Presentations November 1, 2011 - November 1, 2012
Last updated November 1, 2012.
Lectures and Conference Presentations:
Peter Borwein and Ron Ferguson: Pade Approximations, Zeros and the Riemann Hypothesis.
Riemann Zeta Function Workshop
Simon Fraser University, November 2–3, 2012.
Mark Giesbrecht: Sparsity, Complexity and Practicality in Algebraic Computation.
Plenary talk, ECCAD 2012,
University, Rochester, Michigan, May 12, 2012.
Mark Giesbrecht: Quasideterminants, Degree Bounds and Fast Algorithms for Matrices of Ore Polynomials.
Invited talk, Symbolic
Computation and its Applications (SCA) 2012. RWTH Aachen, Germany, May 17–20, 2012.
Mark Giesbrecht: Fast Computation for Smith Forms of Sparse Matrices Over Local Rings.
ISSAC'12, Grenoble, France, July 22–25, 2012.
David JeffreyStieltjes Integrals and Completely Monotonic Functions.
Contributed talk,
Fields Institute Workshop on Hybrid Methodologies for Symbolic-Numeric Computation,
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, November 16–19 2011.
Samuel Johnson: The exponential growth of restricted lattice paths.
Canadian Math Society Summer Meeting, Regina, Saskatchewan, June 2–4, 2012.
George Labahn: Scaling Symmetries and Integer Linear Algebra.
Mathematiques Paul Painleve, Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Lille, France, March 27, 2012.
George Labahn: Fast Computation of Nullspace Bases.
Laboratoire LIP, l'Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, Lyon, France, April 3, 2012.
George Labahn: The Conditioning of the Generalized Hankel Eigenvalue Problem.
Project GALAAD, INRIA Mediterranee, Sophia Antipolis - France, August 1, 2012.
George Labahn: Rational invariants of scalings from Hermite normal forms.
ISSAC'12, Grenoble, France, July 22–25, 2012.
George Labahn: Computing Minimal Nullspace Bases.
ISSAC'12, Grenoble, France, July 22–25, 2012.
Piers Lawrence: Rootfinding for Polynomial and Rational Interpolants.
Presented at the
3rd Dolomites Workshop on Constructive Approximation and Applications,
Alba di Canazei (Trento, Italy), September 9–14, 2012.
Stephen Melczer: Comment calculer 3000 termes d'une marche dans le quart de plan.
Journées ALÉA 2012, CIRM, Marseille, France, March 5–9, 2012.
Michael Monagan:
POLY: A new polynomial data structure for Maple.
The 10th Asian Symposium on Computer Mathematics
(ASCM 2012), Beijing, October 26–28, 2012.
Michael Monagan:
POLY: A new polynomial data structure for Maple 17 that improves parallel speedup.
Presented at the Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA 2012) session on
Parallel Computer Algebra, Sophia, Bulgaria, June 25–28, 2012.
Marc Moreno Maza: Parallelization Overheads.
CASCON, Toronto, November, 2012.
Marc Moreno Maza:
Optimizing Algorithms and Code for Data Locality and Parallelism: A SHARCNET Tutorial.
SHARCNET Summer Workshops on HPC, London, Ontario, July 5, 2012.
Marc Moreno Maza: Parallelization Overheads.
SHARCNET Summer Workshops on HPC, London, Ontario, July 12 and July 19, 2012.
Marc Moreno Maza: Curriculum Initiative on Parallel and Distributed Computing at the
University of Western Ontario.
NSF/TCPP Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Education, EduPar, Shanghai, May, 2012.
Marc Moreno Maza: Generating polynomial loop invariant via interpolation.
East China Normal University, Shanghai, May, 2012.
Colton Pauderis
Double-plus-one lifting.
Presented at ISSAC 2012, July 22–25, 2012, Grenoble, France.
Roman Pearce:
POLY: A new polynomial data structure for Maple. ISSAC software demo session,
ISSAC 2012, Grenoble, France, July 25–28, 2012.
Roman Pearce:
Sparse Polynomial Powering Using Heaps.
Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing (CASC 2012), Mirabor, Slovenia, September 3–6, 2012.
Éric Schost: Structured linear systems and some of their applications.
Invited talk, SSC 2012.
Éric Schost: Lifting techniques for list decoding.
Contributed talk, CAIMS 2012, Toronto, June 24–28, 2012.
Arne Storjohann:
Double-plus-one lifting and applications to lattice problems.
Invited speaker, Efficient Linear Algebra for Groebner Basis Computations,
June 4–8, 2012, Kaiserlautern, Germany.
Stephen Watt: Laudatio for Bruno Buchberger.
SYNASC 2012,
Timisorara, Romania, September 26–29, 2012.
Stephen Watt: What is an Equation?
Contributed talk,
SYNASC 2012,
Timisorara, Romania, September 26–29, 2012.
Stephen Watt: A Cluster of Languages for Mathematical Computing.
Invited talk,
Annual Conference of the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research,
Bristol, UK, September 20&ndash21, 2012.
Stephen Watt: Technical Challenges, Opportunities, Goals, Strategies.
Invited panelist, The Future World Digital Mathematics Library: Plans and
Prospects, International Mathematical Union (IMU),
National Academy of Science, Washington DC, June 1–3 2012.
Stephen Watt: Mathematical Search.
Invited panelist, The Future World Digital Mathematics Library: Plans and
Prospects, International Mathematical Union (IMU),
National Academy of Science, Washington DC, June 1–3 2012.
Stephen Watt: Mathematical Handwriting Recognition.
Contributed talk, 2012 TeXmacs Workshop, Albufeira, Portugal, 26 February – 2 March, 2012
Stephen Watt: Approximate Polynomials and Definite Integrals.
Contributed talk, Fields Institute Workshop on Hybrid Methodologies for Symbolic-Numeric Computation,
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, November 16–19 2011.
Presentations at Partner Organizations
R. Lebreton, E. Mehrabi and Éric Schost: On the complexity of computing certain resultants.
Presented at ISSAC 2012, July 22–25, Grenoble, France.
Samuel Johnson and Marni Mishna:
The exponential growth of lattice paths.
Presented at ISSAC 2012, July 22–25, Grenoble, France.
Michael Monagan:
A new edge selection heuristic for computing the Tutte polynomial.
Presented at FPSAC 2012,
Nagoya, Japan, July 30 – August 3, 2012.
J. Middeke and G. Labahn: Grobner Walk for computing matrix normal forms over Ore polynomials.
Presented at ISSAC 2012, July 22–25, Grenoble, France.
Internal and Seminar talks
Cory Ahn: Fast Multiplication over Algebraic Number Fields.
Computer Algebra Group Seminar, SFU, November 23, 2011.
Jacques Carette: From structured theories to efficient code in 6 easy steps.
Symbolic Computation Group Seminar, University of Waterloo, March 9, 2012.
Juergen Gerhard: New features of Maple 16.
Symbolic Computation Group Seminar, Wilfred Laurier University, May 11, 2012.
Soo Go: Sparse polynomial interpolation and the fast Euclidean algorithm.
Computer Algebra Group Seminar, SFU, June 20th, 2012.
Hamradri Ganguli: On the correlation of completely multiplicative functions.
Joint UBC–SFU Number Theory Seminar, Simon Fraser University, February 16, 2012.
Hamradri Ganguli: On the behaviour of the Liouville function on integer polynomials.
AMS session on "Number Theory", Field Theory and Polynomials", Boston, January 5, 2012.
Samuel Johnson: Analytic combinatorics of walks with small steps in the quarter plane.
Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Simon Fraser University,, November 2011.
Stephen Melczer: Lattice Walks Restricted to the Positive Quarter Plane (and Octant).
Algorithm Project Seminar, INRIA, France, May 23, 2012.
Stephen Melczer: Lattice Walks Restricted to the Positive Quarter Plane (and Octant).
Algorithmic Combinatorics Seminar, RISC Linz, Austria, May 16 2012.
Marc Moreno Maza: From Multicore to Manycore Architectures: The Reduction of
Parallelization Overheads and its Impact on Implementing Polynomial Arithmetic.
Computer Algebra Group Seminar, SFU, April 30th, 2012.
Michael Monagan:
Computing Tutte Polynomials.
Symbolic Computation Group Seminar, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, November 29th, 2011.
Michael Monagan:
Computing Tutte Polynomials.
Operations Research Seminar, Department of Mathematics, SFU Surrey, January 20th, 2012.
Michael Monagan: POLY: A new polynomial data structure for Maple 17.
Computer Algebra Group Seminar, SFU, June 20th, 2012.
Michael Monagan: Ben-Or/Tiwari interpolation using discrete logarithms.
Computer Algebra Group Seminar, SFU, July 9th, 2012.
Roman Pearce: The POLY dag in Maple 16.
Computer Algebra Group Seminar, SFU, November 23rd, 2012.
Roman Pearce: Sparse polynomial powers using heaps.
Computer Algebra Group Seminar, SFU, July 11th, 2012.
Paul Vrbik: On Fulton's algorithm for computing intersection multiplicities.
Computer Algebra Group Seminar, SFU, July 9th, 2012.
Paul Vrbik: Inversion modulo zero dimensional regular chains.
Computer Algebra Group Seminar, SFU, July 11th, 2012.
Presentations November 1, 2010 - November 1, 2011
Last updated November 16, 2011.
Lectures and Conference Presentations:
Jonathan Borwein: Exploratory Experimentation and Computation.
Contributed talk, AMS Special Session in Logic and Analysis, AMS meeting, New Orleans, January 2011.
Jonathan Borwein: Mahler Measures, Walks and Log-sine Integrals: a Study in Hybrid Computation.
Plenary lecture, Symbolic-Numeric Computation (SNC) 2011, San Jose, June 7, 2011.
Jonathan Borwein: Measures, Walks and Integrals: a Study in Hybrid Computation.
Keynote lecture, AustMS Special session on computational mathematics, Wollongong, NSW, September 27, 2011.
Peter Borwein:
Invited talk, JonFest,
A celebration of Jon Borwein's 60th birthday, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, May 19, 2011.
Peter Borwein:
Padé approximates and the Riemann Hypothesis.
Contributed talk, AMMCS 2011, Waterloo, Ontario, July 25–29, 2011.
Jacques Carette: The structure of typed generic code generators.
Contributed talk, AMMCS 2011, Waterloo, Ontario, July 25–29, 2011.
Changbo Chen: Cache complexity and multicore implementation for univariate real root isolation.
Contributed talk, AMMCS 2011, Waterloo, Ontario, July 25–29, 2011.
Changbo Chen and Mark Moreno Maza.
Computing the real solutions of polynomial systems with the RegularChains library in Maple.
Software demo, ISSAC 2011 software demo session, San Jose, California, June 10, 2011.
Muhammad Chowdhury: Complexity and performance results for non FFT-based univariate polynomial multiplication.
Contributed talk, AMMCS 2011, Waterloo, Ontario, July 25–29, 2011.
Luca de Feo: Explicit isogenes and implementations.
Contributed talk, Geocrypt 2011, Centre IGESA, France, June 2011.
Mark Giesbrecht:
Counting decompositions of additive polynomials.
Contributed talk, The 10th Int. Conf. on Finite Fields and their Apps., Ghent, July 11–15, 2011.
Mark Giesbrecht:
Numerically stable sparse interpolation.
Contributed talk, AMMCS 2011, Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, July 25–29, 2011.
Mark Giesbrecht:
Interpolation of Sparse Polynomials in Parameterized Bases.
Contributed talk, ICIAM 2011 minisymposium on ``High performance computational
algebra and applications'', Vancouver, July 17, 2011.
