Next, make an opener page with a link that opens your BinderBaby. This is the only time you will ever need to include any javascript in a page. You can put any content you like on the page, but it must contain a small javascript somewhere between <head>. . . .</head>:

<script language="JavaScript1.2"><!--
     function OPEN(bookLink, win) {
BBgears/BB.html", win, "resizable,width=400,height=400").focus();
// -->

(This script assumes that your opener page and the BBgears folder are in the same folder. If not, adjust the blue bit above to the correct URL.)

Then, to create a link which will open your booklet in a window called "MyWindow" (say), you link to the setup page for the booklet, and add onclick="OPEN(this, 'MyWindow'); return false" inside the link tag. so your link should look like this:

<a href="FolderAddress/SetupPage.html" onclick="OPEN(this, 'MyWindow'); return false">Link text or image</a>