caseplot - provide a graphical display of binary case tree output from rifsimp

Calling Sequences

caseplot( rifresult )

caseplot( rifresult , options )


rifresult - output from rifsimp with casesplit active


Black Regular case
Red Inconsistent case: no solution exists for this case.
Yellow Error or timeout case: the error is typically caused by a Maple
"object too large" error, while the timeouts are controlled
using the ctl,stl,itl options (see
rifsimp[options] ).
Blue Ignored case: use of the casesplit=[...] option told
not to explore this case (see
rifsimp[adv_options] ).
Green Ignored case: specification of mindata=[...] was violated,
so rifsimp ignored this case (see
rifsimp[adv_options] ).


> with(Rif):

As a first example, we choose the simplest system with a case split:

> sys1:=[f(x)*g(x)=0];

sys1 := [f(x)*g(x) = 0]

> ans1:=rifsimp(sys1,casesplit);

ans1 := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Case = [[g(x) <> 0, f(x)]...
ans1 := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Case = [[g(x) <> 0, f(x)]...
ans1 := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Case = [[g(x) <> 0, f(x)]...
ans1 := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Case = [[g(x) <> 0, f(x)]...
ans1 := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Case = [[g(x) <> 0, f(x)]...
ans1 := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Case = [[g(x) <> 0, f(x)]...

> caseplot(ans1);

So if you were to run the command (it cannot be run in a help page), you would notice that we have two cases (cases 1 and 2), and that both give answers (the tree branches are black).

See Also

initialdata , rifsimp , rifsimp[adv_options] , rifsimp[cases] , rifsimp[options] , rifsimp[output]