Mark Giesbrecht:
Sparsity and complexity in algebraic computation.
Plenary talk, MACIS 2011, Beijing, October 21, 2011.
Sarda Anisul Haque: Determinant Computation on the GPU using the Condensation Method.
Contributed talk, AMMSC 2011, Waterloo, Ontario July 25–29, 2011.
David Jeffrey:
Stieltjes Integrals and Completely Monotonic Functions
Invited talk, Fields Institute Workshop on Hybrid Methodologies for Symbolic-Numeric Computation,
University of Waterloo, Canada, November 16–19, 2011.
Sam Johnson and Stephen Melczer:
Walks with small steps in the quarter plane.
Conference talk, CanaDAM, May 2011.
German Kalugin:
Stieltjes Integral Transforms: from approximate to exact values.
Contributed talk, Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science Conference 2011,
Waterloo, Canada, July 25–29, 2011.
George Labahn:
On Simultaneous Row and Column Reduction of Higher-Order Linear
Differential Systems, Differential Equations by Algebraic Methods.
Conference talk. Workshop (DEAM2), Johannes Keppler University, Linz,
Austria, February 10, 2011.
George Labahn:
Symbolic Computation of Convolution Integrals of Holonomic Functions.
Conference talk. Foundations of Computational Mathematics 2011 (FoCM 2011).
Budapest, Hungary, Conference talk. July 14, 2011.
Piers Lawrence: Eigenstructure of an Arrowhead Matrix Pencil.
Contributed talk. ICIAM 2011 minisymposium on ``High performance computational
algebra and applications'', Vancouver, July 17, 2011.
Piers Lawrence: Numerical Stability of Barycentric Hermite Rootfinding.
Symbolic Numeric Computation (SNC) 2011,
San Jose, USA, June 7–9, 2011.
Petr Lisonek:
Minimal polynomials of Kloosterman zeros.
Invited talk, JonFest,
Workshop on Computational and Analytical Mathematics in honour of Jonathan
Borwein's 60th Birthday IRMACS, SFU, May 2011.
Michael Monagan:
Sparse Polynomial Interpolation.
Invited talk, JonFest,
A celebration of Jon Borwein's 60th birthday, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, May 19, 2011.
Michael Monagan:
Computing Roots of Polynomials over Finite Fields Fast.
Contributed talk, ICIAM 2011 minisymposium on ``High performance computational
algebra and applications'', Vancouver, July 17, 2011.
Marc Moreno Maza:
Semi-algebraic description of the equilibria of dynamical systems.
Contributed talk, CASC 2011, Kassel, Germany, September 7, 2011.
Marc Moreno Maza:
Optimizing FFT-based Polynomial Arithmetic for Data Locality and Parallelism.
Contributed talk, MaGiX@LIX Workshop, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, September 20, 2011.
Marc Moreno Maza:
Exact Computation of the Real Solutions of Arbitrary Polynomial Systems.
Contributed talk, ICIAM 2011, Computer Algebra Mini-symposium, Vancouver BC, July 18, 2011.
Marc Moreno Maza:
Computing the real solutions of polynomial systems with the RegularChains library in Maple.
ISSAC 2011 Distinguished Software Presentation Award, ISSAC 2011, San Jose, California, June 11, 2011.
Talk slides (.pdf)
Maple worksheet (.mw)
Éric Schost:
Bit-size bounds for triangular sets in positive dimension.
Invited talk, Heights 2011, Tossa del Mar, Spain, April 2011.
Éric Schost:
Lifting techniques for polynomial system solving.
Contributed talk, Geocrypt 2011, Centre IGESA, France, June 2011.
Éric Schost:
On the Complexity of Computing with Zero-dimensional Triangular Sets.
Contributed talk, Applied Algebraic Geometry, NCSU, Raleigh, North Carolina, October 2011.
Stephen Watt:
Polynomial Approximation in Handwritng Recognition.
Invited talk, SNC 2011, San Jose, California, June 7–9 2011.
Stephen Watt:
Mathematical Modelling in Mathematical Handwriting Recognition.
Invited talk, Laurier Centenary Conference: Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science Conference 2011,
Waterloo, Canada, July 25–29, 2011.
Stephen Watt:
Using Approximate GCDs in Integral Transform Methods.
Contributed talk, AMMCSS 2011, Waterloo, Canada, July 25–29, 2011.
Stephen Watt:
The Mathematics of Mathematical Handwriting Recognition.
Invited talk, MaGiX@LiX Conference, École Polytechnique, Paris, September 19–24 2011.
Stephen Watt:
What Can We Learn from Aldor?
Invited talk, MaGiX@LiX Conference, École Polytechnique, Paris, September 19–24 2011.
Stephen Watt:
Computational Tools for Mathematical Collaboration.
Invited talk, 13th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing,
Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara, Romania, September 26–29 2011.
Stephen Watt:
Approximate Polynomials and Definite Integrals.
Invited talk, Fields Institute Workshop on Hybrid Methodologies for Symbolic-Numeric Computation,
University of Waterloo, Canada, November 16–19, 2011.
Internal and Seminar talks
Jonathan Borwein: Short Walks, Mahler Measures and Logsine Integrals I.
CARMA Seminar, Newcastle, March 16, 2011.
Jonathan Borwein: Short Walks, Mahler Measures and Logsine Integrals II.
CARMA Seminar, Newcastle, March 23, 2011.
Jonathan Borwein: A Sinc that Sank.
CARMA Analysis Seminar, Newcastle, September 6, 2011.
Vahid Dabbaghian:
Cellular Automata: a tool in pure and applied mathematics.
Computer Algebra Group Seminar, Simon Fraser University, November 17, 2010.
Mark Giesbrecht:
Algorithms for Additive and Projective Polynomials
Computer Algebra Group Seminar, Simon Fraser, January 20, 2011.
Sam Johnson:
Analytic Combinatorics of Walks with Small Steps in the Quarter Plane.
SFU Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Vancouver, November 1, 2011.
George Labahn:
Order Bases.
Symbolic Computation Seminar, RISC Institute, Linz, Austria, July 18, 2011.
Michael Monagan: Sparse polynomial interpolation part I: Zippel's probabilistic algorithm.
Lecture, Computer Algebra Group, Simon Fraser University, June 29, 2011.
Michael Monagan: Sparse polynomial interpolation part II: Ben-Or and Tiwari's algorithm.
Lecture, Computer Algebra Group, Simon Fraser University, June 29, 2011.
Michael Monagan: Computing Reliability Polynomials.
Computer Algebra Group Seminar, Simon Fraser University, September 28, 2011.
Michael Monagan: Computing Tutte Polynomials.
Graph Theory Group Talk, Simon Fraser University, November 3, 2011.
Marc Moreno Maza:
Optimizing Algorithms and Code for Data Locality and Parallelism: A SHARCNET Tutorial.
SHARCNET Summer Seminar, London, Ontario, August 3, 2011.
Roman Pearce:
A Header for Multithreaded Programming.
Computer Algebra Group Seminar, Simon Fraser University, November 30, 2010.
Arne Storjohann: Inverting integer and polynomial matrices.
Seminar, ENS Lyon, France, October 13, 2011.
Stephen Watt:
The Mathematics of Mathematical Handwriting Recognition.
Algebra Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Western Ontario, Canada, March 4, 2011.
Stephen Watt:
Computer Algebra's Dirty Little Secret.
Seminars in Computing and Software, McMaster University, Hamilton, October 19, 2011.
Paul Vrbik:
Regular Chains: Theory and Practice.
Computer Algebra Group Seminar, Simon Fraser University, February 23, 2011.
Cory Ahn and Michael Monagan.
Faster Arithmetic over Multiple Algebraic Extensions.
Presented at Computational Math Day 2011,
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, August 9th, 2011.
Md. Nazrul Islam and Adrien Poteaux.
Connectivity Queries on Space Curves.
Presented at ISSAC 2011, San Jose, California, June 8–11, 2011.
Sam Johnson and Marni Mishna.
Drift, and the asymptotic growth of lattice walks.
Presented at Computational Math Day 2011,
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, August 9th, 2011.
Marc Moreno Maza and Paul Vrbik.
Inverting Matrices Modulo Regular Chains.
Presented at ISSAC 2011, San Jose, California, June 8–11, 2011.
Marc Moreno Maza and Wei Pan.
Solving Bivariate Polynomial Systems on a GPU.
Presented at ISSAC 2011, San Jose, California, June 8–11, 2011.
Shraddha Ramesh and Michael Monagan.
Algorithms for Computations in Finite Groups.
Presented at Computational Math Day 2011,
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, August 9th, 2011.
Roman Pearce and Michael Monagan.
A New Polynomial Data Structure For Maple.
Presented at Computational Math Day 2011,
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, August 9th, 2011.
Presentations November 1, 2009 - November 1, 2010
Cory Ahn and Michael Monagan.
Multiplication of univariate polynomials over algebraic number fields.
Presented at Computers and Mathematics day, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, August 12th, 2010.
Andrew Arnold and Michael Monagan.
A fast recursive algorithm for computing cyclotomic polynomials.
Presented at ANTS 2010, Nancy, France, July 2010 and at ISSAC 2010, Munich, Germany, July 2010.
Changbo Chen, Marc Moreno Maza and Yuzhen Xie.
Cache Complexity and Multicore Implementation for Univariate Real Root Isolation.
Presented at ISSAC 2010, Munich, Germany, July 2010.
Muhammad F. I. Chowdhury, Marc Moreno Maza, Wei Pan, and Éric Schost.
Complexity and Performance Results for Non FFT-Based Univariate Polynomial Multiplication.
Presented at ISSAC 2010, Munich, Germany, July 2010.
X. Dahan, M. Moreno Maza, A. Poteaux and É. Schost.
Almost linear time operations with triangular sets,
Presented at ISSAC 2010, Munich, Germany, July 2010.
Luca De Feo and Éric Schost.
transalpyne: a language for automatic transposition,
Presented at ISSAC 2010, Munich, Germany, July 2010.
C. E. Drevet, Md. N. Islam and É. Schost.
Optimization techniques for small matrix multiplication,
Presented at ISSAC 2010, Munich, Germany, July 2010.
Burcin Erocal and Arne Storjohann.
"Nullspace computation over rational function fields for symbolic summation."
Presented at ISSAC 2010, Munich, Germany, July 2010.
Sardar Anisul Haque, Shahadat Hossein and Marc Moreno Maza
Cache Friendly Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication
Presented at ISSAC 2010, Munich, Germany, July 2010.
Mahdi Javadi and Michael Monagan.
On Sparse Interpolation over Finite Fields.
Presented at MITACS 2010 (2nd prize) Edmonton, Alberta, May 2010,
and at ISSAC 2010 (1st prize) Munich, Germany, July 2010.
Stephen Melczer, Michael Monagan and Roman Pearce.
Prime Decomposition of Ideals in Polynomial Rings.
Presented at Computers and Mathematics day, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, August 12th, 2010.
Lectures and Conference Presentations:
Andrew Arnold
"A high-performance algorithm for calculating cyclotomic polynomials",
Contributed talk, PASCO 2010,
Grenoble, July 21-23, 2010.
Jon Borwein
"Why Convex?"
Plenary lecture, CMS winter meeting, Windsor, Ontario, December 5-7, 2009.
Jon Borwein
"Exploratory Experimentation and Computation."
Plenary lecture, 2010 German mathematical society meeting, Munich, March 8-12, 2010.
Jon Borwein
"Short Random Walks."
Plenary lecture, Australian Math. Soc. meeting, Brisbane, Sept 28-Oct, 1 2010.
