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We feel that many of these problems can be addressed through the development of a rigorous notion of experimental mathematics. In keeping with the positivist tradition, mathematics is viewed as the most exact of sciences and mathematicians have long taken pride in this. But as mathematics has expanded, many mathematicians have begun to feel constrained by the bonds placed upon us by our collective notion of proof. Mathematics has grown explosively during our century with many of the seminal developments in highly abstract seemingly non-computational areas. This was partly from taste and the power of abstraction but, we would argue, equally much from the lack of an alternative. Many intrinsically more concrete areas were, by 1900, explored to the limits of pre-computer mathematics. Highly computational, even ``brute--force'' methods were of necessity limited but the computer has changed all that. A re-concretization is now underway. The computer--assisted proofs of the four color theorem are a prime example of computer--dependent methodology and have been highly controversial despite the fact that such proofs are much more likely to be error free than, say, even the revised proof of Fermat's Last Theorem.

Still, these computerized proofs need offer no insight. The Wilf/Zeilberger algorithms for `hypergeometric' summation and integration, if properly implemented, can rigorously prove very large classes of identities. In effect, the algorithms encapsulate parts of mathematics. The question raised is: `` How can one make full use of these very powerful ideas?'' Doron Zeilberger has expressed his ideas on experimental mathematics in a paper dealing with what he called `semi-rigorous' mathematics. While his ideas as presented are somewhat controversial, many of his ideas have a great deal of merit. The last problem is perhaps the most surprising. As mathematics has continued to grow there has been a recognition that the age of the mathematical generalist is long over. What has not been so readily acknowledged is just how specialized mathematics has become. As we have already observed, sub-fields of mathematics have become more and more isolated from each other. At some level, this isolation is inherent but it is imperative that communications between fields should be left as wide open as possible. As fields mature, speciation occurs. The communication of sophisticated proofs will never transcend all boundaries since many boundaries mark true conceptual difficulties. But experimental mathematics, centering on the use of computers in mathematics, would seem to provide a common ground for the transmission of many insights. And this requires a common meta--languagegif. While such a language may develop largely independent of any conscious direction on the part of the mathematical community, some focused effort on the problems of today will result in fewer growing pains tomorrow.

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