexity analysis Number 86 Speaker M.Pullan, St John's College, Cambridge University, England Title A study of general dynamic network programs with arc time-delays Keywords optimal control, network flows, duality, continuous LP Number 172 Speaker A. Ciurea, Transilvania University, Romania Title Counterexamples in maximal dynamic flows Keywords flow problems, network, dynamic flow Number 319 Speaker M.Grigoriadis, Rutgers University Title Coordination complexity of convex nonnegative structured optimization Keywords multicommodity flows, approximation, complexity, Lagrangian relaxation Number 329 Speaker K.Yoneda, Toshiba R&D Center, Kawasaki, Japan Title The sequential entropy maximization for integer estimation of origin-destination tables Keywords transportation, integer estimation, entropy maximization, iterative scaling +++c21 graph and set partitioning Number 141 Speaker C.-C. Tu, Courant Institute, New York Title Eigenspace relaxation for graph k-partitioning problems Keywords semidefinite programming, interior method, subgradient, eigenvalue optimization, graph partitioning Number 143 Speaker S.Karisch, Graz University of Technology, Austria Title Semidefinite programming and graph equipartition Keywords graph equipartition, semidefinite programming, interior methods Number 177 Speaker R.Meyer, University of Wisconsin Title Asymptotically optimal graph partitioning Keywords graph partitioning, parallel computation, genetic algorithms Number 288 Speaker J.-F.Pusztaszeri, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Title Vertex finding with combinatorial optimization in high-energy physics Keywords vertex finding, application (particle physics), set partitioning, implicit enumeration, numerical results +++c22 non-derivative methods Number 136 Speaker A.Sadovski, Texas A&M University, Texas Title A game approach to the solution of nonlinear programming problems Keywords nonsmooth optimization, non-derivative methods, convex programming Number 184 Speaker M.Sciandrone, University of Rome, Italy Title A new globally convergent derivative-free algorithm for unconstrained optimization Keywords unconstrained optimization, non-derivative methods, globalization, numerical experiments Number 199 Speaker U.Garcia-Palomares, Simon Bolivar University, Venezuela Title Convergence properties of a new derivative-free method Keywords non-derivative optimization, bound constraints, convergence, numerical results Number 265 Speaker W.Hart, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque Title Evolutionary pattern search algorithms Keywords direct search, non-derivative optimization, genetic algorithms, pattern search Number 336 Speaker H.Shekarforoush, INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France Title A generalization of nonlinear simplex search method Keywords non-derivative optimization, convex analysis, generalization of Jensen's inequality Number 85 Speaker V. Lopes, State University Campinas, Brazil Title On the convergence of quasi-Newton methods for nonsmooth problems Keywords nonsmooth optimization, nonlinear equations, local convergence +++c23 assignment problems Number 2 Speaker Q.Zhao, University of Waterloo Title Semidefinite programming relaxations for the quadratic assignment problem Keywords semidefinite programming, quadratic assignment, dual formulation Number 25 Author J.Spoonamore, US Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC Title Solving an assignment problem using continuous methods Keywords nondifferentiable optimization, assignment problems, convex analysis, linear inequalities Number 77 Speaker S.Iwata, Kyoto University, Japan Title Primal-dual combinatorial relaxation algorithm for the maximum degree of subdeterminants Keywords DAE index, combinatorial relaxation, assignment problem Number 224 Speaker J.Conroy, Institute for Defense Analysis, Bowie, Maryland Title Continuous methods for a quadratic assignment problem Keywords assignment problem, quadratic assignment, relaxation, singular value decomposition, discrete optimization +++c24 M-estimators; statistics Number 64 Speaker M.Dong, UC Davis, Davis, California Title Asymptotics of M-estimators Keywords statistical estimators, lower semicontinuous functions, M-estimators Number 259 Speaker J.Swetits, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia Title Linear l-1 estimator and Huber M-estimator Keywords linear l-1 estimation, LP, M-estimation, theory Number 98 Speaker M.Fampa, University of Iowa, Iowa City Title Continuous relaxations for constrained maximum-entropy sampling Keywords maximization of determinant, spatial statistics, maximum entropy, relaxation Number 45 Speaker M.Alirezaei, Institute of Mathematics, Tehran, Iran Title Sampling size and efficiency in data envelopment analysis Keywords sampling, efficiency, data envelopment analysis, statistics +++c25 methods for nonsmooth and nondifferentiable optimization Number 115 Speaker A.Moretti (J. Martinez?), State University of Campinas, Brazil Title A trust region method for minimization of nonsmooth functions with linear constraints Keywords trust region, nonsmooth optimization, linear constraints Number 57 Speaker Y.Gningue, University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada Title A line search for the SNQP method Keywords nonsmooth optimization, composite optimization, convex analysis Number 134 Speaker S.Billups, University of Colorado at Denver, Denver Title Improving the robustness of descent based solvers for nonsmooth equations via proximal perturbations Keywords nonsmooth equations, proximal perturbations, complementarity Number 291 Speaker A.Hipolito, University of the Phillipines, Phillipines Title An interior point based bundle method for nondifferentiable optimization Keywords nondifferentiable optimization, bundle method, interior method, cutting plane methods, numerical results Number 130 Speaker S.Zhang, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands Title An affine scaling subgradient method for linearly constrained nondifferentiable convex programming Keywords convex programming, interior method, nondifferentiable optimization, subgradient method, affine scaling Number 245 Speaker K.Kiwiel, Systems Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland Title A bundle Bregman proximal method for convex nondifferentiable minimization Keywords convex programming, nondifferentiable optimization, proximal methods, Bregman functions +++c26 nonsmooth and nondifferentiable optimization Number 275 Speaker J.Burke, University of Washington, Seattle Title On the subdifferential of the spectral abscissa Keywords subdifferential, nonsmooth