Jacques Carette
"Mechanized Mathematics".
Invited talk, Joint PLMMS/Calculemus meeting, Paris, July 8th, 2010.
Changbo Chen
"Triangular decomposition of semi-algebraic systems."
Contributed talk, ISSAC 2010,
Munich, July 25-28, 2010.
Howard Cheng
"A Practical Implementation of a Modular Algorithm for Ore Polynomial Matrices"
Contributed talk, ASCM '2010, Fukuoka, Japan, December 14, 2009.
Muhammad F. I. Chowdhury
"Hensel Lifting for List Decoding",
Contributed talk, UWORCS 2010, London, Ontario, April 14, 2010.
Sardar Anisual Haque "Cache friendly sparse matrix-vector multiplication."
Contributed talk,
SHRCNET Research Day, London, Ontario, May 6, 2010,
Southern Ontario Numerical Analysis Day (SONAD 2010),
Waterloo, Ontario, May 14, 2010.
George Labahn
"HJB Equations in Finance",
Seminar, INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France, July 29, 2010.
George Labahn
"Normal Forms of Matrices of Differential Operators",
Contributed talk, Functional Equations in Limoges (FELIM 2010), Limoges, France, Mar 9, 2010.
Liyun Li "Efficient Evaluation of Large Polynomials."
Contributed talk
SHARCNET Research Day, London, Ontario, May 6, 2010.
Michael Monagan
How fast can we multiply and divide polynomials?
Company talk, Cybernet Systems Inc., Tokyo, December 14, 2009.
Michael Monagan
In-place Arithmetic Algorithms for Computing over Number Fields
Contributed talk, ASCM '2010, Fukuoka, Japan, December 16, 2009.
Michael Monagan
How fast can we multiply and divide polynomials?
Invited talk, Japanese Society of Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Tokyo, December 19, 2009.
Michael Monagan
Parallel Sparse Polynomial Interpolation over Finite Fields
Contributed talk, PASCO 2010,
Grenoble, July 21-23, 2010.
Michael Monagan and Roman Pearce
Sparse Polynomial Multiplication and Division in Maple 14
Software presentation,
ISSAC 2010, Munich, July 26, 2010.
Michael Monagan
How fast can we compute the roots of a polynomial over a large finite field?
Seminar, Computer Algebra Group, Simon Fraser University, October 13, 2010.
Marc Moreno Maza
"Cache friendly sparse matrix-vector multiplication."
Contributed talk, PASCO 2010,
Grenoble, July 21-23, 2010.
Marc Moreno Maza
"FFT-based Dense Polynomial Arithmetic on Multi-cores."
Invited talk,
SIAM conference on parallel processing for scientific computing (PP10),
Seattle, Washington, February 24-26, 2010.
Wei Pan "Fast polynomial multiplication on a GPU."
Contributed talk
SHARCNET Research Day, London, Ontario, May 6, 2010 <
and HPCS 2010,
University of Toronto, Ontario, June 5-9, 2010.
Roman Pearce
"Parallel Sparse Polynomial Division Using Heaps",
Contributed talk, PASCO 2010,
Grenoble, July 21-23, 2010.
Daniel Roche
"An in-place truncated Fourier transform and applications to polynomial multiplication."
Contributed talk,
ISSAC 2010, Munich, July 25-28, 2010.
Éric Schost
"Multivariate modular composition and applications".
Contributed talk, Canadian Mathematical Society Summer Meeting, Fredericton, June 4-6, 2010.
Éric Schost
"Evaluation, interpolation and multivariate multiplication."
Contributed talk, Jo'60, A Modern Computer Algebraist, Bonn, May 27-29, 2010.
Éric Schost
"Computing square roots in nice fields extensions."
Contributed talk, Computer Security and Cryptography, Montreal, 2010.
Yuzhen Xie
"Parallel computation of the minimal elements of a poset."
Contributed talk, PASCO 2010,
Grenoble, July 21-23, 2010
SHARCNET Research Day, London, Ontario, May 6, 2010.
Stephen Watt
"On the Future of Computer Algebra Systems at the Threshold of 2010",
Invited talk, MACIS 2010, Fukuoka, Japan, December 14-17, 2009.
Stephen Watt
"The Mathematics of Mathematical Handwriting Recognition",
Invited talk, Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing,
Timisoara, Romania, September 23-26, 2010.
Presentations 2004 - 2009
Last updated October 31st, 2009
Jon Borwein, Dalhousie University:
"High Precision, High Dimension.
Integration," Third International Workshop on High
Dimensional Approximation, UNSW, February 16-20 (with
D.H. Bailey): awarded most entertaining presentation prize.
"Digitally-assisted mathematical discovery and
proof," CARMA Colloquium, University of Newcastle.
"Digitally-assisted mathematical discovery and
proof," Plenary address, ICMI Study 19, "On proof and
proving," Conference, National Taiwan Normal University,
May 10-15, 2009.
"Digitally-assisted mathematical discovery and
proof," Responses to Plenary address, ICMI Study 19, "On
proof and proving," Conference, National Taiwan Normal
University, May 10-15, 2009.
"The SIAM 100 Digits Challenge: a Story of Modern
Numerical Analysis," CARMA Colloquium, University of Newcastle.
July 9 ``Integer Relation Methods: an Introduction, Special
Session on Scientific Computation, First Pacific Rim
Conference on Mathematics and Applications (PRIMA),
UNSW, Sydney, July 6-10, 2009.
"Exploratory Experimentation and Computation"
Colloquium, Mathematics Dept, University of Victoria, BC,
"Exploratory Experimentation and Computation"
Plenary lecture Fields-IRMACS Workshop on Discovery and
Experiment in Number Theory, Simon Fraser University and
Toronto, Sept 22-26, 2009.
"Inverse Symbolic Computation: Symbols from
Numbers," Education Afternoon, 53rd Annual Australian
Mathematical Society Meetings, University of South
Australia, Sept 28-Oct 1, 2009.
"A few of my Favourite Convexity Results."
Colloquium, Applied Mathematics Department, University of Western Ontario,
October 21, 2008.
"A few of my Favourite Convexity Results."
Plenary talk, Midwest Optimization Seminar, October 18, 2008.
"Computer-assisted discovery and proof."
Colloquium, Mathematics and Statistics, Western Michigan University, October 16, 2008.
"Math: What's New, What's Possible, What's Coming?"
Colloquium, Mathematical Sciences, RMIT, Melbourne, October 1, 2008.
"My experiences with mathematical software."
Colloquium, Dept of Mathematics, University of Melbourne, August 20, 2008.
"Math: What's New, What's Possible, What's Coming?"
ICE-EM/ICE day from Victoria University, from Wollongong Access Grid Room, August 13, 2008.
"Life of Pi: a Talk for Pi Day"
IRMACS Access Grid Colloquium, Simon Fraser University, March 15, 2008, and
AMSI Access Grid Colloqium, Autralia, March 14, 2008.
"The computer as crucible: an introduction to experimental mathematics."
Physics Colloquium, University of Newcastle, March 1, 2008.
"Effective Computation of Bessel Functions"
SIAM-AMS Special Session on Special Functions, San Diego, January, 2008.
"Computationally discovered and proved generating functions."
Algorithmic Challenges in Polynomial and Linear Algebra session,
CMS Winter Meeting, London, Ontario, December 9, 2007.
"Some of my Favourite Convexity Results"
Applied Nonlinear Optimization Day, Dalhousie, November 19, 2007.
"Introduction to Experimental Mathematics: Insight through Computation"
Applied Mathematics Colloquium, Cornell University, November 16, 2007.
Peter Borwein, Simon Fraser University:
"Approximation to the Zeta function." AMS meeting at UBC, October 2008.
"Littlewood's 22nd Problem." Asymptotics conference at BIRS, November 2007.
"The Riemann Hypothesis." CUMC, Vancouver, July 2007.
"Littlewood's 22nd Problem." Journees Edinburgh, July 2007.
"Liouville and Friends." PNWNT, Seattle, May 2007.
"Littlewood's 22nd Problem." SIAM, Victoria, June 2006.
"Some Highly Computational Problems." AARMS, January 2006.
"Mathematics, Computers and Prizes." Canada-China meeting, Hong Kong, May 2005.
"The Riemann Hypothesis." Coast-to-Coast, September 2005.
"Some Highly Computational Problems." AMS-MAA, San Antonio, January 2005.
"A Problem of Smale." UBC, January 2005.
"Duffin and Schaeffer." UBC, January 2005.
"Lehmer's Conjecture." Canada-France Meeting of the Mathematical Sciences, Toulouse, July 2004.
"Lehmer's Conjecture." CMS Summer Meeting, Halifax, June 2004.
"The Millenium Prizes." Harbour Centre, April 2004.
"The Mahler measure of polynomials with odd coefficients." UBC, March 2004.
"Three Problems." University of Lethbridge, March 2004.
"The Millenium Prizes." University of Lethbridge, March 2004.
"Lehmer's Problem." University of Calgary, March 2004.
"The Millenium Prizes." University of Calgary, March 2004.
Jacques Carette, McMaster University:
"Modern Mechanized Mathematics", Univ. of Waterloo, May 29, 2009.
"Modern Mechanized Mathematics", IFIP WG 2.11 on Program Generation, Mountain View, California, April 17, 2009.
"Algorithm families, or how to write less code that does more". Winter Meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society, London, December 9, 2008.
"Modern Mechanized Mathematics", Microsoft Research, Seattle, May 20, 2008.
"Algorithm families, or how to write less code that does more."
Algorithmic Challenges in Polynomial and Linear Algebra session,
CMS Winter Meeting, London, Ontario, December 9, 2007.
"A new normal form algorithm for piecewise functions"
MOCAA Meeting, Waterloo, Ontario, May 7th, 2004.
Howard Cheng, University of Lethbridge:
"Normal Forms of Polynomial Matrices"
Computer Algebra Seminar, Simon Fraser University, June 2008.
"Computing Popov form of general Ore polynomial matrices."
Milestones in Computer Algebra, MICA '08, Tobago, May 2008.
"Computations with Ore Polynomial Matrices"
MOCAA M^3 worshop, University of Western Ontario, May 8, 2008.
"Time- and Space-Efficient Evaluation of Some Hypergeometric Constants"
University of Alberta, January 2008.
"Time- and space-efficient evaluation of some hypergeometric constants."
CMS-MITACS meeting, Winnipeg, Canada. June 2007.
Robert Corless, ORCCA and the University of Western Ontario:
"Barycentric Hermite", University of Auckland, February 2008.
"Barycentric Hermite", University of Canterbury, March 2008.
"On a generalized companion matrix pencil for matrix
polynomials expressed in the Lagrange basis"
SNC Xi'an, China, July 2005.
"Numerical Nonlinear Algebra"
COSCOMP, Vienna, June 2005.
"What's 'nu' about the derivative?"
Invited talk, MOCAA Meeting, Waterloo, Ontario, May 7th, 2004.
Keith Geddes, University of Waterloo
"Generating Efficient Numerical Evaluation Routines
for Bivariate Functions via Tensor Product Series." Invited presentation,
Special Session on Scientific/Symbolic Computation, CAIMS 2009 Annual
Meeting, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, June 2009.
"Criteria for Compactness in the Design of Maple."
Invited presentation, Second Workshop on Compact Computer Algebra, CICM
2009, Grand Bend, Ontario, Jul 2009.
"Generating Efficient Numerical Evaluation Routines for Bivariate Functions via Tensor Product Series"
Invited, SNSC '08, Hagenberg, Austria, July 2008.
