Emerging Tools for Experimental Mathematics
Jonathan M. Borwein and Robert M. Corless
Introduction and ``Warm-up''
If I can give an abstract proof of something, I'm reasonably happy. But
if I can get a concrete, computational proof and actually produce
numbers I'm much happier. I'm rather an addict of doing things on the
computer, because that gives you an explicit criterion of what's going
on. I have a visual way of thinking, and I'm happy if I can see a
picture of what I'm working with. -John Milnor, []
Using mostly elementary examples, we discuss the
use of some recent and emerging tools for experimental mathematics.
The tools discussed include so-called ``inverse symbolic computation'',
lattice reduction algorithms such as ``LLL'' and ``PSLQ'',
and Sloane and Plouffe's integer sequence
lookup program.
We concentrate on `computer-assisted discovery' of
mathematical results, but a little `computer-assisted proof'
creeps in as well. This paper is not a tutorial on how lattice basis reduction
algorithms such as LLL or PSLQ actually work; rather, we discuss some of the ways these
tools can be used to generate conjectures, and for that, a detailed understanding of the underlying algorithms is not necessary. We do hope, however, to convey some appreciation of their power.
We begin with some warm-up examples, using the Inverse Symbolic Calculator (ISC);
http:// www.cecm.sfu.ca/ MRG/ INTERFACES.html.
The basic idea is simple: given the first few decimal digits of some real number,
we want the ISC to guess a formula for what it ``really'' is.
For example, if we input 3.14626436994198, and click on ``simple lookup'' (the default) and
``Run'', the ISC tells us that
3146264369941972 = (0405) 1/abs(-sr(3)+sr(2))
Your value of 314626436994198 would be here.
3146264469611207 = (0192) (5^(1/2)+4)/(exp(1/2)+1/3)
This has correctly identified our input as 1/(�3-�2) = �3+�2, by table lookup.
Using the ``integer relation'' option would get us, instead,
the error message that we need at least 16 digits,
and then when we change the final 8 to 72, the following answer appears:
K = 3.146264369941972 gave the following results:
2 4
K satisfies the following polynomial, 1 - 10 X + X
together with some negative results about combinations of other constants.
Now consider a second ``warm-up''.
If we input the number K,
computed from the infinite product
K = |
n � 2
n2-1 n2+1
= .2720290549821331� , |
then the ``simple lookup'' fails to tell us anything; the ``integer relations''
option tells us that it is not a simple combination of a few specific constants;
but the ``smart lookup'' tells us that K/2 = p/(exp(-p)-exp(p)). This
is actually wrong-it's got the wrong sign, possibly because signs are ignored for the ISC-but the digits are correctly identified.
K is indeed equal to p/sinh(p).
As a final warm-up, consider the following two infinite products:
| (1) |
k � 1
(1 + |
1 k
+ |
1 k2
+ |
1 k3
)2 |
| (2) |
| |
Simple lookup, smart lookup, and integer relations as embodied in the
ISC all fail to tell us anything about these numbers.
In fact, (1) is
k � 1
= |
3�2 p
sinh(p �2)
, |
but this is a strange enough formula that we aren't surprised that the ISC can't identify it.
We do not know any closed form expression for (2), however.
The ``generalized expansions'' option guesses that there is a simple
generating function for the ``egyptian fraction'' of the reciprocal of (1), namely
but this is incorrect, and it is easy to disprove this conjecture by computing the series
x(69x-2) 47x-1
= 2 x+ |
k � 2
(25·47k-2) xk |
| (3) |
and evaluating the rational number that is the ``egyptian fraction'' defined by the coefficients of the series (3):
1 2
+ |
k � 2
1 25·47k-2
= |
311 575
= .540869565� , |
| (4) |
whereas the reciprocal of (1) starts off as .5408515498�,
which differs from 311/575 after the fourth decimal place.
Similarly, the ISC's generalized expansions return an incorrect egyptian fraction for the
reciprocal of (2).
An `egyptian fraction' is just an ordinary rational written as a sum of reciprocals of natural numbers without repeated entries in the sum. The egyptian fraction (4)
corresponding to the generating function (3) is a geometric series.
So, we have seen examples where the ISC tells us something useful, tells us something
incorrect, and tells us nothing.
2 A connection between the
Lambert W function and Stirling's formula for n!
We now look at a more interesting example, using
the online version of the Encyclopedia of
Integer Sequences []
(http:// www.research.att.com/ [ \tilde]njas/ sequences/).
The Lambert W function satisfies
See [] for a survey of properties and applications of
W, together with some of its history; []
explores various series for W including the one we discuss
in this section.
We give a short introduction to this function in
Appendix .
Figure 1:
The real branches of the function W(x) that
satisfies WexpW = x.
There is a branch point of W at x = -1/e, where W(x) = -1. See
Figure 1, which can be produced in MAPLE by the command
> plot( [ t*exp(t), t, t=-5..1 ], -1..3, -4..1 );
The two real-valued branches of W are denoted W0(x) and
W-1(x); we also refer to W0(x) as the principal branch.