analysis, spectral abscissa, Lyapunov stability Number 195 Speaker B.Rustem, Imperial College, England Title A quasi-Newton algorithm for continuous minimax Keywords minimax, quasi-Newton methods, theory, nonsmooth Number 236 Speaker J.Sun, National University of Singapore, Singapore Title Piecewise quadratic optimization Keywords piecewise quadratic programs, convex programming, trust region Number 163 Speaker E.Nurminski, Vladivostok, Russia Title Fast projection on a polyhedron Keywords nondifferentiable optimization, projection methods, cuts Number 11 Speaker V.Batukhtin, Chelyabinsk State University, Russia Title Methods of solving discontinuous extremal problems Keywords nonsmooth optimization, approximation gradient Number 17 Speaker S.Mishra, Institute of Technology, Varanasi, India Title Lagrange multipliers, saddle points and scalarizations in composite multiobjective nonsmooth programming Keywords nonsmooth optimization, multiobjective, saddle points, Lagrange multipliers +++c27 monotone operators; proximal point methods Number 206 Speaker M.Coodey, UC Santa Barbara, California Title Pictures of monotone operators Keywords maximal monotone operators, convex analysis Number 272 Speaker J.-B.Baillon, Universite Lyon, France Title Proximal resolution in M-estimation problems Keywords Maximal monotone operators, nonsmooth optimization, parallel computing, proximal methods, robust statistics, M-estimation Number 327 Speaker M.Cautiero Jardim, University of Brasilia, Brazil Title On the generalization of the method of partial inverses of Spingarn to the convex cone Keywords convex analysis, partial inverses, monotone operators Number 343 Speaker A.Iusem, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil title Enlargement of monotone operators with application to variational inequalities Keywords variational inequalities, monotone operators, proximal point method, convergence theory +++c28 monotone operators; proximal point methods; optimality Number 31 Speaker H.Bauschke, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC Title Monotone operators via convex optimization Keywords monotone operators, convex analysis, conjugate operator Number 65 Speaker S.Simons, UC Santa Barbara Title The convex function determined by a multifunction Keywords convex functions, maximal monotone operator, local boundedness, convex analysis Number 91 Speaker M.Qian, Cal State Fullerton, Fullerton, California Title The variable metric proximal point method: global and superlinear convergence Keywords convex programming, proximal point method, maximal monotone operators Number 247 Speaker H.-C.Lai, Kaohsiung Polytechnic Institute, Taiwan Title Optimality of semi-preinvex programming problems Keywords nonconvex programming theory, semi-preinvex, theory Number 367 (from CM-15) Speaker Stefan Mititelu, Technical University of Civil Engineering, Romania Title Basic Properties of the Invexity +++c29 integral and differential equations Number 52 Speaker I.Boikov, Penza State Technical University, Penza, Russia Title Optimal methods of calculation of singular integrals and the decision of singular integral equations Keywords Singular integral equations, optimal algorithms Number 62 Speaker V.Ivanov, St. Petersburg, Florida Title On optimal algorithms of optimization connected to differential equations Keywords Differential equations, mathematical physics, Volterra integral equations Number 89 Speaker Y.Yatsenko, National Ukrainian Academy of Science, Ukraine Title Optimization of equipment lifetime on the basis of integral dynamical models Keywords Volterra integral equations, economic applications Number 347 Speaker N.Haidar ??? Title A variation of kernel technique for solving the Fredholm integral equation of the first kind Keywords integral equations, regularization, perturbation techniques Number 254 Speaker H.Pasic, ??? Title Solving boundary-as-initial value problems while keeping boundary conditions satisfied Keywords Boundary value problems, fixed-point iterative scheme, transformation, differential equations +++c30 variational problems Number 42 Speaker X.-Y.Ye, Simon Fraser Universsity Title Necessary optimality conditions for mathematical programming problems with variational inequality constraints Keywords variational inequalities, nonsmooth analysis, set-valued maps Number 61 Speaker T.Maruyama, Department of Economics, UC Berkeley Title Existence theory for the calculus of variations via disintegration of measures Keywords variational problems, differential equations Number 67 Speaker A.Friedlander, State University of Campinas, Brazil Title On the solution of finite-dimensional variational inequalities using smooth optimization with simple bounds Keywords variational inequalities, simple bounds, complementarity Number 246 Speaker V.Lezhnev, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia Title Inverse problems of Newtonian potential Keywords inverse problems, Newtonian potential, approximation algorithms, existence and uniqueness theorems, variational +++c31 variational problems Number 35 Speaker Y.Zhu, Gannan Teacher's College, Ganzhou, China Title On nontrivial solutions to variational inequalities Keywords variational inequalities, fixed point index, solution index Number 170 Speaker R.Gonzalez, University of Rosario, Argentina Title On junction problems with bilateral restrictions: theoretical and numerical approaches Keywords junction problems, bilateral restrictions, variational inequalities, global equilibrium, decomposition method Number 280 Speaker J.-L.Goffin, McGill University, Montreal, Canada Title On the solution of pseudomonotone variational inequalities by nonlinear and cutting plane methods Keywords variational inequalities, primal dual methods, interior methods, cutting plane methods Number 335 Speaker B.Mordukhovich, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan Title Sensitivity analysis for variational systems in finite and infinite dimensions Keywords variational inequalities, parametric systems, sensitivity analysis, Lipschitzian stability Number 50 Speaker S.Haubruge, Facultes Universitaires de Namur, Belgium Title Convergence analysis of the Glowinksi-Le Tallec splitting method for finding a zero of the sum of two maximal monotone operators Keywords convex programming, variational inequalities, decomposition algorithms, maximal monotone operator Number 8 Speaker V.Shelukhin, Institute of Hydrodynamics, Novosibirsk, Russia Title A variational principle for parabolic equations Keywords differential equations, variational principle, parabolic equations Number 41 Speaker D.Motreanu,University