"Achievements and Future Prospects arising from
Basic Research in Symbolic and Symbolic-Numeric Computation"
Invited, 20 Years of RISC (Research Institute for Symbolic Computation),
Hagenberg, Austria, June 2008.
"Symbolic-numeric reflections: One person's 35-year perspective"
Invited after-dinner presentation. International Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric Computation (SNC '07),
The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, July 27, 2007.
"Hybrid symbolic-numeric multiple integration and other applications of tensor product series"
Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Nov 1, 2006.
"An improved algorithm for the automatic derivation and proof of
tensor product identities via computer algebra."
Contributed talk, Calculemus'06, Genoa, Italy, July 2006.
"Hybrid symbolic-numeric integration in multiple dimensions via tensor-product series"
Contributed talk, ISSAC'05, Beijing, China, July 2005.
"Hybrid symbolic-numeric methods for integrals in many dimensions."
Invited talk, COSCOMP 2005 (A conference in honour of the 75th birthday of Hans Stetter),
Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, June 2005.
"An overview of new functionality in Maple 10."
Invited talk, RISC Linz, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, June 2005.
Mark Giesbrecht, University of Waterloo
"Detecting perfect powers of lacunary polynomials."
Conference on the mathematical interests of Peter Borwein,
Simon Fraser University, May 2008.
"New Algorithms for Lacunary Polynomials"
Canadian Mathematics Society Winter Meeting,
London, Ontario, December 2007.
"Complexity and Practicality in Sparse Matrix Computation"
CMS-MITACS joint meeting, Winnipeg, May 31 - June 3, 2007
"Speedy new algorithms for solving integer linear systems" (with Arne Storjohann)
Fields Institute Workshop: Computational challenges arising in algorithmic number theory and Cryptography. November 3, 2006.
"Probabilistic Algorithms for the Stable Interpolation of Sparse Approximate Polynomials"
CECM day '06 on Mathematics and Computation, August 9, 2006
George Labahn, University of Waterloo:
"Normal Forms of Differential Polynomials",
Workshop on Differential Operators, Linz, Austria, February 6, 2009.
"Popov Forms of Differential Matrices",
Workshop on Differential Operators, Linz, Austria, February 6, 2009.
"Fraction-free computation of Simultaneous Pade approximants",
AMS Sectional Meeting Raleigh, USA April 2009.
"Fraction-free computation with structured matrices",
ICMM, Conference in honour of thee 90-th birthday of Wen-stun Wu,
Beijing May 2009.
"Popov forms of differential matrices",
Applications of Computer Algebra, Montreal, Canada- June 2009.
"The MathBrush penmath system",
PenMath 2009 - July 8, Grand Bend, Canada, 2009.
"Fraction-free computation of Simultaneous Pade approximants",
Issac 09, Seoul Korea - July 30, 2009.
"Fraction-free computation of Simultaneous Pade approximants",
Luminy, France - Sept 2009.
"Popov Forms of Differential Polynomials." FOCM '08, Hong Kong, June 25, 2008.
"Recent Advances in Order Bases." Peter Borwein's 55th, Simon Fraser University, May 12, 2008.
"Order Bases." MOCAA M^3 Workshop, University of Western Ontario, May 8, 2008.
"On the Numerical Condition of a Generalized Hankel Eigenvalue Problem"
Waterloo Symposium in Honour of Gene Golub, February 29, 2008.
"Numerical conditioning of the generalized Hankel eigenvalue problem."
Canadian Mathematics Society Meeting, December 9, 2007.
"MathBrush: An Experimental Pen-Based Math System"
Presentation at Dagstuhl, July 5, 2006.
"Properties of Sigma Bases"
Waterloo Workshop on Computer Algebra,
Wilfred Laurier University, April 12, 2006.
"Inverses of Block Structured Matrices"
Joint Lab Meeting, Maplesoft Inc, Waterloo, December 5, 2005
"Solving Linear ODEs having Elliptic Function Coefficients"
Computer Algebra Day, Center for Experimental and Computational Math, Simon Fraser University, July 26 , 2004.
Marni Mishna, Simon Fraser University
"Average-case analysis of perfect sorting by reversals."
Contributed talk, 20th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPU 20),
Lille, France, June 22-24, 2009.
"Analytic aspects of the shuffle product."
Contributed talk, 25th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer
Science (STACS 2008), Bordeaux France, February 21-23, 2008.
"Establishing Non-D-finiteness of Combinatorial Generating Functions"
Seminar, Algorithms Project, INRIA, January 2008.
"Applications of Holonomic Modules in Combinatorics I & II"
Diagonally symmetric polynomials and applications (Invited speaker),
Castro Urdiales, Spain, October 2007.
"Systematic Asymptotic Enumeration of Regular Structures"
AMS Central Section Meeting - DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois
"Closure Properties of Holonomic D-Modules Useful in Combinatorics"
University of Pennsylvania, Combinatorics and Probability Seminar, October 2007.
Michael Monagan, Simon Fraser University:
"Sparse Polynomial Multiplication and Division in Maple 14"
ISSAC 2010 Software Presentation session, Munich, July 26, 2010.
"Parallel Sparse Polynomial Interpolation over Finite Fields"
Contributed talk, PASCO 2010, Grenoble, July 22, 2010.
"In-place Arithmetic Algorithms for Computing over Number Fields"
Contributed talk, ASCM '2010, Fukuoka, Japan, December 16, 2009.
"How fast can we multiply and divide polynomials?"
Company talk, Cybernet Systems Inc., Tokyo, December 14, 2009.
"How fast can we multiply and divide polynomials?"
SCAIM seminar, UBC, Vancouver, October 27, 2009.
"Computing cyclotomic polynomials of very large and very small height."
Contributed talk, Workshop on Discovery and Experimentation in Number Theory,
Simon Fraser, September 22nd, 2009.
"Polynomial multiplication and division using heaps and immediate monomials."
Contributed talk, MITACS '09, Fredericton, New Brunswick, June 1-5, 2009.
"Hilbert's Nullstellensatz and Graph k-colorability." CAG seminar, Simon Fraser, February 18, 2009.
"Some problems in computational algebra."
Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, Simon Fraser, November 26, 2008.
"How fast can we multiply and divide sparse polynomials?"
Invited talk, Compact Computer Algebra session, ACA '08,
Hagenberg, Austria, July 28, 2008.
"Computing minimal polynomials for the bifurcation points of the logistic map."
Contributed talk, SNSC '08, Hagenberg, Austria, July 29, 2008.
"How fast can we multiply and divide sparse polynomials?"
Contributed talk, Peter Borwein's 55th, Simon Fraser, May 15, 2008.
"Sparse polynomial arithmetic part II:
A proposal to dramatically speed up polynomials in Maple."
Contributed talk, MOCAA M^3 Workshop, London, Ontario, May 7, 2008.
"How to dramatically speed up Maple."
Presented at Maplesoft, Waterloo, Ontario, May 5, 2008.
"How fast can we multiply and divide sparse polynomials?"
Invited talk, Milestones in Computer Algebra, Tobago, May 1, 2008.
"Computing cyclotomic polynomials of very large height."
Contributed talk, MOCAA workshop, Simon Fraser University, December, 5, 2007.
"Computing cyclotomic polynomials and solving linear systems over cyclotomic fields."
Seminar, MapleSoft, Waterloo, Ontario, August 2nd, 2007
"Solving Linear Systems over Cyclotomic Fields."
Computer Algebra session, CMS meeting, Winnipeg, June 1st, 2007.
"What is the right data structure to use for polynomial division?"
CAG seminar, SFU, February 7th, 2007.
"Strongly Connected Graph Components and Computing Characteristic Polynomials of
Integer Matrices."
Maple Conference, WLU, Waterloo, Ontario, July 2006
"Integer Factorization and Computing Discrete Logarithms in Maple."
Maple Conference, WLU, Waterloo, Ontario, July 2006
"Fast Rational Function Reconstruction." ISSAC '06, Genoa, Italy, July 10th, 2006.
"Computing all Graphs on 11 Vertices in Maple." CAG seminar, SFU, May 18, 2006
"MITACS Projects at SFU: Part I." MapleSoft, Waterloo, March 7th, 2006.
"MITACS Projects at SFU: Part II." MapleSoft, Waterloo, March 8th, 2006.
"MITACS Projects at SFU: Part III." University of Waterloo, March 10th, 2006.
"Multivariate GCDs over Algebraic Function Fields." CAG seminar, SFU, January 27, 2006
"Three problems in computer algebra." CAG group meeting, October 21st, 2005.
"RECDEN: a data structure for multivariate polynomials
over number fields and finite fields."
BIRS workshop on ``Challenges in Linear and Polynomial
Algebra in Symbolic Computation Software'',
Banff, Alberta, October 5th, 2005.
"Probabilistic Algorithms for Computing Resultants."
ISSAC '05, Beijing, China, July 25th, 2005.
"Sparse Rational Function Interpolation, Theme meeting."
MITACS AGM, Calgary, May 13th, 2005.
"Algorithms for the non-monic case of the Sparse Modular GCD Algorithm."
MOCAA Consortium Meeting, Calgary, May 11th, 2005.
"Maximal Quotient Rational Reconstruction,
An Almost Optimal Algorithm for Rational Reconstruction."
ISSAC '04, Santander, Spain, July 6th, 2004.
"Algorithms for Polynomial GCD Computation over Algebraic Function Fields."
ISSAC '04, Santander, Spain, July 5th, 2004.
"Polynomial GCD Computation: From to
Invited talk, MOCAA Meeting, Waterloo, Ontario, May 6th, 2004.
Marc Moreno Maza, University of Western Ontario:
Fundamental Algorithms and Implementation Techniques for Computing with Regular Chains.
Summer School of Symbolic Computation, Chengdu, China, August 12, 2009.
Computations Modulo Regular Chains
ISSAC'09, Seoul, Korea, July 29, 2009, and
AMS Sectional Meeting Raleigh, USA April 2009.
Computing Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition via Triangular Decomposition.
Computer Algebra Seminar, University of Bath, UK, October 28, 2009.
FFT-based Dense Polynomial Arithmetic on Multi-cores. ACA'09, Montréal, June 26, 2009.
Balanced Dense Polynomial Multiplication on Multicores.
Computer Science Seminar, NorthEastern University, Boston, October 2009.
Differential Algebra, Regular Chains and Modeling.
ACA'09, Montréal, June 25, 2009.
"Coding Experiences in Parallel Symbolic Computation"
Maplesoft Retreat, Ontario, June 2009.
Triangular Decomposition of Polynomial Systems:
Algorithmic Advances and Remaining Challenges.
International Conference on Mathematics Mechanization'09
In honor of Prof. Wu Wen-Tsün, Beijing, China, May 13, 2009.
"Computer Algebra and the Multicore Software Revolution"
Maplesoft, Waterloo, Ontario, September 2008.
"Toward High-Performance in Solving Polynomial Systems Symbolically"
MIT, Cambridge, Massachussetts, September 2008
"The Modpn library: Bringing fast polynomial arithmetic into Maple"
ISSAC 2008, Software demo session, Hagenberg, Austria, July 2008.
"The Modpn library: Bringing fast polynomial arithmetic into Maple"
Invited, Peking University, Beijing, China, July 2008.
"Fast Linear Algebra versus Fast Polynomial Arithmetic. Who Will Win?"
SHARCNET Research Day, University of York, June 2008.
"The Modpn library: Bringing fast polynomial arithmetic into Maple"
MOCAA M^3 Workshop, University of Western Ontario, May 9, 2008.
