Invited Speaker
Jeff Lagarias
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Murray Hill, NJ

Paper: The 3x+1 problem and its generalizations
Talk: A new view on the Hirsch Conjecture
(QuickTime movie - 1.5M)
Abstract: The Hirsch conjecture states that any d-dimensional bounded polytope with n facets has an edge-path between any two vertices of length at most n-d. The d-step conjecture is the special case n=2d, and is known to be equivalent to the general conjecture. It has long been suspected to be false in high dimensions. In joint work with N. Prabhu and J. Reeds, we discovered striking evidence that it is true in all dimensions, in a strong form. This evidence was based on a connection with Gaussian elimination of a set of $(d!)^2$ matrices constructed from the d-polytope with 2d facets, and massive computational experiments.

About Myself

Born: U.S.A
I got my degrees from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (S.B./S. M. 1972 Ph.D. 1974) all in mathematics. My thesis advisor was Harold M. Stark, with a thesis in Algebraic Number Theory.
Interests: I am a pretty quiet guy who enjoys reading and going for nice leisurely runs.
Comments: I'm kind of the traditional type; I am most attracted to the permanence and stability of mathematics: I don't even own a computer!