Al.I.Cuza, Iasi, Romania Title Critical point methods in optimization Keywords variational problems,differential equations, minimax method +++c32 unconstrained optimization Number 189 Speaker R.Schnabel, University of Colorado, Boulder Title Convergence of unconstrained optimization methods on benign-singular problems Keywords unconstrained optimization, singular problems, convergence Number 142 Speaker J.Yuan, University Federal de Parana, Brazil Title Generalized quadratical model for nonlinear optimization Keywords model, unconstrained optimization, theory Number 345 Speaker O.Burdakov, CERFACS, Toulouse, France title Interpolation methods for optimization and nonlinear equations Keywords unconstrained optimization, secant methods, nonlinear equations Number 104 Speaker W.Sun, Nanjing University, China Title Trust region method of conic model for optimization Keywords trust region, conic models, unconstrained, constrained +++c33 unconstrained and bound-constrained optimization Number 228 Speaker C.Zhu, Northwestern University Title Numerical tests on a discrete Newton method with memory for large-scale optimization Keywords large-scale, truncated Newton, quasi-Newton, finite-difference Newton, discrete Newton, unconstrained optimization Number 295 Speaker S.Lucidi, University of Rome, Italy Title A globally convergent Polak-Ribiere conjugate gradient algorithm Keywords unconstrained optimization, large-scale, conjugate gradient, numerical results Number 298 Speaker S.Gomez, UNAM, Mexico Title A truncated Newton method for the stabilization of an inverse seismic problem Keywords truncated Newton, large-scale, parameter identification, bound constraints, application Number 56 Speaker L.-Z.Liao, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Title Optimal control approach for large-scale unconstrained optimization Keywords large-scale, unconstrained, optimal control Number 320 Speaker P.Armand, Universite de Limoges, France Title A line search technique with sufficient decrease and curvature conditions Keywords conjugate gradient method, line search, unconstrained optimization +++c34 linear programming Number 96 Speaker M.Pinar, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey Title New results on quadratic penalty functions for linear programming Keywords linear programming, penalty functions, continuation, smoothing Number 261 Speaker J.Braunstein, GDE Systems, San Diego, California Title Updating the penalty parameter in composite phase-one methods for LP Keywords LP, composite phase-one methods, penalty parameter Number 21 Speaker H.Arsham, University of Baltimore, Maryland Title Gradient LP method has an (m+n) complexity Keywords linear programming, gradient method Number 75 Speaker G.Sierksma, University of Groningen, Netherlands Title Dimensions, degeneracy degrees, and interior points of optimal faces in linear programming Keywords linear programming, degeneracy degrees, optimal face +++c35 mixed integer programming Number 101 Speaker R.Stubbs, Northwestern University Title Branch and cut methods for mixed 0-1 convex nonlinear programming Keywords convex integer programming, disjunctive cuts, branch and bound Number 106 Speaker O.Gunluk, Cornell University Title Mixing mixed-integer inequalities Keywords mixed-integer programming, mixed-integer inequalities, generating inequalities Number 278 Speaker C.McZeal, Rice University Title An experimental code for mixed integer nonlinear programming Keywords mixed integer programming, branch and bound, software, numerical results Number 140 Speaker A.Langevin, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Title A new algorithm for mixed integer nonlinear programming problems Keywords mixed integer programming, genetic algorithms, applications +++c36 mixed integer programming Number 266 Speaker W.Romisch, Humboldt University, Berlin Title Solving the unit commitment problems in power generation systems Keywords mixed-integer programming, polyhedral combinatorics, relaxation, bundle methods, numerical results Number 276 Speaker S.Feltenmark, KTH, Stockholm Title A dual cutting surface algorithm for the unit commitment problem Keywords unit commitment, mixed integer programming, cutting surfaces, bundle methods, numerical results Number 74 Speaker C.Fraley, Department of Statistics, University of Washington, Seattle Title Model-based cluster analysis Keywords maximum likelihood, clustering, mixture models, mixed discrete-continuous Number 306 Speaker E.Haddad, Great Falls, Virginia Title Optimal discrete load balancing over parallel computers using a continuous-relaxation model of the load metric Keywords parallel computing, optimal load balancing, continuous relaxation, mixed discrete-continuous +++c37 sequential quadratic programming; nonlinear programming Number 29 Speaker H.Wolkowicz, University of Waterloo Title SQ^2P via SDP for NLP Keywords nonlinear programming, SQP, quadratic constraints, semidefinite programming relaxation Number 80 Speaker R.Sargent, Imperial College. England Title A new SQP algorithm for large-scale nonlinear programming Keywords large-scale optimization, nonlinear constraints, SQP, interior methods Number 84 Speaker J.Martinez (L. Santos?), State University Campinas, Brazil Title Some new theoretical results on recursive quadratic programming algorithms Keywords SQP, convergence analysis of inner iteration, penalty parameter Number 240 Speaker H.Yabe, Science University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Title A nonmonotone SQP method with global and superlinear convergence properties Keywords SQP, nonmonotone line search, convergence results Number 241 Speaker G.DiPillo, University of Rome, Italy Title An augmented Lagrangian function with improved exactness properties Keywords constrained optimization, exact augmented Lagrangian Number 139 Speaker M.Bartholomew-Biggs, University of Hertfordshire, England (Hernandez?) Title Modified factorization in a sparse SQP based on the augmented Lagrangian Keywords KKT systems, SQP, indefinite matrices +++c38 implementation and applications of SQP Number 231 Speaker A.Kearsley, University of Massachusetts, North Dartmouth, Massachusetts Title On the numerical performance of an SQP algorithm Keywords SQP, initial guess, inconsistent linearized constraints, numerical results Number 10 Speaker A.Philpott, University of Auckland, New Zealand Title Optimizing the velocity of an America's cup yacht Keywords Ship design, handicapping, SQP, application Number 59 Speaker D.Kleis, University of Trier, Germany Title Application of SQP to the sterilization of canned foods Keywords optimal