We wish to know more about
the function near the branch point at x = -1/e. After various
experiments, we decide to compute the series of
get, very quickly, that W0(-exp(-1-z2/2)) =
-1 + z- |
1 3
z2+ |
1 36
z3+ |
1 270
z4+ |
1 4320
z5- |
1 17010
z6 |
| |
- |
139 5443200
z7- |
1 204120
z8- |
571 2351462400
z9+O(z10) . |
| (6) |
| |
As our first real example of using a new tool, we look up the sequence of
1, 3, 36, 270, 4320, �, in [].
[Sometimes denominators have nontrivial common factors with
numerators. Cancellation of these common factors will make
any ``guessing'' procedure more difficult.]
We find the sequence immediately,
and the Encyclopedia gives
a reference to the delightful paper [],
which does not mention W or refer to any papers
on W,
or indeed even use it explicitly.
Thus, [] would not easily be
found by a normal citation search.
We find out in [] that equation (6)
gives coefficients
needed in Stirling's formula for n!, which begins
n! ~ | � |
nn e-n |
� �
1+ |
1 12 n
+ |
1 288 n2
- |
139 51840 n3
- |
571 2488320 n4
+O |
� �
1 n5
� �
� �
. |
The connection we discover (without doing any work ourselves) is that if
W0(-e-1-z2/2) = |
k � 0
(-1)k-1 ak zk , |
n! ~ | � |
nn e-n |
k � 0
1·3 ·5 �(2k+1) nk
a2k+1 , |
and moreover there is a lovely (and useful!) recurrence relation for the
ak's, namely a0 = 1, a1 = 1, and
an = |
1 (n+1)a1
� �
an-1 - |
n-1 �
k = 2
kakan+1-k |
� �
. |
3 Riemann Surfaces
Tools such as MATLAB and MAPLE permit
easy and accurate visualization of Riemann surfaces for elementary
functions [,].
Our qualitative understanding of even extremely basic mathematical
building blocks can thus be affected by mathematical software tools.
See []
for more discussion of visualization in general; here we concentrate on
a simple technique for visualization of Riemann surfaces, namely
to make 3-d plots of �f(z) or �f(z).
It is necessary to prove something about this
technique-namely, that it really gives us a good picture of the
Riemann surface and not just a 3-d plot of the imaginary part (or the
real part) of the function involved. This is pursued in more detail
in [], but the key point is that given w = u + iv = f(z) = f(x + iy), then we get an accurate Riemann surface by plotting,
say, (x,y,v) if and only if the missing piece of
information (here, u)
is completely determined once x, y, and v are
given. This is simple, if not quite obvious: once we have a smooth
three-dimensional surface, each point of which can be associated with
a unique value (i.e. ordered pair) of the map z � w = f(z),
then we have a representation of
the Riemann surface of f.
This exact association is not automatic. For example,
if w = ln(z) and we plot (x,y,u), then
we do not get a picture of the Riemann surface for
logarithm, because the branch of v = �(w) = arg (z) is
not determined from u = ln(x2+y2)/2, x, and y. If we plot
(x,y,v), of course, we do recover the classical picture of the Riemann
surface for ln(z), because given x, y, and v we can easily
find u.
The following short piece of MAPLE code shows how to graph the Riemann
surface for the Lambert W function.
We urge you to try the
following computation, because
the dynamic coloured picture you get is much more easily understood
than the static black-and-white image in Figure . We also urge you
to try your hand at your own functions; many others are graphed
in [] and [].
z : = (u + I v) e(u + I v) |
u eu cos(v) - v eu sin(v) + I (v eu cos(v) + u eu sin(v)) |
x : = u eu cos(v) - v eu sin(v) |
y : = v eu cos(v) + u eu sin(v) |
> plot3d([x,y,v], u=-6..1,
v=-5..5, axes=FRAME,
labels=["x","y","v "],
See Figure for a static representation of the results of
this plot command.
Figure Figure 2:
The Riemann surface for the Lambert W function.
3.1 1-1 correspondence proof
Given x, y, and v, we have to solve for u. Of course, one
takes the existence of (u,v) for
a given (x,y) for granted here; for the Lambert W function, a proof can be
found in [].
We have
which gives
ueu + iveu = (x+iy)e-iv = (x+iy)(cosv - isinv) ; |
ueu + iveu = (xcosv + ysinv) + i (ycosv - xsinv) . |
If v � 0, and moreover ycosv - xsinv � 0, then dividing the
real part by the imaginary part gives
u in terms of x, y, and v:
u = |
v (x cosv + y sinv) y cosv - xsinv
. |
This solution is unique. Investigation of the exceptional
conditions v = 0 or y cosv - xsinv = 0
leads to uexpu = x, which has two solutions if and only if -1/e � x < 0, in the case v = 0, and to the
singular condition u = -� and x = y = 0.
This is precisely what we observe in the graph: two sheets intersect only if -1/e � x < 0 (note that the colours are
different and hence the corresponding sheets on the Riemann surface do not ``really'' intersect), and all sheets have a singularity at the origin, except
the central one, which contains v = 0. This is as good a representation of the
Riemann surface for the Lambert W function as can be produced in three dimensions.
