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Catalan | Catalan's constant = sum((-1)^i/(2*i+1)^2,i=0..infinity)
evalf(Catalan) is approximately 0.915965594... |
constants | The numeric constants in
Maple are integers, fractions, and floating-point numbers.
Default is the sequence of global variable constants, which is an expression sequence of all names which are initially known as symbolic constants in Maple. These are false, gamma, infinity, true, Catalan, I, Pi |
Digits | number of digits carried
in floats (default is 10).
Digits is an environment variable. |
used by boolean evaluation
as unknown truth for
3-valued logic. |
false | the value false in the context of Boolean evaluation. |
gamma | Euler's constant =
limit(sum(1/i,i=1..n) - ln(n),
n=infinity). evalf(gamma) is approximately 0.5772156649... |
gamma(n) | a series of
constants such that gamma(n) =
limit(sum(ln(k)^n/k, k=1..m) - ln(m)^(n+1)/(n+1), m=infinity). gamma(0) = gamma, Euler's constant. |
I | complex number such
that I^2 = -1. The name I is an alias
to the radical (-1)^(1/2). |
infinity | name for infinity used by some library functions |
integrate | initially assigned the function name int |
lasterror | The most recently occurring error is stored in the variable lasterror. |
libname | path name which is the root of the standard Maple library |
`mod` | initially assigned the function
name modp; for symmetric
representation, assign `mod` := mods; (mod is an operator). Mod is an environment variable. |
NULL | initialized to the null expression sequence |
Order | truncation order for series
(default is 6); The environment variable Order represents the order of
series calculations performed by Maple.
Order is an environment variable. |
Pi | math constant pi; evalf(Pi) is approximately 3.14159265... |
printlevel | See printlevel (default
is 1). Printlevel is an
environment variable. |
true | the value true in the context of Boolean evaluation |
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Agnes Szanto