control, SQP, PDEs, applications Number 122 Speaker W.Zhou, Silsoe Research Institute, England Title A globally convergent algorithm for solving optimization problems in agriculture Keywords SQP, dependent constraints, global convergence, energy minimization +++c39 structural optimization Number 66 Speaker U.Ringertz, KTH, Stockholm Title Nonlinear eigenvalue problems in structural optimization Keywords structural optimization, continuation, aerodynamic design, eigenvalue problems, design optimization Number 331 Speaker M. Cuomo, Catanian University,Italy Title Application and comparison of augmented Lagrangian techniques to the solution of convex structural problems Keywords structural optimization, convex programming, augmented Lagrangian methods, solid mechanics, application Number 337 Speaker K.Ghavami, Pontificia Universidade Catolica, Rio de Janeiro,Brazil Title Vector optimization of stiffened plates subjected to axial load Keywords optimal design of structures, stiffened plates, approximation Number 6 Speaker A.Bratus, Moscow State University, Russia Title Optimal placement of actuators and shape design for active control of the flexible structures Keywords control, shape design, flexible structures +++c40 models and software Number 197 Speaker D.Moore, Rice University Title An object-oriented framework for constrained optimization software Keywords software development, software modules, object-oriented programming, constrained optimization Number 248 Speaker L.Watson, VPI, Blacksburg, Virginia Title Suitability of optimization packages for inclusion in an MDO environment Keywords MDO, software packages, numerical results Number 281 Speaker D.Serafini, Rice University Title Software for managing model approximations in MDO Keywords MDO, pattern search, software, adaptive modeling Number 297 Speaker E.Messina, Brunel University, England Title Modeling and analysis of multistage stochastic programming problems Keywords stochastic programming, modeling languages, software +++c41 models and formulation Number 16 Speaker M.Ronnqvist,D.Ryan, University of Auckland, New Zealand Title Solving truck despatch problems in real time Keywords transportation, scheduling, real-time scheduling, model Number 99 Speaker M.Levin, University of Aizu, Japan Title Optimization of decomposable systems Keywords decomposable systems, systems of components, models, applications Number 196 Speaker C.Carnieri, University of Parana, Brazil Title A proposal for the quality control in the paper industry Keywords LP, modeling, pattern recognition, applications, modeling languages Number 317 Speaker L.Guo, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Title A multiple objective optimization model for portfolio selection Keywords portfolio selection, multiobjective optimization, goal programming, model Number 323 Speaker Z.Wang, Montclair State University, New Jersey Title A stochastic programming electric power long-term planning model Keywords stochastic programming, modeling, scenario analysis, staircase structure Number 324 Speaker G.Dolenko, Kiev University, Kiev, Ukraine Title System optimization technology Keywords multicriteria optimization, modeling, economic planning, application +++c42 stochastic optimization Number 43 Speaker G.Oliva, Escuela de Ingenieria Industrial, Vina del Mar, Chile Title Mixed deterministic-stochastic method for a solid-waste collection problem Keywords stochastic optimization, capacity constraints, routing problem, simulated annealing Number 232 Speaker A.Shapiro, Georgia Institute of Technology Title A simulation based approach to stochastic programming with recourse Keywords stochastic programming, fixed recourse, validation analysis, numerical results Number 87 Speaker R.Schultz, Berlin Title Grobner bases methods in stochastic integer programming Keywords stochastic programming, integer recourse, Grobner bases Number 202 Speaker K.Ariyawansa, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington Title Polynomial cutting plane algorithms for two-stage stochastic programs with recourse Keywords stochastic programming, cutting plane, ellipsoid method, interior methods Number 225 Speaker D.Dentcheva, Humboldt University, Berlin Title Differential stability and central limit theorem for solution sets of two-stage stochastic programs Keywords stochastic programs, differential stability, asymptotic distributions, empirical estimates Number 23 Speaker A.Matasov, Moscow Lomonosov State University, Moscow, Russia Title Optimal processing of measurements with outliers Keywords linear programming, parameter estimation, stochastic programming +++c43 stochastic optimization Number 239 Speaker L.Korf, UC Davis, Davis, California Title Epigraphical limit laws for stochastic optimization problems Keywords stochastic programming, approximation, sampling strategies Number 277 Speaker S.Nielsen, University of Texas, Austin Title Fixed-income portfolio management using a binomial interest-rate lattice Keywords stochastic programming, portfolio analysis Number 304 Speaker L.Cox, US West Advanced Technologies, Boulder, Colorado Title Stochastic optimization via classification trees Keywords stochastic optimization, classification trees, heuristics Number 332 Speaker D.Davani, Towson State University, Towson, Maryland Title Optimization of discrete-event computer simulation models: score function (likelihood ratio) method Keywords stochastic optimization, simulation models, approximation techniques, variance reduction, reliability Number 341 Speaker A.El-Abyad, Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Egypt Title Comparing fuzzy numbers with application to fuzzy optimization Keywords fuzzy optimization, fuzzy linear programming, stochastic programming Number 303 Speaker G.Ostrovsky, Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistyr, Moscow, Russia Title Chemical processes optimization under uncertainty Keywords two-stage programming, chemical process design, application, stochastic programming +++c44 partial differential equations; sensitivities Number 48 Speaker J.Appel, VPI, Blacksburg, Virginia Title Sensitivity calculations for use in discontinuous-flow optimization Keywords flow optimization, sensitivities, PDEs, automatic differentiation Number 129 Speaker N.Lybeck, NC State University, Raleigh, North Carolina Title Modeling and estimation of the dynamic mechanical behavior of elastomers Keywords PDEs, inverse method, dynamic systems, energy function Number 93 Speaker M.Day, VPI, Blacksburg, Virginia Title Viscosity solutions and classical mechanics Keywords calculus of variations, PDEs, viscosity, Lagrangian manifold Number 39 