However, Figure 2 is nowhere near as intelligible as
the live MAPLE plot.
On a PC, the use of OpenGL by MAPLE allows the plot to be
rotated by direct mouse control. This helps to give a good sense of what
the surface is really like, in three dimensions.
4 Dynamical systems, numerical analysis, and formal
power series
In this section we give a brief overview of a surprising connection
between numerical analysis of dynamical systems and formal power series.
We begin with a simple question: what, exactly, does
the fixed time step forward Euler numerical method do to the solution of
the simple initial value problem
with y(0) = y0?
The numerical procedure is just
for integer n � 0, where yn� = yn2 and h > 0 is the
chosen time step.
It turns out to be useful to rescale y and t
so that v = hy and t = ht, giving
and (8) becomes
We may then rephrase our question to ask instead what the
relationship between vn and v(t) is.
The point of view taken in [] is that of
backward error analysis. That is, instead of asking for the
difference between v(n) and vn, we ask instead if there
is another differential equation, say
whose solution interpolates vn. That is, we impose
the conditions w(0) = v0 and w(t+1) = w(t) + w(t)2
(cf. (10)), and
see if we can find such a function B(w).
We do this not so we can improve the behaviour of Euler's method for
this problem, but rather so that
we may understand what Euler's method has done to the problem; for by
understanding the function B(w) we will learn something about
Euler's method, by comparing (9) to (11).
It turns out that we can use the method of modified
equations [] to find as many terms of the
Taylor series for B(w) as we desire.
When we
the modified
equation for (7) to (say) fifth order, we get
dw dt
= |
� �
1 - w + |
3 2!
w2 - |
16 3!
w3 + |
124 4!
w4 - |
1256 5!
w5 |
� �
w2 . |
| (12) |
Now we see the sequence 1, -1, 3, -16, 124, -1256 appearing.
This is sequence M3024 in [], which points
us directly to the very beautiful and useful paper [].
We find in that paper that if
cn = |
1 n-1
n-1 �
i = 1
� �
n-i + 1
� �
cn-i , |
and this, combined with the functional equation
B(w) = |
(1+w)2 1+2w
B(w+w2) |
(which can be iterated to give us two converging infinite products for B),
allows us to write an efficient program to evaluate B(w). We can show that
B(w) has a pole at w = -1/2;
by mapping backwards, solving w + w2 = -1/2, we find two
more (complex) poles. Iterating this process finds an infinite
number of complex poles, approaching the Julia set for the map v � v+v2 arbitrarily closely;
see Figure .
Figure Figure 3:
The first 16000 poles of B(v), approaching the Julia set of v � v + v2.
The Julia set itself approaches
the origin arbitrarily closely. That is, there are poles arbitrarily close to the point of expansion of the series given
for B. Thus the series (13)
diverges-but, nonetheless, it can be used to
evaluate B(w) for w close enough to zero, using
MAPLE's built-in sequence acceleration techniques. This is precisely where the convergent infinite products are slow, and
hence the series is useful. See [] for details.
But more to the point, in [], G. Labelle completely
solves the problem of interpolating discrete dynamical systems with
continuous dynamical systems, in the domain of formal power series.
The mathematical language, however, is quite different from
that used in the numerical analysis world.
As an example,
in [] the `modified equation' is termed an
`infinitesimal generator'
for the discrete dynamical system.
Therefore, simple subject searches might not find [].
Indeed, a combinatorics
journal seems an unlikely place to find the
solution of a problem in the numerical analysis of dynamical
but the Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
provides a way to search the `knowledge database' that is keyed on the
or the concrete results, of papers-not the jargon. This, if
you like, is a new kind of search tool.
5 An integer-relation example
The following is taken from [].
As a didactic example, suppose that we are interested in finding the value of the definite integral
V = |
� �
�x ln5 x (1-x)5
dx , |
| (14) |
and that we suspect that V could be expressed as a polynomial in p2,
of low degree, with short rational coefficients.
Such a conjecture might arise naturally from consideration of
for example, and we may suppose that these values are known already, for the sake of argument.
One can use
the ``mellin'' routine of the ``inttrans'' package in MAPLE to evaluate all these (and V) symbolically-so this example is
really just expository.
To be explicit, we conjecture that
V = r1 + r2 p2 + r3 p6 + r4 p6 , |
where all the ri are short rational numbers.
Instead of trying to derive the coefficients of the this polynomial analytically,
we can use numerical approximation and a lattice basis reduction algorithm,
the LLL algorithm given in [],
to identify the coefficients heuristically. In an ideal world, we would then know what we had to prove, and, knowing
that, would find the proof easier.
We give a short overview of using the LLL algorithm to find integer relations.
Suppose that we have a finite set B
of n-dimensional linearly independent vectors with rational entries. We call the set
L = |
� �
v � B
rv v |
� �
rv � \mathbb Z |
� �
``the lattice spanned by B".
