program piqp

c   This program employs the recently discovered digit extraction scheme 
c   to produce hex digits of pi.  This code is valid up to ic = 2^24 on 
c   systems with IEEE arithmetic.

      real*8 pid, s1, s2, s3, s4, series
      parameter (ic = 100000, nhx = 12)
      character*1 chx(nhx)

c   ic is the hex digit position -- output begins at position ic + 1.

      s1 = series (1, ic)
      s2 = series (4, ic)
      s3 = series (5, ic)
      s4 = series (6, ic)
      pid = mod (4.d0 * s1 - 2.d0 * s2 - s3 - s4, 1.d0) + 1.d0
      call ihex (pid, nhx, chx)
      write (6, 1) ic, pid, chx
1     format ('Pi hex digit computation'/'position =',i12,' + 1'/
     $  f20.15/12a1)


      subroutine ihex (x, nhx, chx)

c   This returns, in chx, the first nhx hex digits of the fraction of x.

      real*8 x, y
      character*1 chx(nhx), hx(0:15)
      data hx/'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 
     $  'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'/

      y = abs (x)

      do i = 1, nhx
        y = 16.d0 * (y - aint (y))
        chx(i) = hx(int(y))


      function series (m, ic)

c   This routine evaluates the series  sum_k 16^(ic-k)/(8*k+m)
c   using the modular exponentiation technique.

      real*8 ak, eps, expm, p, s, series, t
      parameter (eps = 1d-17)

      s = 0.d0

c  Sum the series up to ic.

      do k = 0, ic - 1
        ak = 8 * k + m
        p = ic - k
        t = expm (p, ak)
        s = mod (s + t / ak, 1.d0)

c   Compute a few terms where k >= ic.

      do k = ic, ic + 100
        ak = 8 * k + m
        t = 16.d0 ** (ic - k) / ak
        if (t .lt. eps) goto 100
        s = mod (s + t, 1.d0)

100   continue

      series = s

      function expm (p, ak)

c   expm = 16^p mod ak.  This routine uses the left-to-right binary 
c   exponentiation scheme.  It is valid for  ak <= 2^24.

      parameter (ntp = 25)
      real*8 ak, expm, p, p1, pt, r, tp(ntp)
      save tp
      data tp/ntp*0.d0/

c   If this is the first call to expm, fill the power of two table tp.

      if (tp(1) .eq. 0.d0) then
        tp(1) = 1.d0

        do i = 2, ntp
          tp(i) = 2.d0 * tp(i-1)

      if (ak .eq. 1.d0) then
        expm = 0.d0

c   Find the greatest power of two less than or equal to p.

      do i = 1, ntp
        if (tp(i) .gt. p) goto 100

100   pt = tp(i-1)
      p1 = p
      r = 1.d0

c   Perform binary exponentiation algorithm modulo ak.

110   continue

      if (p1 .ge. pt) then
        r = mod (16.d0 * r, ak)
        p1 = p1 - pt
      pt = 0.5d0 * pt
      if (pt .ge. 1.d0) then
        r = mod (r * r, ak)
        goto 110

      expm = mod (r, ak)