"Scheduling parallel algorithms in computer algebra."
MOCAA M^3 Workshop, University of Western Ontario, May 6, 2008.
"Fast Linear Algebra versus Fast Polynomial Arithmetic. Who Will Win?"
TRICKS Seminar, University of Western Ontario, April 2008.
"Triangular decomposition of polynomial systems: From practice to high-performance."
Invited, Symbolic Real Algebra and Trustworthy Computing,
Shangai, April 2008.
"On the Representation of Constructible Sets."
Milestones in Computer Algebra, Tobago, May 2008.
"The Modpn library: Bringing fast polynomial arithmetic into Maple."
Milestones in Computer Algebra, Tobago, May 2008.
"Triangular Decompositions of Polynomial Systems: From Practice to High-Performance"
CMS Winter meeting, London, Ontario, December 2007.
"Triangular decompositions of polynomial systems: From Practice to High-Performance"
Computer Algebra Seminar, Simon Fraser University, December 2007.
Component-level Parallelization of Triangular Decompositions.
Interactive Parallel Computation in Support of Research in Algebra,
Geometry and Number Theory
MSRI Workshop 2007, Berkeley, February 1, 2007.
Parallelization of Triangular Decompositions.
SHARCNET Fall Workshop 2006, Waterloo, Canada, November, 2006.
AXIOM: Generic, Open, Powerful
International Congress on Mathematical Software, Castro Urdiales, Spain, 2006.
Triangular Decompositions of Polynomial Systems: From Theory to Practice.
Tutorial at ISSAC'06, Genoa, Italy, 9 July 2006.
Bounds and Algorithms in Differential Alegbra:the Ordinary Case.
Dagstuhl Seminar,Dagstuhl, Germany, July, 2006.
Solving Polynomial Systems Symbolically and in Parallel.
MITACS - CAIMS Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 18, 2006.
Some Recipes for Handling Large Expressions in Polynomial System Solving. ACA'05.
On the Complexity of the D5 Principle. CMS Meeting 2005.
"On Polynomial gcds over Direct Products of Fields"
MOCAA Meeting, Waterloo, Ontario, May 6th, 2004.
Greg Reid, University of Western Ontario:
"Recent breakthroughs in algebraic geometry:
A strange story of algorithms, analysis and algebra",
University of the Phillipines, Manila, January 6, 2009.
"Numeric-Geometric Techniques for Differential Equations I. Introduction",
June 25 2009, Conference ACA 2009, Montreal.
"The MapleSim Computer Environment for Differential Equations on Manifolds",
University of the Phillipines, Manila, July 9, 2009.
"The MapleSim Computer Environment for Differential-Algebraic Equations",
Mathematics Mechanization Research Centre, Chinese Academy of Science, July 22, 2009.
"Numerical Jet Geometry and its Applications"
Geometry and Algebra of PDE (PDEs2007), University of Tromso, Sommaray, Norway, August 16, 2007.
"New Extensions and Applications for Numerical Algebraic Geometry"
Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA) 2007, Oakland University, Michigan, July 21, 2007.
"Symbolic Symmetry Analysis of Differential Equations"
Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA) 2007, Oakland University, Michigan, July 21, 2007.
"Symbolic-Numeric Completion of Differential Systems by Homotopy Continuation"
CMS-MITACS Joint Conference 2007, Winnepeg, June 1, 2007.
"Introduction to Symbolic-Numeric Completion Methods for PDE"
Workshop in Differential Algebra and Rewritting Techniques (DART), Rutgers at Newark, Newark, NJ, USA, April 9, 2007.
"Numerical Geometry of Partial Differential Equations"
AMS Session on Solving Polynomial Systems, October 24, 2004.
"Hybrid Symbolic-Numeric Methods for Differential Equations and Geometric Invariance"
International Workshop on Geometric Invariance and Applications in Engineering, May, 2004.
"Constructive and Invariant Methods in Algebraic and Differential Equations"
Invited speaker, IWMM '04, Shanghai, China, May, 2004.
Éric Schost, University of Western Ontario:
"Evaluation properties of invariant polynomials" TERA'08, 25/11/08, Palaiseau, France.
"The search for a secure genus 2 curve", ECCAD'09, 02/05/09, Kingston, USA.
"Fast arithmetics for Artin-Schreier extensions", Cryptography retrospective meeting, Fields Institute, 12/05/09, Toronto,
"Computing roadmaps in smooth compact hypersurfaces", PRIMA'09, 08/07/09, Sydney, Australia,
"Speeding-up Newton iteration using variants of polynomial multiplication", ACA'09, 25/06/09, Montreal,
"Bit-size bounds for triangular sets in positive dimension", ACA'09, 25/06/09, Montreal.
"The search for a secure genus 2 curve", TRICS seminar, UWO, 16/09/09.
"The search for a secure genus 2 curve", Math department seminar, UWO, 27/02/09,
"Computing roadmaps in smooth compact hypersurfaces", Math seminar, IRMAR, Rennes, France, 10/04/09.
"Lifting techniques for polynomial system solving", Crypto seminar, IRMAR-Celar, Rennes, France, 10/04/09.
"Computing with triangular families of polynomials, an overview",
Invited, SAGE days 10, Nancy, France, October 2008.
"Power series composition and change of basis", ISSAC '08, Hagenberg, Austria, July 2008.
"Homotopy techniques for triangular arithmetic,"
Seminar, Algorithms Project, INRIA Rocquencourt, France, June 2008 and
INRIA Lorraine, France, June 2008.
"Computing the eigenvalue in the Schoof-Elkies-Atkin algorithm using Abelian lifts"
ISSAC '07, Genoa, July 2007.
"Solving Toeplitz- and Vandermonde-like linear systems with large displacement rank"
ISSAC '07, Genoa, July 2007.
"Differential equations for algebraic functions"
ISSAC '07, Genoa, July 2007.
"Solving Toeplitz- and Vandermonde-like linear systems with large displacement rank"
Key Laboratory of Mathematics Mechanization, Beijing, May 2007.
"Some complexity results on triangular sets"
Graduate University, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, May 2007.
Arne Storjohann, University of Waterloo
"Certifying the Rank of an Integer Matrix", Invited, The NSF Workshop on Future Directions of Symbolic Computation Research and their Applications to the Domain Sciences, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island, May 2009.
"Integer Matrix Rank Certification", Contributed talk, ISSAC'09, Seoul, South Korea, July 2009.
"Computing with polynomials and integers: similarities and differences", Number Theory Learning Seminar, University of Waterloo, July 2009.
"Algorithms for linear algebra on polynomial and integer matrices: similarities and differences", Invited, SAGE days 10, Nancy, France, October 2008.
"Exact Linear Algebra", Invited, SAGE Developer Days, Seattle, Washington, June 2008.
"Faster algorithms for the Frobenius canonical form."
Algorithmic Challenges in Polynomial and Linear Algebra session,
CMS Winter Meeting, London, Ontario, December 9, 2007.
Stephen Watt, University of Western Ontario:
"Symbolic Symbolic Computation", Tunisia-Japan Workshop on Symbolic Computation in Software Science, Gammarth, Tunisia, September 22-24 2009.
"On the Mathematics of Calligraphy", International Conference On Mathematics Mechanization -- In honor of professor Wen-Tsun Wu's ninetieth birthday, Key Laboratory of Mathematics Mechanization, Chinese Academy of Sciiences, Beijing, China, May 11-13 2009.
"Algorithms for the functional decomposition of symbolic polynomials", Polynomial Computer Algebra 2009, Steklov and Euler International Mathematical Institutes, St Petersburg, Russia, April 8-12 2009.
"The Spectacular Successes and Failures of Symbolic Computation (Panel Session)", NSF Workshop on Future Directions of Symbolic Computation Research and Their Applications to Domain Science, University of Rhode Island, May 1 2009.
"Dependent Types, Multi-Sorted Algebras and Categorical Programming", Applied Computational Category Theory 2009, York, England, March 22 2009.
"Geometric Methods in Mathematical Handwriting Recognition", Colloquium, Microsoft Development Center, Belgrade, October 1 2009.
"The Mathematics of Mathematical Handwriting Recognition", Colloquium, Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, June 2 2009.
"Computer Algebra's Deep, Dark Secrets (or Why won't Maple do this &%*#@ thing?!?)", Maplesoft E-Symposium, Broadcast by Maplesoft, April 15 2009.
"Pen-Based Computing", Computer Science Undergraduate Society Day, University of Western Ontario, February 7 2009.
"Advances in Algorithms for Symbolic Polynomials", Colloquium, Mathematics Department, North Carolina State University, March 19 2008.
"Symbolic Polynomials and Symbolic Matrices -- or -- How two simple ideas make arithmetic possible", Joint Lab Meeting, Maplesoft, Waterloo, February 8 2008.
"Functional Decomposition of Symbolic and Multivariate Laurent Polynomials"
Invited talk, 10th Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing,
Timisoara, Romania, September 2008.
"Online Stroke Modeling for Handwriting Recognition"
International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition,
Montreal, Canada, August 19-21 2008.
"How to Work with Polynomials of Symbolic Degree, Applications of Computer Algebra"
Plenary address, Applied Computer Algebra '08, Hagenberg, Austria, July 29, 2008.
"Compact Methods for Modelling Handwritten Mathematical Symbols"
Applications of Computer Algebra, Hagenberg, Austria, July 27-30 2008.
"Functional Decomposition of Symbolic Polynomials"
International Conference on Computatioanl Sciences and its Applications,
Perugia, Italy, June 30-July 3, 2008.
"Symbolic Polynomials with Sparse Exponents"
Milestones in Computer Algebra, Stonehaven Bay, Tobago, May 1-3, 2008.
"New Algorithms for Symbolic Polynomials"
Second Chinese SALSA Workshop (Invited), Beihang University,
Beijing, China, April 27 2008.
"The Role of Categorical Languages"
NSF CDI Workshop on the Role of Symbolic, Numeric and Algebraic Computation
in Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation, National Science Foundation,
Arlington, Virginia, October 30 2007.
"Strategies for Pen-Based Mathematics"
Invited talk, Computer Science Colloquium, Drexel University, October 13 2004.
"Optimizing Compilation for Symbolic-Numeric Computing"
Plenary address, 6th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC 2004),
Timisoara Romania, September 27 2004.
"Strategies for Pen-Based Mathematics"
Plenary address, IMACS Applications of Computer Algebra 2004, Beaumont Texas, July 23 2004.
"The Role of OpenMath in High-Level Semantic Correspondences for Mathematics"
Plenary address, 10 Years of OpenMath, Helsinki Finland, May 22 2004.
"Interfaces for Mathematical Components"
Plenary address, The Future of Scientific Computation, CCNY New York, April 30 2004.
Jacques Carette, McMaster University:
"Modern Mechanized Mathematics"
Microsoft Research, Seattle, Washington, May 2008.
"A Compiler for Maple"
Smart Start Innovation Fair, October 9th, 2007.
"Pattern Mining and Code Transformation in Maple"
East Coast Computer Algebra Day, Wilfrid Laurier, May 8 2004.
Michael Monagan, Simon Fraser University:
On Sparse Interpolation over Finite Fields.
With Mahdi Javadi. Presented at MITACS 2010 (2nd prize) Edmonton, May 2010
and at ISSAC 2010 (1st prize) Munich, Germany, July 2010.
A fast recursive algorithm for computing cyclotomic polynomials.
With Andrew Arnold. Presented at ANTS 2010, Nancy, France, July 2010 and at ISSAC 2010, Munich, Germany, July 2010.