We say that the lattice has dimension n, and that B is a basis for the lattice.
There may be many other bases for the lattice, and we often want to find particular bases
with nice properties. For many applications, and in particular for finding integer relations,
what we would really like to have
is ``the basis with the shortest Euclidean length".
Unfortunately, the problem of determining whether one has the shortest basis
may be NP-complete []. But finding a short
basis is often just as helpful, and the
LLL algorithm [] can, in polynomial time, find ``relatively" short vectors; guaranteed,
in fact, to be of length at most 2n-1l, where l the shortest possible.
In practice the LLL algorithm often returns vectors much better than this bound.
To proceed in MAPLE, we choose a large constant C and
form the following matrix, and use the lattice reduction subroutine.
B : = [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, C·1], |
| |
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, C·p2], |
| |
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, C·p4], |
| |
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, C·p6], |
| |
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, C·p8], |
| |
| |
We work to 30 digits for this example. In general, one has to experiment to find how many digits one needs.
We compute an approximation for the value V that
we wish to identify, and approximations of the quantities that we wish to relate to V.
V : = |
� �
�x ln(x)5 (1 - x)5
dx |
lastcol : = [1., 9.86960440108935861883449099988, |
| |
97.4090910340024372364403326888, 961.389193575304437030219443653, |
| |
9488.53101607057400712857550392, -16.6994737192290704961872434007] |
| |
We now choose a large constant C.
We use the size of C to penalize vectors that do not combine to zero.
We construct the rows of the matrix that we need, as follows.
> for i to 6 do
> row.i := [ seq(0, j=1..7) ]:
> row.i[i] := 1:
> row.i[7] := C* lastcol[i]:
> od:
B : = [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .1000000000000000 1016], |
| |
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, .986960440108935861883449099988 1016], |
| |
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, .974090910340024372364403326888 1017], |
| |
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, .961389193575304437030219443653 1018], |
| |
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, .948853101607057400712857550392 1019], |
| |
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -.166994737192290704961872434007 1017]] |
| |
Now we call the ``lattice'' routine to compute a short basis for the set generated by these rows.
[[0, 120, 140, -15, 0, 24, .622 10-11], |
| |
[-16743, 51, 156, 10, -1, -55, 6738.90916826007994], |
| |
[35146, -443, -57, -16, -1, 21, 19729.34720281002100], |
| |
[6349, -2221, 94, 2, 0, -269, -7554.67120587589348], |
| |
[-2452, -99, 8, -3, 2, 805, 5948.36266979182662], |
| |
[32181, 345, 9, -11, -1, 982, -19383.09100001444674]] |
| (15) |
| |
All of these new basis vectors are of the form
� �
r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, C |
6 �
i = 1
ri ai |
� �
, |
where the ri are integers. This is because each new vector is an integer linear combination of rows of the initial matrix. Because
the initial matrix was an augmented identity matrix, the coefficients of the requisite integer combination show up in the result. Because we chose C to be so large, looking for a short vector in this space really biases the search towards places where the integer linear combination of the final column is zero, if there are any. Hence we suspect, from the first row of (15), that
120p2 + 140p4 -15p6 + 24V = 0 |
V = |
5 24
p2(3p4 - 28p2 - 24) . |
Issuing the following MAPLE command lends credence to our suspicion.
There is a simpler Web-based implementation, which uses
the ``EZface" to emulate a more comprehensive
GNU MP implementation of this method.
Go to
http:// www.cecm.sfu.ca/ MRG/ INTERFACES.html,
click on ``EZface",
and type in the following:
Then, select 30 digits of precision, and
click ``evaluate". Very quickly, the vector
0, -120., -140., 15., 0, -24.
is returned-voilá, our integer relation.
Issuing the command ``lindep" calls a subroutine that looks for short integer
linear dependencies among the given vector of numbers.
Again its results are to be considered as ``possible relations", to
be proved later.
The LLL approach is very powerful and, if used
with imagination, offers rich possibilities for discovery.
One danger, indeed a `mathematical sin', is indicated by the following quotes:
``Number theory is full of things that everyone knows are true,
but no one is able to prove.'' -Peter Borwein
``I have absolutely no interest in proving things that I know are
true.'' -Henry Abarbanel, at a dynamical systems workshop at Penn State
in 1994.
We discuss `redemption' of sins such as this in the final section.
Numerical instability in the LLL algorithm may cause difficulty, as well.
Here we have simply worked to ``enough'' digits to mitigate its effects-that is,
we are trying to buy more accuracy by paying for more precision.
This is often expensive, and PSLQ, discussed in Section , is better.
6 How solvable is `solvable'?
This example is also taken from [].
The following problem arises when thinking about modular (theta) functions;
see []. If we define
m,n � \mathbb Z
qm2+mn+n2 |
| |
m,n � \mathbb Z
wn-mqm2 + mn+n2 |
| |
m,n � \mathbb Z
q(n+1/3)2 + (n+1/3)(m+1/3) + (m+1/3)2 |
| |
where w = exp(2pi/3), then we have
and a lovely parameterization of the 2F1 hypergeometric function []:
F |
� � �
� � �
� �
c3 a3
� � �
� � �
= a . |
RMC-removed reference to CL. Is is necessary? Should we put it back?
