Manfred Trummer

What Manfred has to say about himself
Status: CECM Member, Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, SFU
Phone: (604) 291-3799
Office: TLX10517


Research Interest

Most of my current research effort is spent on computing invariant manifolds for ordinary differential equations and low-dimensional inertial manifolds for partial differential equations. The main numerical tools are spectral and pseudospectral Galerkin methods. These manifolds assist in studying the long-term behavior of the differential equations involved. The dimension of the problem can be reduced significantly under certain assumptions, and systems which ultimately exhibit low-dimensional space. Often a reduced dimension is required to make bifurcation analysis, or long-term simulations feasible. Other research projects are on spectral methods for partial differential equations (in particular, stability and its relation to pseudo-eigenvalues of differentiation matrices), transformation techniques for spectral methods for problems with thin boundary layers, numerical conformal mapping, and iterative methods for solving large, unsymmetric systems of linear equations.

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