Speaker H.Gao, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China Title optimal conditions of a class of systems with constraints Keywords elliptic equations, PDEs, control, Pontryagin principle Number 24 Speaker M.Brutyan, Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, Moscow, Russia Title Optimal control of viscous flows Keywords PDEs, shape optimization, control +++c45 differential algebraic equations Number 168 Speaker M.Perez, Humboldt University, Berlin Title Numerical optimal control using differential algebraic equations for the description of the necessary conditions Keywords: DAEs, differential equations, state constraints, index of DAE Number 216 Speaker G.LeVey, Ecole des Mines, Nantes, France Title Involution, DAEs, and optimization of differential systems Keywords DAEs, optimal control, involution of PDEs, gradient techniques Number 315 Speaker L.Edsberg, KTH, Stockholm Title On different types of regularization in algorithms for robust estimation of parameters in dynamic systems Keywords parameter estimation, DAEs, regularization, nonlinear least-squares, trust region, numerical results Number 274 Speaker V.Gopal, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Title An optimization approach to the consistent initialization and reinitialization after discontinuities of differential algebraic equations Keywords DAEs, initialization, discontinuities, consistent initial conditions Number 314 Speaker G.Wikstrom, Umea University, Sweden Title Computation of parameters occurring linearly in dynamic models Keywords parameter estimation, DAEs, smoothing, error analysis, initialization, software Number 325 Speaker D.Bae, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea Title DAE solution methods for multibody mechanical systems--implementation consideration Keywords DAEs, tradeoffs between accuracy and complexity, invariant methods, mechanical systems +++c46 multiobjective programming Number 78 Speaker D.Zhuang, Simon Fraser University, BC Title Solving vector optimization problems via the integral approach Keywords vector optimization, multiobjective optimization, global optimization, scalarization Number 90 Speaker Truong XuanDuc Ha, Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi, Vietnam Title Scalarization of some vector optimization problems Keywords vector optimization, multiobjective optimization, scalarization Number 173 G.Yuan, University of Queensland, Australia Title The existence and stability of minimax theorems for vector and set-valued mappings Keywords mutiobjective optimization, minimax, maximin, saddle points, theory Number 53 Speaker R.Mukherjee, Institute of Technology, Varanasi, India Title Regularization penalty function in multiobjective programming Keywords multiobjective optimization, regularization, polyhedral constraints Number 7 Speaker G.Shu, Academica Sinica, China Title Optimization method based on system reconstruction behavior analysis Keywords system analysis, structural optimization, multiobjective optimization +++c47 convex analysis; optimality theory Number 299 Speaker G.Mehta, University of Queensland, Australia Title On the homeomorphism types of totally ordered representable sets Number 12 Speaker A.Dontchev, Mathematical Reviews, Ann Arbor Title Characterizations of strong regularity for variational inequalities over polyhedral convex sets Keywords variational inequalities, strong regularity, complementarity Number 253 Speaker L.Rapoport, Institute of Control Sciences, Moscow, Russia Title Positive definiteness of the quadratic form on the cone and stability of elastic bodies with one-sided constraints Keywords Linear inequalities, Legendre quadratic form, variational approach, elastic stability of bodies, distributed parameters Number 19 Speaker V.Postolica, Romanian Association of Scientists, Romania Title Properties of Pareto sets and related topics Keywords convex cones, Pareto sets, vector optimization, potential theory, best approximation Number 33 Speaker L.Yongjin, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, Chine Title The convexity of linear operator on Banach space Keywords convex analysis +++c48 convex analysis; optimality theory Number 127 Speaker A.Levy, Bowdoin College, Maine Title Characterizations of local single-valuedness of multifunctions Keywords convex analysis, variational inequalities, multifunctions, theory Number 135 Speaker X.Yang, University of Western Australia, Australia Title On second-order directional derivatives and applications Keywords convex functions, directional derivatives, convex analysis Number 328 Speaker J.Treiman, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan Title A necessary condition for bilevel optimization Keywords hierarchical deterministic optimization, bilevel optimization, theory Number 22 Speaker J.Ruckmann, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany Title Disjunctive optimization: critical point theory Keywords Morse theory, disjunctive optimization, stationary point, convex analysis +++c49 ill posed problems Number 355 (from CM-10) Speaker Curtis R. Vogel, Montana State University Title Numerical Methods for Large-Scale Optimization Problems Arising in Distributed Parameter Identification Number 354 (from CM-10) Speaker Anatoly Bakushinsky, Institute of System Analysis, Russia Title Universal Linear Approximation of the Solutions of Nonlinear Operator Equations and its applications Number 356 (from CM-10) Speaker Gulnara Kuramshina, Moscow State University, Russia Title Solving Inverse Problems of Vibrational Spectroscopy by Regularization of Ill-Posed Extremal Problems Number 357 (from CM-10) Speaker Anatoly Yagola, Moscow State University Title Nonlinear Ill-Posed Problems in Applications +++c50 integer programming (including CM-24) Number 204 Speaker A.Nou, KTH, Stockholm Title Dual Bregman proximal methods for large 0-1 problems Keywords integer programming, proximal point methods, set covering, large-scale, convex programming, dual methods, probabilistic methods Number 369 (from CM-24) Speaker Rene van Dal, University of Heidelberg, Germany Title m-Machine Job Shop Scheduling with Labour Constraints Number 370 (from CM-24) Speaker Hartmut Schwab, University of Heidelberg, Germany Title Parallel Preprocessing and Branch and Cut Number 371 (from CM-24) Speaker Dieter G. Homeister, University of Heidelberg, Germany Title Efficient Implementation of Parallel Branch and Cut +++c51 convex programming Number 63 Speaker F.Steiger, University of Trier, Germany Title Local convergence of sequential convex programming methods Keywords nonlinear programming, optimal design, convex