Choosing q = exp(-2p�[(N/3)]) for N � \mathbb Q, it can be shown that
sN : = c/a
is an algebraic number expressible by radicals; see [].
If N is a positive integer, then sN is called the Nth
cubic singular value.
What can we discover computationally about sN?
For example,
can we determine radical formulae for the higher order cubic singular values?
The following observations help the efficiency of the computations. It is known that
q2(q) = |
n � \mathbb Z
q(n+1/2)2 and q3(q) = |
n � \mathbb Z
qn2 |
are the classical theta functions. The lacunarity of these series allows for very rapid computation.
6.1 A useful transformation
A further transformation, which makes the as yet unknown minimal polynomial simpler, is useful.
After examining the patterns in the first few
cases s1, s2, s3, �, and using the analogous classical quadratic
singular values (where one sees the forms 4kN2(1-kN2) or (1-k2N)/2kN depending on the parity of N), the authors
of [] thought to look at
GN : = |
� �
1 2
- sN |
� �
N \not � 0 mod 3 |
gN : = |
3sN 1-sN3
N � 0 mod 3 ; |
the minimal polynomial for GN or gN then
has lower degree than the minimum polynomial for sN. This
makes the polynomial easier to find by the PSLQ algorithm.
The PSLQ algorithm (see [])
and the LLL algorithm can both be used to find integer relations
(and hence minimal polynomials for an algebraic number a,
by looking for an integer relation among 1,
a, �, am).
However, PSLQ can also produce negative results.
If PSLQ fails to find an integer relation, then
one can usually say that there is no such relation
with coefficients less than a computable bound, effectively proving that there is no ``simple'' relation of the guessed form.
The authors of [] used these ideas
to `decode' the numerical values of sN into radical form, up
to N = 100, and some values beyond, such as N = 110 and 154. They used
a variety of strategies to verify the results; some
ingenuity was necessary in order to extract the radicals. For N < 53, they computed PN, the minimal polynomial for GN or gN;
they then tried factoring PN over different quadratic number fields
until they got a factor of degree 4 or less, which they solved in
radicals. This approach failed at N = 53, where they first had to use a
special MAPLE program for finding a radical
for any solvable quintic.
(See ftp:// calfor.lip6.fr:/ pub/ softwares/ Maple/ quinticV2.gz.) The
radical returned for N = 53 has over 7500 symbols in it.
Kevin Hare at the CECM refined it to an equivalent
but simpler radical with `only' 860 symbols. MAPLE was able to
verify symbolically
that this simpler
radical solved P53.
In general, determining that
a symbolic equation is indeed zero is,
in certain classes of expressions, computationally undecidable [].
Indeed, the point of this whole exercise was to determine how good both MAPLE's
symbolic tools and PSLQ's numerical ones were on ``grand challenge'' examples.
Experience with exercises such as this have
led to improvements in both tools.
If symbolic verification is not possible, reassurance that the results are
correct can often be obtained by using Klein's
absolute invariant []
J2(x) = |
4 27
(1-x2(1-x2))3 x4(1-x2)2
, |
and its cubic counterpart
J3(x) = |
1 64
(9-8x3)3 x9(1-x3)
. |
If our computed sN is correct, then it is related to the (known) classical singular value k3N by
The identity (16) can be derived from Proposition 5.8 in [].
It can be checked symbolically in MAPLE for the radicals arising in
the cases N � 10. For larger N,
some human intervention is required. For N = 70, the verification requires use of k210, the computation of which Hardy called
``one of the most striking of Ramanujan's results" [].
We note that purely numerical computation, together with analytic reasoning about such computation (some of which is automatable) can be used to verify the results. Standard irrational number theoretic techniques allow one to show that
J2(k210) = J3(S)
| J2(k210) - J3(S)| > 10-6400 ,
where S is our heuristically guessed radical formula
for s70. Given this knowledge, a few minutes of CPU time establishes that
| J2(k210) - J3(S)| < 10-6400 ,
and thus J2(k210) = J3(S).
7 Final Vignettes
Integer relation algorithms have already helped to discover many new results.
We list a few of these, again taken from [].
The number of such results continues to climb.
We have to tell the algorithms what kind
of relationship to look for, but, given that, the
algorithms allow previously impossible jumps.
7.1 Zeta value series
The formula for z(3) used by Apéry to prove that z(3) is irrational, namely
z(3) = |
5 2
k � 1
, |
has no analog for z(2n+1) with n � 2. It can be
shown using PSLQ (or more simply the Euclidean algorithm
since there are only two unknown integers) that if a formula like
z(5) = |
p q
k � 1
exists, then the integers p and q are larger
than 10300.
