Nils Bruin
Department of Mathematics
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC
Tel : (778) 782 3794
Fax : (778) 782 4947
Email :
This is my personal page. Currently I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics of Simon
Fraser University.
For various redirections, see my links page.
Previous track
September 1990 - July 1995 |
Undergraduate Mathematics at Leiden university, resulting in Master
Thesis Generalization
of the ABC-conjecture, under supervision of Prof. Dr. R. Tijdeman. |
July 1995 - July 1999 |
AIO (Graduate student) at Leiden University, working
on the generalised Fermat equation, under supervision of Prof. Dr. R. Tijdeman
and Dr. F. Beukers. |
6 October 1999 |
Defense of PhD thesis Chabauty Methods and covering techniques applied
to generalised Fermat equations. |
September 1999 - August 2000 |
NWO-researcher at Utrecht University, under supervision of Dr. F. Beukers |
July 2000 - September 2000 |
Clay Mathematical Institute
Liftoff Mathematician at Utrecht, Netherlands and MSRI Berkeley, CA.
September 2000 - December 2000 |
MSRI Postdoctoral fellow |
Januari 2001 - August 2002 |
PIMS Postdoctoral fellow at Simon Fraser University and University of British Columbia, Canada |
September 2002 - September 2003 |
Senior Research Associate with the MAGMA group within the School of
Mathematics at the University of Sydney |
October 2003 - |
Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics of Simon Fraser University |
- Nils Bruin, K. Gyory, L. Hajdu, Sz. Tengely, Arithmetic progressions consisting of unlike powers, Indag. Mathem. 17 (4), 539-555
(2006). Also available as preprint.
- Nils Bruin, Julio Fernandez, Josep Gonzalez, Joan-Carles Lario, Rational points on twists of X0(63). Available as Preprint at Universitat Politecnica Catalunya, 2006. Accepted for publication in Acta Arithmetica.
- Nils Bruin, E. Victor Flynn, Josep Gonzalez, Victor Rotger,
On finiteness conjectures for endomorphism algebras of abelian surfaces
, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. (2006) 141, 383-408. (or see
arXiv preprint).
See Electronic Data
for supporting electronic resources.
- Michael A. Bennett, Nils Bruin, Kalman Gyory, Lajos Hajdu,
Powers from Products of Consecutive Terms in Arithmetic Progression,
Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 92 (2006), no. 2, 273 - 306.
- Nils Bruin, E. Victor Flynn, Exhibiting Sha[2] on Hyperelliptic Jacobians, Journal of Number Theory, 118 (2006), pp. 266-291.
Nils Bruin and Michael Stoll,
Deciding existence of rational points on curves: an experiment, 2006. See Electronic data for additional resources.
- Nils Bruin, The primitive solutions to x^3+y^9=z^2, Journal of Number Theory,
111 (2005), pp. 179-189. (Or see arXiv preprint, 2003). See Transcript of
computations for supporting electronic resources.
Nils Bruin and E. Victor Flynn,
Towers of
2-covers of hyperelliptic curves, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 357 (2005),
(or see
Towers of 2-covers of hyperelliptic curves, Preprint
PIMS-01-12, 2001)
- Nils Bruin,
The arithmetic of Prym varieties in genus 3, 2004. See Electronic Data for supporting electronic resources.
- Nils Bruin and E. Victor Flynn,
Rational Divisors in Rational Divisor Classes, in
Duncan Buell (Ed.): Algorithmic
Number Theory, 6th International Symposium, ANTS-VI, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 3076 Springer 2004, pp. 132 - 139.
- Nils Bruin,
Visualisation of Sha[2] in Abelian Surfaces, Math. Comp. 73 (2004),
no. 247, 1459 - 1476. See Electronic Data for supporting
electronic resources.(or see arXiv
preprint, 2002).
- Nils Bruin, Some ternary Diophantine equations of
signature (n,n,2), to appear in Discovering Mathematics with Magma,
W. Bosma, J. Cannon (eds). (Springer), 2003. See Electronic Data
for supporting electronic resources.
- Nils Bruin,
Chabauty methods using elliptic curves. J. Reine Angew. Math. 562 (2003),
27 - 49.
- N.R. Bruin, Chabauty
methods and covering techniques applied to generalized Fermat
equations, CWI Tract
133, 77 pages, 2002.
- Nils Bruin and Noam D. Elkies, Trinomials ax^7+bx+c and ax^8+bx+c with
Galois Groups of Order 168 and 8*168, in
Claus Fieker, David R. Kohel (Eds.): Algorithmic Number Theory, 5th International Symposium, ANTS-V, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2369 Springer 2002,
pp. 172 - 188.
- Nils Bruin and E. Victor Flynn,
N-Covers of hyperelliptic curves, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 134 (2003), no. 3, 397--405.