approximations, structural optimization Number 153 Speaker K.Madsen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark Title A new finite continuation algorithm for bound constrained QP Keywords convex QP, bound constraints, continuation, robust regression Number 157 Speaker D.Butnariu, University of Haifa, Israel Title An expected-projection method for solving convex optimization problems Keywords convex programming, variational inequalities, theory Number 340 Speaker B.Svaiter, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Title A new row-action method for convex programming Keywords convex programming, row-action methods, large-scale, sparsity Number 365 (from CM-15) Speaker Constantin N.Udriste, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania Title Optimization on Riemannian manifolds Number 146 Speaker E.Apekina, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia Title Multicut versions of simplex imbedding method in convex programming Keywords convex programming, cutting plane method Number 147 Speaker V.Bulatov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia Title Numerical methods for solving multiextremal problems connected with the inverse mathematical programming problems Keywords inverse problems, convex programming, cutting plane +++c53 convex programming Number 150 Speaker S.Wright, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Title A general primal-dual envelope method for convex programming Keywords convex programming, interior method, primal dual method, envelope methods, decomposition Number 226 Speaker I.Litvinchev, San-Paulo State University, Brazil Title Improved error bounds for the aggregated convex programming problems Keywords convex programming, large-scale, aggregation, error bounds Number 339 Speaker F.Al-Khayyal,Georgia Institute of Technology Title Difference of convex (DC) optimization methods for continuous location problems Keywords location problems, convex optimization, numerical results Number 368 (from CM-15) Speaker Steven Smith, Harvard University Title Descent Algorithms on Riemannian Manifolds Number 149 Speaker M.Nechaeva, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia Title The numerical testing of a modification of the ellipsoid method for solving complete convex quadratic problems Keywords convex programming, quadratic constraints, ellipsoid methods Number 191 Speaker M.Davidson, Moscow State University, Russia Title An improved rate of convergence for gradient projection method in strongly convex constrained case Keywords convex programming, convergence theory, gradient projection +++c54 interior methods Number 187 Speaker J.Dussault, University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada Title Asymptotic analysis of barrier trajectories without constraint qualification Keywords barrier trajectories, interior methods, theory Number 192 Speaker A.Berkelaar, Delft University, Netherlands Title Parametric QP using optimal tripartition Keywords parametric QP, sensitivity analysis, interior methods, tripartitions Number 128 Speaker Z.Luo, McMaster University, Canada Title An analytic center based column generation algorithm for convex feasibility problems Keywords convex quadratic inequalities, feasible point, quadratic cuts, column generation, interior methods Number 154 Speaker T.Tsuchiya, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan Title Global convergence of the affine scaling algorithm for convex QP Keywords convex QP, interior methods, affine scaling, degeneracy, theory Number 251 Speaker S.Mizuno, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan Title A simplified layered-step interior-point algorithm for LP Keywords LP, interior method, path of centers, layered algorithm (Vavasis-Ye) Number 330 Speaker P.Oliveira, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Title An infeasible interior point method for geometric programming Keywords primal-dual method, geometric programming, regularization +++c55 interior methods Number 88 Speaker M.Todd, Cornell University Title On a theoretical framework for parameter adjustment in homotopy methods Keywords homotopy methods, convex programming, interior methods, path-following Number 60 Speaker I.Dikin Title Determination of interior points of systems of inequality and equality constraints Keywords interior methods, inequalities, applications in electric utilities Number 176 Speaker O.Guler, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland Title On the self-concordance of the universal barrier function Keywords interior methods, barrier function, theory, self-concordance Number 186 Speaker Z.Parada, Rice University Title On the characterization of q-superlinear convergence of quasi-Newton interior-point methods for nonlinear programming Keywords interior methods, primal-dual variables, convergence analysis Number 181 Speaker W.Wang, University of Maryland, College Park Title An interior point algorithm with adaptive solver for large-scale LP problems Keywords interior method, LP, CG, adaptive solvers, iterative methods, linear algebra Number 148 Speaker A.Filatov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia Title Solving the optimal control problems by the algorithms based on the methods of interior points and penalty functions Keywords control, interior point methods, penalty functions +++c56 interior methods Number 208 Speaker R.Tapia, Rice University Title On the application of interior-point methodology to groundwater remediation Keywords interior methods, applications, large-scale Number 243 Speaker M.Hribar, Northwestern University Title The implementation of an interior point method for general nonlinear programming using trust regions Keywords trust region, large-scale, interior methods, barrier method, numerical results Number 273 Speaker P.Williams, Rice University Title On effective finite termination techniques within interior point methods for linear programming problems Keywords LP, interior method, indicators, termination, optimal basis Number 283 Speaker J.Liu, UC San Diego, California Title An interior projected trust region-based algorithm for linearly constrained minimization Keywords trust region, interior methods, convergence analysis, linear constraints Number 289 Speaker R.Vandebei, Princeton University Title LOCO: an interior-point code for convex optimization Keywords software, convex programming, interior methods Number 290 Speaker M.Grant, Stanford University Title Improving the efficiency of interior-point methods using conic formulations Keywords barrier functions, conic formulations, LP, semidefinite programming +++c57 integer and