There is a similar but more complicated formula for z(5), due to Koecher, that does suggest generalization, however. Borwein and Bradley used an LLL algorithm to determine
the new coefficients []. They found that
z(7) = |
5 2
k � 1
+ |
25 2
k � 1
k-1 �
j = 1
1 j4
, |
and they discovered similar formulas for z(4n+3) for 2 � n � 10
that involve linear combinations of sums of the form
Hm,n = |
k � 1
k-1 �
j = 1
1 j4(n-m)
and multiple dimensional analogues.
They conjectured
the following generating function:
| |
5 2
k � 1
1 (1-z4/k4)
k-1 �
m = 1
1+4z4/m4 1-z4/m4
, |
| (17) |
| |
where the final infinite sum is quite unexpected. However, from the first ten
cases it was apparent that the series had the form
5 2
k � 1
1 (1-z4/k4)
Pk(z) |
for as yet undetermined Pk; and there
were abundant data to compute
Pk(z) = |
k-1 �
m = 1
1+4z4/m4 1-z4/m4
. |
They reduced the conjectured formula to an equivalent finite sum
5 2
n �
k = 1
� �
� �
k2 4n4+k4
k-1 �
j = 1
n4-j4 4n4+j4
= |
1 n2
| (18) |
(1 � n < �)
that was subsequently proved by Almkvist and Granville [].
Series expansion of the finite products in (17) gives a rapidly converging series
for any z(4n+3), which someone may be able to use to settle the
question of the irrationality of the z values.
7.2 Independent computation of digits of p
The following formula, discovered using the PSLQ
algorithm, allows rapid computation of hexadecimal digits of p
independently of previous digits []:
p = |
k � 0
� �
1 16
� �
� �
4 8k+1
- |
2 8k+4
- |
1 8k+5
- |
1 8k+6
� �
. |
| (19) |
Bailey, Borwein, and Plouffe knew that a fast algorithm would result
from a formula of this form, and deliberately used a
computer search to find it; some have called this approach
mathematical reverse
engineering. Once known, the formula can be proved very
concisely by a human [19]. Interestingly, the following MAPLE
session shows that it can now be proved almost automatically, too.
p : = |
� �
k = 0
( |
1 16
)k (4 |
1 8 k + 1
- 2 |
1 8 k + 4
- |
1 8 k + 5
- |
1 8 k + 6
) |
The following shows a temporary increase in complexity. This
phenomenon is called ``intermediate expression swell''.
47 15
hypergeom([1, |
1 2
, |
3 4
, |
5 8
, |
1 8
], [ |
3 2
, |
13 8
, |
9 8
, |
7 4
], |
1 16
) |
| |
+ |
47 8192
hypergeom([2, |
3 2
, |
13 8
, |
9 8
, |
7 4
], [ |
5 2
, |
21 8
, |
17 8
, |
11 4
], |
1 16
) |
123669 40960
- |
819 40960
| ___ �241
| |
+ |
1504 36855
( |
391 8192
- |
1 8192
| ___ �241
) hypergeom([2, |
3 2
, |
13 8
, |
9 8
, |
7 4
], [ |
5 2
, |
21 8
, |
17 8
, |
11 4
], |
1 16
) |
( |
151 240
+ |
1 240
| ___ �241
) ( |
151 240
- |
1 240
| ___ �241
) |
| |
+ |
47 1920
( |
391 8192
- |
1 8192
| ___ �241
) hypergeom([3, |
5 2
, |
21 8
, |
17 8
, |
11 4
], [ |
7 2
, |
29 8
, |
25 8
, |
15 4
], |
1 16
) |
( |
151 240
+ |
1 240
| ___ �241
) ( |
151 240
- |
1 240
| ___ �241
) ( |
511819 8192
- |
1309 8192
| ___ �241
) |
| |
Looking at those conjugate radicals in the denominators suggests expansion-this step is natural
but not automatic.
47 15
hypergeom([1, |
1 2
, |
5 8
, |
3 4
, |
1 8
], [ |
3 2
, |
9 8
, |
13 8
, |
7 4
], |
1 16
) |
| |
+ |
271 39312
hypergeom([2, |
3 2
, |
9 8
, |
13 8
, |
7 4
], [ |
5 2
, |
17 8
, |
21 8
, |
11 4
], |
1 16
) |
| |
+ |
1 20944
hypergeom([3, |
5 2
, |
17 8
, |
21 8
, |
11 4
], [ |
7 2
, |
25 8
, |
29 8
, |
15 4
], |
1 16
) |
| (20) |
| |
As an aside, equation (20) is an interesting identity itself. In the notation of [],
it implies (once the proof is completed) that
47 15
F |
� � � � �
� � � � �
� �
1 16
� � � � �
� � � � �
+ |
271 39312
F |
� � � � �
� � � � �
2, |
3 2
, |
9 8
, |
13 8
, |
7 4
� �
1 16
� � � � �
� � � � �
| |
+ |
1 20944
F |
� � � � �
� � � � �
3, |
5 2
, |
17 8
, |
21 8
, |
11 4
� �
1 16
� � � � �
� � � � �
. |
| |
The next step the mechanical proof of the Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe p formula
simplifies the hypergeometric functions:
- |
1 2
�2(ln(1 - |
1 2
�2) - ln(1 + |
1 2
�2) + |
1 2
�2 ln( |
1 2
) - �2 arctan(1) - 2 arctan( |
1 2
�2) |
| |
- |
1 2
�2 ln( |
5 2
) - �2 arctan( |
1 3
)) + ln( |
3 4
) - ln( |
5 4
) + |
1 2
�2(ln(1 - |
1 2
�2) - ln(1 + |
1 2
�2) |
| |
- |
1 2
�2 ln( |
1 2
) + �2 arctan(1) - 2 arctan( |
1 2
�2) + |
1 2
�2 ln( |
5 2
) + �2 arctan( |
1 3
)) + ln( |
1 2
) |
| |
- ln( |
3 2
) + 2 arctan( |
1 2
) |
| |
The next step is not necessary, but it slows down the computation so
we can see that many of the terms in the above formula simply cancel.
