This is TeX, C Version 3.14t3 (format=plain 93.8.21) 15 SEP 1995 11:33 **BIT.tex (BIT.tex (/usr/local/tex/lib/inputs/amstex.tex AmS-TeX- Version 2.1 COPYRIGHT 1985, 1990, 1991 - AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Use of this macro package is not restricted provided each use is acknowledged upon publication. Loading definitions for misc utility macros, page layout, accents/punctuation, line and page breaks, figures, comments, math spacing, fractions, smash commands, large operator symbols, integrals, operator names, multilevel sub/superscripts, matrices, multiline displays, continued fractions, compound symbols, various kinds of dots, special superscripts, \text, math font commands, \newsymbol, bold Greek and bold symbols, Euler fonts, math accents, roots, commutative diagrams, poor man's bold, syntax check, ... finished) (/usr/local/tex/lib/inputs/amsppt.sty version 2.1c (11-Dec-1992): Loading utility definitions, more fonts, symbol names (/usr/local/tex/lib/inputs/amssym.tex) , page dimension settings, top matter, section heads, theorems/proofs/definitions/remarks, rosters, footnotes, figures and captions, miscellaneous, references, end of document, output routine, hyphenation exceptions (U.S. English) ) (modified.sty) (ch-0.tex Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while \output is active \vbox(542.025+2.5)x325.215 [] [-6] [-7] [-8] [-9]) ) Output written on BIT.dvi (4 pages, 8420 bytes).