combinatorial optimization Number 207 Speaker M.Parker, Eastern Oregon State College Title A math programming approach to linear discriminant analysis Keywords integer programming, linearly inseparable data, discriminant analysis, set covering Number 145 Speaker O. Khamisov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia Title On the use of concave and piecewise convex support functions in discrete programming Keywords integer programming, penalty functions, reduction to continuous case Number 205 Speaker A.Kolokolov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Omsk, Russia Title The bounds of iteration numbers for some integer programming problems Keywords integer programming, fractional cutting plane, partitions, theory Number 227 Speaker V.Ilev, Omsk State University, Omsk, Russia Title On the discrete analog of the gradient algorithm Keywords combinatorial optimization, greedy algorithms, independence systems, steepest descent +++c58 integer and combinatorial optimization Number 161 Speaker C.Ferreira, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil Title Matrix decomposition: a branch and cut approach Keywords integer programming, polyhedral combinatorics, matrix decomposition Number 230 Speaker G.Zakeri, University of Auckland, New Zealand Title Techniques for solving large-scale set-partitioning problems Keywords large-scale, set partitioning, 0-1 integer programming, branch and bound, interior methods, column generation techniques Number 233 Speaker H.Okano, IBM Research, Tokyo, Japan Title A new TSP construction heuristic and its relationship to the 2-opting Keywords traveling salesman problem, grand rout method, 2-opting Number 174 Speaker A.Punnen, University of New Brunswick, Canada Title Traveling salesman problem with two distinct tour values Keywords combinatorial optimization, graphs, traveling salesman problem Number 47 Speaker (?) G.Tang, Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, China Title Single machine scheduling to minimize total late cost plus total crash cost Keywords branch and bound, scheduling, integer programming +++c59 semidefinite programming Number 92 Speaker M.Mesbahi, USC, Los Angeles, California Title On the rank minimization problem over a positive semidefinite linear matrix inequality Keywords complementarity, semidefinite programming, rank minimization Number 160 Speaker L. Prokolab, Rutgers University Title On the complexity of semidefinite programs Keywords semidefinite programming, theory, complexity, feasibility Number 287 Speaker M.Nayakkankuppam, Courant Institute Title A condition number for LP and SDP Keywords LP, semidefinite programming, primal-dual methods, interior methods, condition number Number 185 Speaker J.Olkin, SRI, Menlo Park, California Title Numerical tools for semidefinite programming design of multi-constraint H^2 controllers Keywords control, semidefinite programming, quadratic constraints, linear algebra techniques, numerical results Number 55 Speaker L.Faybusovich, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana Title Jordan algebras, symmetric cones and algorithms Keywords semidefinite programming, Jordan algebras, self-dual homogeneous (symmetric) cones +++c60 semidefinite programming Number 97 Speaker M.Zibulevsky, Technion, Israel Title New penalty/barrier and Lagrange multiplier approaches for semidefinite programming Keywords semidefinite programming, penalty, barrier, augmented Lagrangian Number 117 Speaker J.Sturm, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands Title Symmetric primal-dual path following algorithms for semidefinite programming Keywords semidefinite programming, primal-dual methods Number 131 Speaker C.-J.Lin, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Title A predictor-corrector method for semidefinite linear programming Keywords semidefinite programming, interior method, path following, predictor-corrector Number 271 Speaker J.-P.Haeberly, Fordham University, Bronx, New York Title The Q primal-dual method for semidefinite programming Keywords semidefinite programming, primal-dual method, interior method Number 193 Speaker R.Sheng, University of Iowa Title A superlinearly convergent primal-dual infeasible-interior-point algorithm for semidefinite programming Keywords semidefinite programming, interior methods, primal-dual methods Number 223 Speaker L.Palagi, University of Rome, Italy Title A class of superlinearly convergent algorithms for semidefinite programming Keywords semidefinite programming, exact penalty functions, relaxation, quadratic constraints, Newton-type algorithms +++c61 control Number 351 Speaker N. Nichols, University of Reading, England Title Data assimilation in numerical weather prediction using optimal control Keywords control, weather prediction, application, variational methods of assimilation, large-scale constrained optimization, model error Number 144 Speaker G.Wulff, Institute of Flight Mechanics, Germany Title The use of MIMO procedures in optimal control Keywords control, dynamic systems, models, multiple coherence function Number 179 Speaker J.Dunyak, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas Title optimal stabilization of Hamiltonian systems pertubed by white noise Keywords control, stabilization, perturbed Hamiltonian systems Number 49 Speaker K.Chudei, Technische Universitat Munchen, Munchen, Germany Title Improving the convergence of multiple shooting for certain optimal control problems with a quadratic control component Keywords optimal control, aerospace engineering, trajectory optimization, shooting Number 124 Speaker S. Walczak, Lodz University, Poland Title Continuous dependence on controls and boundary data for nonlinear Dirichlet problems and Hamiltonian systems Keywords control, differential equations, Dirichlet problems, Hamiltonian, theory Number 20 Speaker A.Melikyan,Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Title Invariant description of chattering phenomenon in control theory Keywords optimal control, PDEs, singularity conditions Number 46 Speaker A.Lozowicki, Technical University of Szczecin, Poland Title On using of H(infty) theory for solving the nonlinear two-mass problem Keywords optimal control, H(infty) +++c62 control Number 126 Speaker P.Woodford, Imperial College, England Title Nonseparated necessary conditions for optimal control problems with state constraints Keywords control, state constraints, nonsmooth analysis, theory Number 237 Speaker R.Karidi, Stanford University Title Singular geodesic functions in sub-Riemannian geometry Keywords control, Hamiltonian, Riemannian, DAEs, singularity, smoothness Number 