Course Materials
MATH 320: Spring 99
MATH 320
Textbook: Brian Thompson, Real Analysis
The marks will be as follows. Three midterms worth 15%, 30% and 35% (the last one may be in the final exam spot).
Assignments will count 20%. The first midterm will be on Tuesday February 2. The second midterm will be on
Friday March 5. The final Midterm will be on Wednesday March 31 (or in the final exam slot).
Assignment 1: Due Jan 15 (in class).
Section 3.2 #1,11,12,14,15,20
Section 3.4 #3,4,5,6,7,10,15
Assignment 2: Due Jan 22 (in class).
Section 3.5 #3,4,5,12,13
Section 3.6 #2,3,6,18,22
Section 3.7 #10
Answers in postscript
Answers in pdf
Assignment 3: Due Feb 1 (in class).
Section 3.11 #2,5,7
Assignment 4: Due Wed Feb 24
Section 8.2 #3,4,5,10,13,17
Section 8.3 #4,7,8,10
Section 8.4 #5
Section 8.5 #4,6,9
Section 8.6 #1,2,4,5
Section 8.7 #2,3,4
Section 8.10 #1
Assignment 5: Due Wed March 3 (in class).
Section 9.2 #1,4,7
Section 9.3 #1,3,9,16,20,25
Section 9.4 #1,4,6
Assignment 6: Due Wed March 17 (in class).
Section 9.5 #2,3,4
Section 9.6 #2
Assignment 7: Due Eventually (in class).
Section 10.2 #1,5,9
Section 10.3 #2
Section 10.4 #6
Section 10.6 #3,5
Section 10 page 472 #1,2
Section 10 page 475 #5,6,8