Polynomial Factorization over Algebraic Function Fields
With Mahdi Javadi. CECM day 2009 (first prize) and MITACS 2009 (second prize).
Algorithms for Calcuulating Cyclotomic Polynomials
With Andrew Arnold. CECM day 2009 and CASC 2009.
Visualizing Systems of Differential Equations in 3 Dimensions
With Bill Bao. CECM day 2009.
Parallel Sparse Polynomial Multiplication Using Heaps
With Roman Pearce. CECM day 2009 and MITACS 2009.
Visualizing Groups in Maple
With Asif Zaman. CECM day 2009 (first prize).
Solving Linear Systems of Equations Over Cyclotomic Fields
With Liang Chen. CECM day 2007 and MITACS 2007 (second prize).
The Height of the 3,234,846,615th Cyclotomic Polynomial is Big (2,888,582,082,500,892,851)
With Andrew Arnold. CECM day 2007 and ANTS 2008 (third prize).
Sparse Polynomial Arithmetic using Heaps of Pointers
With Roman Pearce. CECM day 2007 (first prize) and ISSAC 2007
Marc Moreno Maza, University of Western Ontario:
Computing Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition via Triangular Decomposition.
With Changbo Chen, Lu Yang and Bican Xia. MITACS 2009.
Balanced Dense Polynomial Multiplication on Multicores.
With Yuzhen Xie.
Best Poster Award at ISSAC'09.
On the Representation of Constructible Sets. With Changbo Chen, Liyun Li, Wei Pan and Yuzhen Xie. MITACS 2008.
The ConstructibleSetTools and ParametricSystemsTools modules of the RegularChains library in MAPLE. With Changbo Chen, Liyun Li, Wei Pan and Yuzhen Xie. MITACS 2008.
Triangular Decompositions for Solving Parametric Polynomial Systems. With Changbo Chen, Lu Yang and Bican Xia. MITACS 2008.
"Automatic Variable Order Selection for Polynomial System Solving"
With John P. May, Mark Giesbrecht, Daniel Roche and Yuzhen Xie.
East Coast Computer Algebra Day, Shepherdstown, Wester Virginia, May 10 2008.
On the Verification of Polynomial System Solvers. With Changbo Chen, Wei Pan and Yuzhen Xie. ISSAC 2007.
Implementation Techniques For Fast Polynomial Arithmetic In A High-level Programming Environment. With Akpodigha Filatei, Xin Li and Eric Schost.
MITACS 2006.
Bounds and Algebraic Algorithms for Ordinary Differential Characteristic Sets. With O. Golubitsky, M. Kondratieva and A. Ovchinnikov. ISSAC 2006.
Change of Order for Regular Chains in Positive Dimension. With Xavier Dahan, Xin Jin and Eric Schost. ISSAC 2006.
On the Complexity of the D5 Principle. With Xavier Dahan, Eric Schost and Yuzhen Xie. Best Poster Award at ISSAC'05.
Equiprojectable Decomposition of Zero-dimensional Varieties.
With Xavier Dahan, Eric Schost, Wenyuan Wu and Yuzhen Xie. MITACS'05.
The RegularChains library in Maple 10.
With Francois Lemaire and Yuzhen Xie. ISSAC'05.
"On Polynomial GCDs over Direct Products of Fields"
East Coast Computer Algebra Day, Wilfrid Laurier, May 8 2004.
Eric Schost, University of Western Ontario:
"Polar varieties and roadmap computations", With M. Safey El Din, ORCCA joint lab meeting, 05/12/08
"Algorithms for the p-curvature", With A. Bostan, ORCCA joint lab meeting, 13/02/09
"Optimization techniques for matrix multiplication", With N. Islam, ORCCA joint lab meeting, 13/03/09
"Towards high-performance Newton iteration", With L. Ding, ORCCA joint lab meeting, 13/03/09
"Hensel lifting for list decoding", With M. Chowdhury, ORCCA joint lab meeting, 09/10/09
Stephen Watt, University of Western Ontario:
"InkChat - A portable, collaborative whiteboard system with voice and digital ink sharing", Joint Lab Meeting, Maplesoft, Waterloo, Canada, October 9, 2009.
"On the Functional Decomposition of Multivariate Laurent Polynomials"
East Coast Computer Algebra Day, Shepherdstown, West Virginia, May 10, 2008.
"Pivot-Free Block Matrix Inversion"
Maple Conference 2006, Wilfred Laurier University, July 23-26, 2006.
"Algorithms for Symbolic Polynomials"
ISSAC '06 Poster session, Genoa, Italy, July 9-12, 2006.
"Algebraic Generalization"
ISSAC '05 Poster session, Beijing, China, July 24-27, 2006.
Current Students and Postdoctoral Fellows:
Andrew Arnold, Simon Fraser University:
"Algorithms for Calculating Cyclotomic Polynomials"
Poster, CECM day '09, July 24th, 2009.
"The Height of the 3,234,846,615th Cyclotomic Polynomial is Big (2,888,582,082,500,892,851)"
Poster, 3rd prize, Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, ANTS '08,
Banff, Alberta, May 21, 2008.
"Calculating Cyclotomic Polynomials"
Pure Math Graduate Student Conference, SFU, October 13th, 2007.
"Calculating Cyclotomic Polynomials"
Computer algebra group seminar, SFU, October 3rd, 2007.
"Calculating the cofficients of cyclotomic polynomials"
Canadian Undergraduate Math Conference, SFU, July 20th, 2007.
Bill Bao, Simon Fraser
"Visualizing Dynamical Systems in 3 Dimensions in Maple."
Poster, CECM day '09, July 24th, 2009.
Changbo Chen, University of Western Ontario
Computing Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition via Triangular Decomposition.
ISSAC 2009, July 2009.
Solving Parametric Polynomial Systems with the RegularChains Library in Maple.
ACA'09, Montréal, June 25, 2009.
"Triangular decompositions for solving parametric polynomial systems".
MOCAA M^3 workshop, University of Western Ontario, May 9, 2008.
"The ParametricSystemTools and ConstructibleSetTools modules of the RegularChains library"
CASA 2008, Perugia, Italy, June 30, 2008.
"High-Performance symbolic computation in a hybrid compiled-interpreted programming environment."
CASA 2008, Perugia, Italy, June 30, 2008.
Muhammad Chowdhury, University of Western Ontario
"Multiplication modulo triangular sets."
MOCAA M^3 workshop, University of Western Ontario, May 2008.
"Multiplication modulo triangular sets."
UWORCS'09, 16/04/09, London (ON).
Ling Ding, University of Western Ontario
"High-performance code generation for polynomials and power series"
UWORCS'09, 16/04/09, London (ON).
Nazrul Islma, University of Western Ontario
"Optimization techniques for matrix multiplica tion"
UWORCS'09, 16/04/09, London.
"Optimization techniques for matrix multiplica tion"
CCA'09, 10/07/09, Grand Bend (ON).
Mahdi Javadi
"Polynomial Factorization over Algebraic Number and Function Fields."
Poster, 1st prize, CECM day '09, July 24th, 2009.
Also MITACS '09, Fredericton, New Brunswick, June 1-5, 2009.
"Factoring polynomials over algebraic number and function fields."
Contributed talk, ISSAC '09, Seoul, July 28-31, 2009.
"Factoring polynomials over algebraic number and function fields."
CAG seminar, Simon Fraser University, October 24, 2008.
"A new solution to the polynomial GCD normalization problem."
MOCAA M^3 workshop, University of Western Ontario, May 9, 2008.
"Computing GCDs over Function Fields using Sparse Interpolation."
MOCAA workshop, Simon Fraser University, December 4, 2007.
"Parallelizing C programs using Cilk."
CAG seminar, Simon Fraser University, November 11, 2007.
"A Sparse Modular GCD Algorithm for Polynomial GCD Computation over Algebraic Function Fields"
Presented at ISSAC 2007, University of Waterloo, July 30th, 2007
"Gcd computation over algebraic function fields."
Presented at MapleSoft, Waterloo, Ontario, July 16th, 2007.
"Gcd computation over algebraic function fields."
Computer algebra seminar, Simon Fraser, October 11, 2006
"An Algorithm for Computing the GCD of Sparse Polynomials over Algebraic Function Fields."
Maple meeting, Waterloo, Ontario, July 27, 2006
Benoit Lacelle, University of Western Ontario
"Towards an efficient implementation for the re solution of structured linear systems"
ACA'09, 26/06/09, Montreal (QC)
"Towards an efficient implementation for the resolution of structured linear systems"
UWORCS'09, 16/04/09, London (ON).
Liyun Li, University of Western Ontario:
"Computing with constructible sets."
MOCAA workshop, Simon Fraser University, December 5, 2007.
Xuan Liu, University of Western Ontario:
"Applying Lie symmetry to Differential Equations."
June 25 2009, Conference ACA 2009, Montreal.
Simon Lo, Simon Fraser University:
"The All Pairs Distance Matrix and Graph Isomorphism"
Maple meeting, Waterloo, Ontario, July 27, 2006
"Generic Linear Algebra and Quotient Rings"
Maple Conference, Waterloo, Ontario, July 25, 2006.
"A Modular Algorithm for Computing Characteristic Polynomials over Z"
CAG meeting, SFU, April 6th, 2005.
Niloofar Mani, University of Western Ontario:
"Numeric-Geometric Techniques for Differential Equations II. Applications."
June 25 2009, Conference ACA 2009, Montreal.
Wei Pan, University of Western Ontario:
Computations Modulo Regular Chains
ACA'09, Montréal, June 25, 2009.
does 〈T〉 Equal sat(T)?
MOCAA M3 Workshop, Lodon, Ontario, May 6, 2008.
ISSAC 2008, Hagenberg, Austria, July 22, 2008.
"Solving parametric polynomial systems with the RegularChains library in Maple".
MOCAA workshop, Simon Fraser University, December 5, 2007.
Roman Pearce, Simon Fraser University:
"High Performance Computing on the Desktop."
Contributed talk, CECM day '09, Simon Fraser, Vancouver, July 24th, 2009.
"Parallel Sparse Polynomial Multiplication Using Heaps."
Poster, CECM day '09, July 24th, 2009.
"Parallel Sparse Polynomial Multiplication Using Heaps."
Contributed talk, ISSAC '09, Seoul, July 29th, 2009.
"High Performance Computing on the Desktop."
Invited talk, Maple Retreat, Wasaga Beach, June 11, 2009.
"Parallel Sparse Polynomial Multiplication Using Heaps."
Contributed talk, MITACS '09, Fredericton, New Brunswick, June 1-5, 2009.
"Parallel Sparse Polynomial Multiplication."
Computer algebra seminar, Simon Fraser, February 11, 2009.
"Optimization sparse polynomial multiplication."
CAG seminar, Simon Fraser University, October 22, 2008.
"Sparse polynomial arithmetic part I: High Performance"
MOCAA M^3 worshop, University of Western Ontario, May 7, 2008.
"Sparse Polynomials Pseudo Division"
CAG seminar, Simon Fraser, October 19th, 2007
"Polynomial Division using Dynamic Arrays, Heaps, and Packed Exponent Vectors"
Presented at CASC '07, Bonn, Germany, September 22nd, 2007
"Sparse Polynomial Arithmetic using Heaps"
Presented at the 2007 MITACS conference, Winnipeg, May 31st, 2007
"Heap-Based Algorithms for Sparse Polynomial Arithmetic"
CAG seminar, Simon Fraser, February 21st, 2007
"Improvements in Maple 11's Groebner Package"
Computer algebra seminar, September 22, 2006
"Rational Simplification Modulo a Polynomial Ideal"
ISSAC 2006, Genoa, Italy, July 12, 2006.