1 2
p+ 2 arctan( |
1 3
) + 2 arctan( |
1 2
) |
Now, finally, our answer is plain:
A somewhat more efficient version of (19) was discovered by
Fabrice Bellard. This has led Colin Percival, an undergraduate
student at Simon Fraser, to design an ingenious parallel
internet computation of staggeringly high order hexadecimal
digits of p.
Details may be found at http:// www.cecm.sfu.ca/ projects/ pihex/:
the five trillionth bit of p is `0'.
7.3 Fast series for the Catalan constant
Consider the
Catalan constant, which can be defined by
or alternatively by
G = - |
� �
logtanq dq = - |
� �
logu 1+u2
du . |
This is perhaps the simplest constant whose irrationality is still
Ramanujan discovered the following series for G, which converges much more quickly than (21) []:
G = |
p 8
log(2+�3)+ |
3 8
k � 0
. |
| (22) |
After many
false starts,
David Bradley found a new family of series that
includes (22).
One member of this family is
G = |
p 8
log |
� � �
� � �
� � �
� � �
+ |
5 8
k � 0
. |
| (23) |
where the Lucas numbers Ln are given by
Ln = Ln-1 + Ln-2 with L0 = 2, L1 = 1.
The general formula for Bradley's family of series is proved using certain identities
among log tangent integrals. For example, (23) is proved using
2 |
� �
log(tanq) dq = 5 |
� �
log(tanq) dq-5 |
� �
log(tanq) dq . |
This identity was discovered by an LLL integer relation algorithm. It turns out to be quite easy to search for such relations among log tangent integrals, whereas looking for resummations of the original series
(by LLL) is quite difficult.
David Broadhurst has, in his pursuit of new
insights for theoretical physics, computationally
probed more of these
constants [].
Based on an extraordinary blend of intuition, methodical
use of PSLQ, and
computer-assisted proofs, he was led to
remarkable binary identities for polylogarithmic
constants such as
z(3), z(5), and Catalan's constant. His formula for
Catalan's constant is:
3 2
� �
i = 0
1 16i
� �
1 (8 i + 1)2
- |
1 (8 i + 2)2
+ |
1 2
1 (8 i + 3)2
| |
- |
1 4
1 (8 i + 5)2
+ |
1 4
1 (8 i + 6)2
- |
1 8
1 (8 i + 7)2
� �
| |
- |
1 4
� �
i = 0
1 16i
� �
1 (8 i + 1)2
+ |
1 2
1 (8 i + 2)2
+ |
1 8
1 (8 i + 3)2
- |
1 64
1 (8 i + 5)2
| |
- |
1 128
1 (8 i + 6)2
- |
1 512
1 (8 i + 7)2
� �
. |
| |
Thus, digits of both G and p
may be computed in the same fashion, and we might hope that the
formula sheds some light on the normality of Catalan's constant.
[Recall that a number is `normal' if its digits occur with equal frequency.]
8 Sin, Redemption and Cautionary Tales
Experimental mathematics cannot supplant rigorous mathematics.
Dropping the latter for the former would indeed be a `sin'.
We have seen at least one example of a false computer generated conjecture-namely
the egyptian fractions example in Section 1-and we could
come up with many more [].
Experimental mathematics is, however, a good supplement to rigorous mathematics. It can
enrich our subject and, when used with
discipline, can significantly assist mathematical discovery.
We have also seen examples where the computer can assist with the proof.
Jon, eliminating this example, which I still find
somewhat weak (especially when the point about proof has already been made),
would also eliminate a reference and save some much-needed space.
As a final demonstration, consider
the power series
J(x) = |
n1 > n2 > 0
xn1 n12 n2
. |
In [], a functional relation was sought in pursuit of
a proof of the identity J(1) = 8J(-1).
For 0 � x � 1,
� �
ln2(1-t) 2t
dt = z(3)+ |
1 2
ln2 (1-x)ln(x) |
| |
ln(1-x)polylog(2,1-x)-polylog(3,1-x) . |
| |
It can be shown that
J(-x) = -J(x)+ |
1 4
J(x2)+J |
� �
2x x+1
� �
- |
1 8
J |
� �
4x (x+1)2
� �
. |
| (24) |
| |
This relation was found, once the ingredients were determined by
inspection, by evaluating (24) (actually, a version
of it with undetermined coefficients) at a random point and then
using LLL. Another successful strategy is to
evaluate each J function at enough specific values of x to enable
one to solve linear equations for the unknown coefficients.