Nils Bruin, On powers as sums of two cubes, in
Wieb Bosma (ed.),Algorithmic Number Theory 4th International Symposium,
ANTS-IV Leiden,
The Netherlands, July 2-7, 2000 Proceedings. Springer LNCS 1838.
Associated files: prf335.g,
Nils Bruin, Chabauty methods and covering techniques applied to generalised
Fermat equations, PhD-thesis, University of Leiden, 1999.
Nils Bruin,
Chabauty methods using covers on curves of genus 2, Report no.
W99-15, University of Leiden.
Nils Bruin,
Chabauty methods using elliptic curves, Report no. 1999-14, University
of Leiden.
Nils Bruin,
The diophantine equations x^2+-y^4=+-z^6 and x^2+y^8=z^3, Compositio Math. 118 (1999)
305-321. Associated files
H.J. Broersma, N. Bruin, J.L. Hurink, L.E. Meester, S.S. op de Beek, J.H.
Westhuis, Throughput
of ADSL modems, in Proceedings of the 33rd European Study Group with Industry, Syllabus 46: 11-26, CWI, Amsterdam (1999).
Nils Bruin,
Generalization of the ABC-conjecture, Master Thesis, Leiden University,
For the thesis, the stellingen (dutch) are
also available.
Online Lecture
MSRI makes its workshop lectures available via RealVideo.
During the workshop on arithmetic geometry, December 11 - 15, I gave a lecture on
explicit covering techniques. If you are far from MSRI, then you may prefer to contact a mirror site.
Slides and talks
Dagstuhl meeting Algorithms and Number Theory, Friday May 18, Visualising Sha[2] in Abelian surfaces, pdf slides, postscript abstract.
Workshop Computational Arithmetic Geometry, 18-20 June 2003, Sydney, Prym varieties of curves of genus 3, pdf slides
Algorithms for arithmetic on elliptic curves over general number fields,
based on KASH. The
main feature is an implementation of 2-descent and 2-isogeny-descent routines
(taking care of even class numbers).
Current version: Algae 0.beta. You can download it as
You may be interested in reading the README and
the (at this time very crude and perhaps intimidating) documentation.
UPDATE March 27, 2001. Bug fix. The full 2-descent code did not compute properly at the infinite primes where ec.gamma is negative. Most people would probably not use this feature anyway, but it is fixed now.
WARNING. Selmer group computations also involve places at infinity.
Precision settings may affect their outcome. The curve $y^2=x^3-1042011$ is an
example of this phenomenon. With OrderPrec(50), you get a rank bound of 3,
where with OrderPrec(300) the bound is 4, which is the rank of the curve. This
is due to incorrect answers returned by EltCon. The command HEAP(O,
"USE_ELT_PROD_REP", 50) has been recommended by the KASH team and seems to
remedy the problem. It tells KASH to use another, safer, method for computing
EltCon in O. If the package constructs an order automatically, then it sets this
flag for that order.
NEW. A development version for computing 2 (isogeny) Selmer groups of
elliptic curves over number fields in MAGMA is now available as m-Algae.
You might also be interested in
TECC. It is another
elliptic curve package, also based on KASH. It offers functionality mostly
complimentary to ell.g. Unfortunately, the packages do not have
compatible data structures for representing elliptic curves (yet?).
I have not tested using both packages within the same session.
Denis Simon also has a
program for computing 2-Selmer groups of elliptic curves over number fields,
based on PARI/GP.
Software related to x^3+y^3=z^p
Software related to my thesis
A precursor to the 2-descent program mentioned above.
These come without any documentation or warranty, so you're pretty
much on your own if you want to use them. Should you do so and find them
useful, I'd be glad to hear.
- Fall 2005: Calculus for Science students, first year undergraduate course.
- Summer 2005: Elementary Number Theory, third year undergraduate course.
- Fall 2004: Introduction to Algebraic Systems, third year undergraduate
course. (MATH332)
- Fall 2004: Algebraic Curves, graduate course.
- Summer 2004: Linear Algebra, fourth year undergraduate course. (MATH438)
- Spring 2004: Algebraic Number Theory, graduate course.
- Spring 2002: Advanced Real Analysis. (MATH320)
- Fall 2001: Elementary Linear Algebra. (MATH232)
Conferences and Workshops
February 4 - 9, 2007: BIRS workshop on Explicit Methods for Rational Points on Curves
July 9 - 14, 2006:
CNTA IX in Vancouver
July 5 - 9, 2004: PIMS Workshop Computational Arithmetic
Various other (mathematical) subjects
Maple bug
Be aware that Maple's
command does not always test for invertibility of x when simplifying
0/x. Waterloo software is aware of this and they have acknowledged
that it is a bug and have promised to repair it in future versions. There
is an example script of this behaviour.
Short example: