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Distributed object technologies are being investigated by the PDG to see how they can support a constructionist educational framework. Constructionism [11] is a theory of learning which asserts the constructivist theories of Jean Piaget that learners make their ideas by constructing their own knowledge structures. To this, it adds the notion that this kind of knowledge building is particularily effective in a context where learners are actively engaged in constructing something (such as sandcastles or computer programs) in a social context to which they can attach personal meaning [12].

Such a learning environment could be supported by moving away from the existing rigid and drill-driven educational software to a more flexible component-based toolkit. Students and teachers might then be able to construct their own mathematical software for learning. Java can provide resources which integrate a broad spectrum of experimental and visual explorative tools. Students can use these tools to make connections between different mathematical representations, to test relationships and discover patterns, and to answer self-motivated questions. As students are exploring and hypothesizing, teachers can concentrate on the more subtle process of engendering experience and intuition.

The networking capabilities of these distributed object technologies also allow for synchronous learning and building so that students can share their tools, in real-time with classmates, teachers and researchers all over the world. Whether they are building games or solving problems together, it is believed that collaborative activities amongst students will engender the deepest and most fulfilling learning; in this rich and flexible playground students can exercise their doing/thinking/learning within a supportive social context.

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Nathalie Sinclair