If L(x) and R(x) denote the left-hand and the right-hand sides of
(24), respectively, then computer manipulations (under
the assumption 0 < x < 1) show that dL/dx = dR/dx: mechanically differentiating
both sides and using ``simplify'' reduces the difference
between the two to zero. Observing that
L(0) = R(0) = 0 completes a proof of (24).
8.1 Knowing `the answer' might limit us
We are all familiar with examples of the value of `doing things ourselves'.
It is now trivial in most computer algebra systems (CAS) to compute
very large values of the partition function with little or no thought,
directly from the generating function
The well-known exact finite series for values of the
partition function, due to Radamacher [], and its wonderful
infinite, asymptotic precursor due to Ramanujan and Hardy, might well
have seemed less worthy of discovery, had CAS been available then.
We must be careful to ensure
that our use of new tools neither limits us to what they can find for us
nor supresses our interest in things easily computed.
This really will require attention: for example, the authors of []
report in their conclusions that had they been aware of the answers in
the Encyclopedia, they might not have bothered to prove what they
did-and their results went beyond those in the Encyclopedia!
9 Concluding Remarks
It's not over yet. The merging of text and tools that can be
anticipated over the next few years will make an enormous difference-we
can expect greater insight while reading mathematical materials, and
easier access to yet more powerful tools-but we make no detailed
predictions, because
the most significant, qualitative, changes to the work
environment are by their nature unexpected.
This work was supported by NSERC. David Boyd, Mark Giesbrecht, David Jeffrey, and Glen Ord were
all helpful, but the contributions of Petr Lisonek were exceptional.
Many good suggestions from the referees and editor,
for which we are grateful, were used to improve the paper.
The Lambert W function in brief
If you have used MAPLE to solve transcendental equations, you may already have
encountered the Lambert W function, defined by (5).
The history and some of the
properties of this remarkable function are described
in [].
This function provides a beautiful new look at much of undergraduate
mathematics, in addition to some new puzzles of intrinsic
Here are some of the elementary properties of W.
- On 0 � x < �
there is one real-valued branch W(x) � 0
(see Figure 1). On -1/e < x < 0 there are two real-valued
branches. We call the branch that has W(0) = 0 the principal branch.
On this branch,
it is easy to see that
W(e) = W(1·e1) = 1.
- The derivative of W can be found by implicit differentiation to
where the second formula follows on using expW(x) = x/W(x), and holds
if x\not = 0. We may use the first formula to find the value of the
derivative at x = 0, and we see the singularity is just a removable
- The function y = W( expz) satisfies
This function appears, for example, in convex
optimization. Consider the
convex conjugate, f*(s) = supr rs-f(r), of the function
f (r) = rln(r/(1-r))-r.
Calculation shows that f*(s) is just W(exps).
- W(x) has a Taylor series about x = 0 with rational coefficients.
Similarly, W(expz) has a Taylor series with rational coefficients about
z = 1.
MAPLE computes the first few terms to be
1 + |
1 2
(z - 1) + |
1 16
(z - 1)2 - |
1 192
(z - 1)3 - |
1 3072
(z - 1)4 |
| |
+ |
13 61440
(z - 1)5- |
47 1474560
(z - 1)6 - |
73 41287680
(z - 1)7 |
| |
+ |
2447 1321205760
(z - 1)8 - |
16811 47563407360
(z - 1)9 |
| |
- |
15551 1902536294400
(z - 1)10 + O((z - 1)11) |
| |
Here is
an exact formula for the coefficients of the nth derivative of
in terms of second-order Eulerian numbers �n \atopwithdelims < > k � [].
This formula
comes from
the following expression for the nth derivative of W(expz),
which is stated in [].
Once the answer is known, the proof is an easy induction, which we leave
for the reader.
The derivatives of W(expz) are
dn dzn
W(ez) = |
qn(W(ez)) ( 1 + W(ez) )2n-1
, |
| (25) |
where qn(w) is a polynomial of degree n satisfying the recurrence
qn+1(w) = -(2n-1)wqn(w) + (w+w2)qn�(w) , n > 1 |
| (26) |
and having the explicit expression
qn(w) = |
n-1 �
k = 0
n-1\atopwithdelims < > k |
(-1)k wk+1 . |
| (27) |
If n = 1 we have q1(w) = w, and it is convenient to put
q0(w) = w/(1+w); this isn't a polynomial, but it makes
things work out right.
This means that our series for W(expz) about z = 1 is just
W(ez) = |
n � 0
qn(1) n! 22n-1
(z-1)n . |
| (28) |
Jonathan M. Borwein, |
Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics,
Simon Fraser University,
Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V5A 1S6,
| Robert M. Corless, |
Department of Applied Mathematics,
University of Western Ontario,
London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5B7,
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