293 Speaker S.DiMarco, University of Rosario, Argentina Title Minimax optimal control problem--infinite horizon case Keywords control, infinite horizon, regularity, theory Number 81 Speaker K.Liu, Northern Jiaotong University, Beijing, China Title Two optimal problems Keywords variational inequalities, stochastic optimization, control Number 70 Speaker E.Pervukhina (where from?) Title On using matrix differential calculus in solving the optimization problems Keywords control, matrix function derivatives, maximum likelihood, dynamical systems Number 284 Speaker I.Slavov, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Sofia, Bulgaria Title Continuity properties of the attainable set of singularly perturbed control system with a time delay Keywords control, singular perturbation, attainable set, theory +++c63 control and differential equations Number 262 Speaker S.Ito, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan Title A relaxation procedure for state-constrained optimal control problems Keywords control, infinite programming, SQP, relaxation Number 294 Speaker B.Tanyi, Imperial College, London, England Title Efficient approximate algorithms for optimal robust decisions under uncertainty Keywords control, uncertainty, robustness, approximations, numerical results Number 312 Speaker J.Faco, University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Title optimization of large-scale nonlinear dynamical system Keywords control, bound constraints, dynamical equations, reduced gradient method, structured matrices Number 318 Speaker S.Cunha, Porto University, Portugal Title Impulsive minimax observation and control problems Keywords control, minimax control, impulsive systems, differential inclusion, theory, differential equations Number 321 Speaker G.Sklyar, Kharkov State University, Ukraine Title A recent advance in time optimality Keywords control, time optimality, moment problem Number 113 Speaker P.Nikolaevich, Chelyabinsk State University, Russia Title Control problems involving partial differential equations with discontinuous nonlinearities Keywords control, PDEs, existence theorems Number 346 Speaker D.Khusainov, Kiev University, Ukraine Title Optimization of transient process characteristics for dynamical system using second Liapunov method Keywords differential equations, stability, Liapunov method, optimal characteristics of transient processes +++c64 applications Number 1 Speaker J.Sadjadi, University of Waterloo Title An application of extended Lagrangian function optimization to a large-scale water resources management problem Keywords constrained optimization, application Number 26 Speaker E.Haber, Geophysical Inversion Facility, UBC, Vancouver Title Minimizing structural differences in joint inversion Keywords inverse problems, structures, applications of optimization Number 34 Speaker P. Prochazka, Technical University Prague, Czech Republic Title Optimization of structures using extended Hashin-Shtrikman principles Keywords convex analysis, structural optimization, industrial applications, optimal eigenstresses Number 220 Speaker D. Jones, General Motors Title Engineering optimization with response surfaces Keywords surface fitting, data fitting, Bayesian response surfaces, statistical lower bounds, engineering applications Number 83 Speaker V.Kirsanov, Tver Technical University, Tver, Russia Title Selection optimization of radiation-resistant alloys Keywords modeling, applications of optimization, vector optimization Number 311 Speaker E.Shikin, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Title Dynamic searching problems: geometric approach Keywords searching problems, animation, computer graphics, geometric structure, applications Number 375 (from CM-28) Speaker Valentine Boju, University of Craiova, Romania Title Improved Diagnosis by Bioinvariants Method +++c65 applications Number 119 Speaker A.Voskanian, Electricite de France, France Title Using linear programming to optimize stock management Keywords integer linear programming, applications, relaxation, large-scale Number 120 Speaker H.Li., Ford Motor Company, Novi, Michigan Title Wiring harness level distribution problem Keywords linear programming, modeling, applications Number 162 Speaker W.Bishop, University of Waterloo Title 1-dimensional placement using a heuristic linear programming technique Keywords placement problems, node placement, LP heuristic, layout problems Number 350 Speaker R.Underwood, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado Title A dual simplex viewpoint for solving the ultimate pit problem Keywords optimal design for open pit mine, application, mining, Number 255 Speaker D.Fenger, University of Victoria Title Distance calculations for robotics using quadratic programming Keywords robotics, collision avoidance, QP subproblem, application Number 171 Speaker A.Quist, Delft University, Netherlands Title Reloading pattern assignment in a nuclear reactor core Keywords assignment problems, relaxation, quadratic constraints, applications Number 373 (from CM-28) Speaker Nicolae Giurgiteanu, University of Craiova, Romania Title The Stream's Criterion for the Selection of Stable Flying Zones +++c66 applications Number 301 Speaker A.Etzel, Research Institute Frankfurt, Germany Title A new integer program for hierarchical wire routing Keywords combinatorial optimization, routing, integer programming, integrated circuit layout,application Number 302 Speaker L.Achenie, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut Title Challenges in the solution of a mixed integer nonlinear program based solvent design problem Keywords mixed integer, solvent design, application, nonconvex problems Number 212 Speaker C.Nunn, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas Title Grid generation techniques for nonconvex domains Keywords grid generation, applications of optimization Number 151 Speaker G.Ruiz, UMSNH, Mexico Title New discrete functionals for smooth convex grid generation Keywords homotopy approach, convex grid generation, application Number 372 (from CM-28) Speaker Mihaela Sterpu, University of Craiova, Romania Title Pattern Convex Improvement Number 374 (from CM-28) Speaker Valentin Boju, University of Craiova, Romania Title Computational Approach on TVF - Regression Riemannian Submanifolds ********extras (posters) Number 194 Speaker A.Minenko, Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Ukraine Title Axially symmetric flow Keywords boundary value problems, flow, Ritz method, theory, differential equations Number 158 Speaker A.Kosmodemyanskii, Moscow, Russia Title The torsion problem in quasicircular domains