"A Maple Implementation of F4"
RICAM Special Semester on Groebner Bases 2006, Linz, Austria, March 1, 2006.
"Factoring Zero-Dimensional Polynomial Systems"
Computer algebra seminar, Simon Fraser, October 14th, 2005.
"Working With Multivariate Polynomials"
Maple Conference, Waterloo, Ontario, July 19 2005.
"A QuotientRings Package for Maple"
Computer algebra seminar, Simon Fraser, September 30th, 2005.
"Rational Expression Simplification with Polynomial Side Relations"
Masters' defense, Simon Fraser, August 4th, 2005.
"Computing in Polynomial Quotient Rings"
MOCAA Meeting, Waterloo, Ontario, May 6th, 2004.
Daniel Roche, Wateroo:
"On Lacunary Polynomial Perfect Powers"
ISSAC '08, Hagenberg, Austria, July 23, 2008.
"Detecting Polynomial Perfect Powers"
Poster, MITACS conference, Dalhousie, Halifax, June 1, 2008.
"The LinBox project for linear algebra computations."
MOCAA M^3 worshop, University of Western Ontario, May 8, 2008.
"Adaptive Polynomial Multiplication."
MOCAA Seminar, University of Western Ontario, March 14, 2008.
Anisul Sardar Haque, University of Western Ontario:
"A Note on the Performance of Sparse Matrix-vector Multiplication with Column Reordering". ACA'09, Montréal, June 25, 2009
Paul Vrbik, University of Western Ontario::
"Lazy and Forgetful Polynomial Arithmetic and Applications".
CASC '09, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, September 13-17, 2009.
"Code Generation for Polynomial Multiplication".
CASC '09, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, September 13-17, 2009.
"Visualization of Homotopy’s and their Properties."
Computer Algebra Seminar, Simon Fraser, Vancouver, June 1, 2009.
"Lazy and Forgetful Polynomial Arithmetic and Applications".
UWORCS '09, University of Western Ontario, London, April 16, 2009.
"Integer Representation of Multivariate Polynomials"
Western Research Forum, University of Western Ontario, London,
February 28, 2009.
"A package for delayed polynomial arithmetic".
MOCAA M^3 worshop, University of Western Ontario, May 7, 2008.
"Lazy Evaluation of Polynomial Arithmetic"
Pure Math Graduate Student Conference, SFU, October 14th, 2007.
Asif Zaman, Simon Fraser
"Visualizing Finite Groups in Maple."
Poster, 1st prize, CECM day '09, July 24th, 2009.
Wei Zhou, Western
"Efficient order basis computation."
MOCAA M^3 worshop, University of Western Ontario, May 8, 2008.
"Completely Fraction Free matrix factorization and Applications" (with D. Jeffrey)
Fifth Asian Workshop on Foundations of Software, Xiamen, China, June 2007
"Fraction-Free Computation of LCM and GCD by Values"
MITACS conference, Winnipeg, May 31st - June 3rd, 2007.
"Linear Algebra using Maple's LargeExpressions Package"
Maple Conference, WLU, Waterloo, Ontario, July 2006
"Large Expression Management in Computer Algebra for Symbolic Modelling"
Computer algebra seminar, Simon Fraser, July 6, 2006
Previous Students and Postdoctoral Fellows:
Amir Amiraslani, University of Western Ontario:
"Some Aspects of Polynomial Algebra by Values"
MOCAA Meeting, Waterloo, Ontario, May 6th, 2004.
Mhenni Benghorbal:
"A Unified Formula for Integer and Arbitrary Order"
CAG meeting, SFU, April 20th, 2005.
"Arbitrary Order Symbolic Derivatives and Integrals"
MOCAA Meeting, Waterloo, Ontario, May 7th, 2004.
Kevin Browne:
"Recursive Methods for Determining the Arithmetic Properties of
Closed Form Expressions"
ECCAD 2005, Ashland University, Ohio, March 12th, 2005.
Reinhold Burger, University of Waterloo:
"Closed form solutions of linear odes having elliptic function coefficients"
MOCAA Meeting, Waterloo, Ontario, May 6th, 2004.
J. Cai, M. Moreno Maza, S. Watt and M. Dunstan:
"The Aldor debugger"
CATLAN 2004 (Presentation), Santander Spain, July 8-9 2004.
E.S. Cheb-Terrab:
"Numerical evaluation of Heun functions"
CAG meeting, SFU, November 1st, 2004.
"Computing Traveling Wave Solutions for non-linear autonomous PDE systems"
Invited talk, MOCAA Meeting, Waterloo, Ontario, May 7th, 2004.
Vahid Dabbaghian
"Implementation of Cellular Automata Models in Maple"
Computer Algebra session, MITACS conference, Winnipeg, May 31st, 2007.
"Finite Groups in Maple" CAG seminar, SFU, April 2006.
"Computing characters of a group using characters of factor Groups: preliminary results"
MITACS Seminar on Mathematics of Computer Algebra and Analysis, Simon Fraser, February 2006
"Computing Representations of Higher Degrees of Finite Groups"
CAG seminar, Simon Fraser University, January 2005.
Moe Ebrahimi:
"Visualizing systems of differential equations in Maple"
CAG group meeting, SFU, January 24, 2005.
Jeff Farr:
"The Graph Theory Package: Polynomial Operations"
CAG meeting, SFU, March 23rd, 2005.
Eric Fusy:
"Bijective links on planar maps via orientations".
Combinatorial Potlach, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, November 2008.
"Enumeration of planar graphs", Discrete math seminar, UBC, Vancouver, November 2008.
"Boltzmann samplers, Polya theory, and Cycle-pointing."
AMS Fall Central Section Meeting, Vancouver, October 2008.
"Enumeration of planar graphs", Discrete math seminar, SFU, Vancouver, April 2008.
"Transversal structures on triangulations, with applications to straight-line drawing"
Discrete math seminar, UBC, Vancouver, November 2007.
"Transversal structures on triangulations, with applications to straight-line drawing"
Discrete math seminar, SFU, Vancouver, October 2007.
Greg Fee:
"The Radius of Convergence of a Taylor Series"
CAG group meeting, SFU, October 3rd, 2007.
"Character Tables"
CAG meeting, SFU, March 21st, 2007.
"Zeros and Poles of diagonal Pade Approximates to functions related to the Riemann Zeta function"
CAG group meeting, SFU, November 22nd, 2006.
"Two Dimensional Radial Basis Function Interpolation"
Maple Conference, Waterloo, Ontario, July 2006
"A Three Dimensional Generalization of the Apollonius problem."
Maple Conference, Waterloo, Ontario, July 2006
"The Exact Solution of Trefethen's 100 digit Challenge Problem Number 7"
Computer algebra seminar, Simon Fraser, May 25, 2006
"A generalization of the Apollonius problem"
CAG group meeting, SFU, June 8th, 2005.
"Cryptography Using Chebyshev Polynomials"
Maple Summer Workshop, July 14, 2004.
"Integer Matrix Determinant Algorithms"
MITACS Annual Meeting, June 2004.
Ron Ferguson
"Low peak sidelob (PSL) values for binary sequences to length 1500"
Poster, MITACS Conference, Dalhousie, Halifax, June 1, 2008.
"Search Algorithms for Low Autocorrelation Sequences"
MITACS conference, Winnipeg, May 31st - June 3rd, 2007.
"System dynamics"
Topics in Modelling Seminar Series, IRMACS, SFU, August 2, 23, and 30, 2006.
"Meeting targeted waiting times for surgery"
SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Victoria, B.C., June 25, 2006
"The Merit Factor Problem"
Number Theory and Polynomials Conference, Bristol, April 5, 2006
"Root Finding for Polynomials with Small Mahler's Measure"
MOCAA Meeting, Waterloo, Ontario, May 6th, 2004.
Pascal Giorgi
"Faster inversion and other black box matrix computations using efficient block projections"
ACM ISSAC 2007, Waterloo, July 31, 2007.
Mohammad Ghebleh
"The Graph Theory Package Part II"
Maple Conference, Waterloo, Ontario, July 2006.
Oleg Golubitsky, University of Western Ontario
"A bound that reduces the differential Nullstellensatz to the algebraic one."
MOCAA M^3 worshop, University of Western Ontario, May 7, 2008.
"Comprehensive Triangular Decomposition"
MITACS conference, Winnipeg, May 31st - June 3rd, 2007.
"Implementation of Arithmetics for Aldor"
MITACS conference, Winnipeg, May 31st - June 3rd, 2007.
Mahdad Khatarinejard-Fard
"Some properties of the Weyl-Heisenberg orbits of equiangular lines"
Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference, Seattle, April 2007
"The Graph Theory Package" Maple Conference, Waterloo, Ontario, July 2005.
"The Graph Theory Package" CAG meeting, February 16, 2005.
Sara Khodadad, Simon Fraser University
"The Graph Theory Package: Drawing Algorithms"
CAG meeting, SFU, March 23rd, 2005.
Jennifer de Kleine, Simon Fraser University:
"Zippel's Algorithm extended for the non-monic case"
MOCAA Meeting, Waterloo, Ontario, May 6th, 2004.
Xin Li, University of Western Ontario:
"Fast arithmetic for triangular sets: from theory to practice."
MOCAA workshop, Simon Fraser University, December 5, 2007.
Songxin Liang, University of Western Ontario:
"A New Maple Package for Solving Parametric Polynomial Systems"
Algorithmic Challenges in Polynomial and Linear Algebra session,
CMS Winter Meeting, London, Ontario, December 9, 2007.
"Bounds on even-degree polynomials having symbolic coefficients" (with D. Jeffrey)
The First Symposium on Algebraic Geometry and Its Applications (SAGA 2007), Tahiti, French Polynesia, May 2007.
"The Automatic Computation of the Complete Root Classification for a Parametric Polynomial" (with D. Jeffrey)
MEGA 2007.
"An algorithm for computing the complete root classification of a parametric polynomial" (with D. Jeffrey)
MACIS 2006.
Scott Maclean
"Mathematical Symbol Recognition in the MathBrush System"
MITACS conference, Winnipeg, May 31st - June 3rd, 2007.
Matt Malenfant, University of Western Ontario
"Better Evaluation of Points for the Interpolation of Sparse Polynomials"
MITACS conference, Winnipeg, May 31st - June 3rd, 2007.
Colin Percival, Simon Fraser University:
"Rounding Errors in Complex Floating-Point Multiplication"
Coast-to-Coast Conference on the Mathematics of Computation, August 2006.
"Variations on a theme: From QS to SSSIQS"
Computer algebra seminar, Simon Fraser, December 2005.
Clément Pernet, University of Waterloo:
"Recent advances in linear algebra, Seminar on algorithms and complexity"
University of Toronto, Oct. 2007.
"Faster algorithms for the characteristic polynomial"
ISSAC 2007, Waterloo, Jul. 2007.
"Matrix multiplication based linear algebra: how asymptotic and practical efficency meet"
SAGE Days 3, Los Angeles, USA, Feb. 2007.
"Matrix multiplication based computations of the characteristic polynomial"
ORCCA Joint lab meeting, London, Canada, Feb. 2007.
"Parallel perspectives for the LinBox library"
Interarctive Parallel Computations, Berkeley, USA, Jan. 2007.
A. Wittkopf, Simon Fraser University:
"The LINZIP GCD Implementation: Timings"
Computer algebra seminar, SFU, January 27, 2006
"Algorithms for the Non-monic case of the Sparse Modular GCD Algorithm"
ISSAC '05, Beijing, China, July 25th, 2005.
