Mathematical Modelling
Spring semester 2000 Instructor: Dr. Peter Borwein
(Commences January 6) Office: TLX 10553
Thursdays 16:30 - 20:20 Phone: 291-4376 (Office)
Location: CIC Mac Lab (AQ3145)
Course Description
This course is one of the required courses for students enrolled in the
M.Sc. program in secondary mathematics education. It will also be
suitable for other students with acceptable mathematics qualifications
who are interested in teaching secondary school mathematics or who wish
to explore the issues of this course.
The course is about modelling in the largest sense -- it will focus on
topics and issues related to doing and discovering mathematics with the
aid of sophisticated computational tools (specifically Maple).
Specific assignments will depend on the background and interests of
students enrolled in the course. There will be some in class
prentations, at least one book report and some Maple based
In addition to specific assignments each student will be expected
to complete a project related to his or her own interests, as negotiated
with the instructor.