Jie Wu, Western
"Evaluation properties of invariant polynomials."
MOCAA M^3 workshop, University of Western Ontario, May 2008.
Wenyuan Wu, University of Western Ontario:
"Challenges and Progress in Geometric Methods of Differential Systems."
MOCAA M^3 worshop, University of Western Ontario, May 7, 2008.
"Symbolic-numeric Computation of Implicit Riquier Bases for PDE"
ISSAC'07, Kitchener-Waterloo, July 30, 2007.
"New Progress on Implicit Riquier Bases for PDE"
MITACS conference, Winnipeg, May 31st - June 3rd, 2007.
"On Approximate Triangular Decomposition in Dimension Zero"
IMA, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Nov 15, 2006.
Yuzhen Xie, University of Western Ontario:
"The ParametricSystemTools and ConstructibleSetTools modules of the RegularChains library."
Software demo, ISSAC 2008, Hagenberg, Austria, July 22, 2008.
"Toward efficient memory usage in parallel symbolic solving."
HPC Day, SHARCNET Workshop, University of York, June 6, 2008.
"On the Representation of Constructible Sets."
MOCAA M^3 workshop, University of Western Ontario, May 9, 2008.
"Solving polynomial systems symbolically and in parallel."
CMS Winter Meeting, London, Ontario, December 10, 2008.
"Solving polynomial systems symbolically and in parallel."
MOCAA workshop, Simon Fraser University, December 5, 2007.
Lingyun Ye, Dalhousie
"Numerical Quadrature using double-exponential substitutions"
Research Seminar Program, University of Newcastle, June 26 2008.
Posters in previous years:
Posters presented at the CECM day 2007, SFU, August 8th, 2007:
"The Height of the 3,234,846,615th Cyclotomic Polynomial is Big (2,888,582,082,500,892,851)" Andrew Arnold and Michael Monagan
"Solving Linear Systems of Equations Over Cyclotomic Fields" Liang Chen and Michael Monagan
"Zeros of truncated taylor series approximations to the symmetric Zeta function" Greg Fee
"On Kloosterman Sums Divisible by 3" Kseniya Garaschuk
"Sparse Polynomial Arithmetic using Heaps of Pointers" Roman Pearce and Michael Monagan
"A Cellular Automata Model of the Spread of HIV in a Community of Injection Drug Users" Natasha Richardson and Vahid Dabbaghian-Abdoly
"On the Density of Integers Bi-representable as the Sum of two Cubes" Paul Vrbik and Michael Coons
Posters presented at ISSAC 2007, University of Waterloo, July 31st, 2007:
"Sparse Polynomial Arithmetic using Heaps of Pointers" Roman Pearce and Michael Monagan
Posters presented at the 2007 CMS-MITACS Joint Conference, Winnipeg, May 31 - Jun 3, 2007:
"Solving Linear Systems of Equations Over Cyclotomic Fields" Liang Chen and Michael Monagan
"On the Density of Integers Bi-representable as the Sum of two Cubes" Paul Vrbik and Michael Coons
"Zeros and Poles of diagonal Pade Approximates to the symmetric Zeta function" Greg Fee and Peter Borwein
"On Kloosterman Sums Divisible by 3" Kseniya Garaschuk (Third prize)
"The Maple GraphTheory Package" Mohammad Ghebleh, Al Erickson, Simon Lo, Michael Monagan
"Computing GCDs over Algebraic Function Fields" Mahdi Javadi and Michael Monagan
"Equiangular lines in complex spaces and their application in quantum information theory"
Mahdad Khatirinejad (Second prize)
"A Cellular Automata Model of the Spread of HIV in a Community of Injection Drug Users" Natasha Richardson and Vahid Dabbaghian-Abdoly
"New algorithms for sparse polynomials" D. Roche and M. Giesbrecht
Wenyuan Wu, University of Western Ontario
"Differential elimination of PDEs by numerical algebraic geometry and numerical linear algebra"
Blackwell-Tapia Conference, IMA, 2006
"Symbolic and numerical methods for partial differential equations"
Software for Algebraic Geometry Workshop, IMA, 2006
Posters presented at the 2006 Maple Confernce, Wilfred Laurier University, July 25th 2006:
"Solving Linear Systems Over Cyclotomic Fields" Liang Chen (1st prize)
"New features of the Maple GraphTheory package" Al Erickson
"Computing GCDs over Algebraic Function Fields" Mahdi Javadi
"Generic Linear Algebra and Quotient Rings in Maple" Simon Lo and Roman Pearce
Posters presented at CECM Day '06, Simon Fraser University, August 9th 2006:
"Solving Linear Systems Over Cyclotomic Fields" Liang Chen (1st prize)
"New features of the Maple GraphTheory package" Al Erickson
"Two New Radial Basis Functions" Greg Fee
"Computing GCDs over Algebraic Function Fields" Mahdi Javadi
"A Finite Groups Package" Vahid Dabbaghian-Abdoly and Greg Fee (2nd prize)
"Generic Linear Algebra and Quotient Rings in Maple" Simon Lo and Roman Pearce
Posters presented at the 2006 MITACS Conference, York University, June 2006:
"Two New Radial Basis Functions" Greg Fee
"Solving Linear Systems Over Cyclotomic Fields" Liang Chen
Posters presented at CECM day 2005, Simon Fraser University, August 3rd 2005:
"Drawing graphs by numerical solution of a system of second
order ordinary differential equations" (1st prize)
Moe Ebrahimi (Simon Fraser University)
"Visualizing Systems of Differential Equations in Maple" (2nd prize)
Moe Ebrahimi (Simon Fraser University)
"Multivariate Interpolation in Maple" (1st prize)
Jeff Farr (Simon Fraser University)
"A Generalized Apollonius Problem"
G. Fee (Simon Fraser University)
"Optimization Methods for Binary Sequences: The Merit Factor Problem" (2nd prize)
R. Ferguson (Simon Fraser University)
"A New Graph Theory Package for Maple" (2nd prize)
Mahdad Khatarinejard-Fard (Simon Fraser University)
"Numerical Integration in the Student Subpackage ``Numerical Analysis'' " (2nd prize)
Howard Liu (Simon Fraser University)
"Computing Characteristic Polynomials over Z" (2nd prize)
Simon Lo (Simon Fraser University)
"Rational Expression Simplification with Algebraic Side Relations" (2nd prize)
Roman Pearce (Simon Fraser University)
Posters presented at the 2005 Maple Conference, Waterloo, July 19th, 2005:
"Drawing graphs by numerical solution of a system of second
order ordinary differential equations"
Moe Ebrahimi (Simon Fraser University)
"Visualizing Systems of Differential Equations in Maple"
Moe Ebrahimi (Simon Fraser University)
"A New Graph Theory Package for Maple"
Mahdad Khatarinejard-Fard (Simon Fraser University)
"Computing Characteristic Polynomials over Z"
Simon Lo (Simon Fraser University)
Posters presented at the 6th annual MITACS Conference, Calgary, May 11-14, 2005:
"Visualizing Systems of Differential Equations in Maple"
Moe Ebrahimi (Simon Fraser University)
"A Generalized Apollonius Problem"
G. Fee (Simon Fraser University)
"A New Graph Theory Package for Maple"
Mahdad Khatarinejard-Fard (Simon Fraser University)
"Computing Characteristic Polynomials over Z"
Simon Lo (Simon Fraser University)
"Quasipolynomial root-finding and Applications"
Ashley Pitcher and Robert M. Corless (ORCCA)
J. Cai, M. Moreno Maza, S. Watt and M. Dunstan
"The Aldor debugger"
ISSAC 2004, Santander Spain, July 4-7 2004.
Posters presented at CECM Day '04, Simon Fraser University, July 2004:
"An old conjecture of Erdos-Turan"
Frank Chu
"New Visuals for Direction Fields in Maple"
Moe Ebrahimi (3rd prize)
"Calculation of Mahler's Measure"
Ron Ferguson
"The Non-Monic Case of the Sparse Modular GCD Algorithm"
Jennifer de Kleine (2nd prize)
"Linear Algebra over Finite Fields and Generic Domains in Maple"
Simon Lo (3rd prize)
Posters presented at the 2004 Maple Conference, Wilfred Laurier University, July 2004:
"New Visuals for Direction Fields in Maple"
Moe Ebrahimi
"The Non-Monic Case of the Sparse Modular GCD Algorithm"
Jennifer de Kleine
"Linear Algebra over Finite Fields and Generic Domains in Maple"
Simon Lo
Posters presented at the 5th MITACS AGM, Dalhousie Univeristy, June 2004:
"Calculation of Mahler's Measure"
Ron Ferguson
"The Non-Monic Case of the Sparse Modular GCD Algorithm"
Jennifer de Kleine (3rd prize)
Posters presented at East Coast Computer Algebra Day, 2004, Wilfrid Laurier U, May 8 2004:
"Some Aspects of Polynomial Algebra by Values"
Amir Amiraslani (University of Western Ontario)
"Arbitrary order Symbolic Derivatives and Integrals"
Mhenni Benghorbal (University of Western Ontario)
"Debugging a High Level Language via a Unified Interpreter and Compiler Runtime Environment"
Jinlong Cai (University of Western Ontario)
"A fast implementation of rational system solving for integer matrices"
Zhuliang Chen (University of Waterloo)
"The numerical evaluation of the Wright w function"
Hui Ding (University of Western Ontario)
"Optimizations for deeply nested parametric types"
Laurentiu Dragan, Stephen Watt (University of Western Ontario)
"Creating a Platform Independent Digital Ink Architecture"
Kevin Durdle (University of Western Ontario)
"A Grobner Walk Implementation in Maple"
Jeff Farr (Simon Fraser University)
"Calculating Anomalies in Non-Commutative Field Theories Using Maple"
Marie-Paule Gagne-Portelance (University of Western Ontario)
"A New Bi-orthogonalising Block Lanczos Algorithm"
Bradford Hovinen (University of Waterloo)
"Error Backward for DAE"
Silvana Ilie (University of Western Ontario)
"Hadamard Ideals and Hadamard Matrices"
Ilias S. Kotsireas, Dan Butcher (Wilfrid Laurier University)
"Hadamard Matrices and Genetic Algorithms"
Ilias S. Kotsireas, Jason Cousineau (Wilfrid Laurier University)
"Eigenvalue method for Implicitization"
Ilias S. Kotsireas, Edmond Lau (Wilfrid Laurier University)
"Implementing GIDL Bindings for Aldor"
Michael Lloyd (University of Western Ontario)
"An approach to using ALDOR libraries with Maple"
Cosmin Oancea, Stephen Watt (University of Western Ontario)
"TeX/LaTeX to MathML Conversion: State of Affairs"
Igor Rodionov, Stephen Watt (University of Western Ontario)
"Using Computer Algebra Systems In The Development of Mathematical Web Services"
Elena Smirnova, Stephen Watt (University of Western Ontario)
"An Extensible OpenMath-Maple Translator"
Clare So, Sandy Huerter, Stephen Watt (University of Western Ontario)
"Efficient runtime representations of domains in Aldor for interoperability with computer algebra systems"
Geoff Wozniak (University of Western Ontario)
"An Experimental Handwritten Mathematical Symbol Reognition System"
Xiaofang Xie (University of Western Ontario)
"Non-commutative Riquier Theory in Moving Frames of Differential Operators"
Yang Zhang (University of Western Ontario)
"An Algebraic Method for Analyzing Multibody Dynamic Systems"
Wenqin Zhou (University of Western Ontario)