rifread - load intermediate computation as saved using the 'store' options of rifsimp

Calling Sequences

rifread( filename )


filename - (optional) name of the file containing the partial rifsimp computation.



> with(Rif):

Consider the following system, run with rifsimp .

> sys1 := [diff(xi(x,y),y,y),

sys1 := [diff(xi(x,y),`$`(y,2)), diff(eta(x,y),`$`(...
sys1 := [diff(xi(x,y),`$`(y,2)), diff(eta(x,y),`$`(...
sys1 := [diff(xi(x,y),`$`(y,2)), diff(eta(x,y),`$`(...

> ans1:=rifsimp(sys1,[xi,eta],store);

ans1 := TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),x) = -1/2*eta...
ans1 := TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),x) = -1/2*eta...
ans1 := TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),x) = -1/2*eta...
ans1 := TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),x) = -1/2*eta...

Partial results can be obtained using rifread , even if the full computation did not succeed (notice the presence of the redundant equation eta[yy]=0 ).

> temp1 := rifread();

temp1 := TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),y) = 0, diff...
temp1 := TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),y) = 0, diff...
temp1 := TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),y) = 0, diff...
temp1 := TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),y) = 0, diff...

Note that the results obtained above were stored in the file "RifStorage.m".

The same example can have results stored under a different name. Here the temp results are stored in "tmpstore.m":

> ans1:=rifsimp(sys1,[xi,eta],store="tmpstore");

ans1 := TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),x) = -1/2*eta...
ans1 := TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),x) = -1/2*eta...
ans1 := TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),x) = -1/2*eta...
ans1 := TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),x) = -1/2*eta...

> temp1 := rifread("tmpstore");

temp1 := TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),y) = 0, diff...
temp1 := TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),y) = 0, diff...
temp1 := TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),y) = 0, diff...
temp1 := TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),y) = 0, diff...

It is also possible to store the results at the end of each iteration and for each separate case using storeall . Increasing the infolevel will display the file name as each partial calculation is saved.

> sys2 := [-diff(xi(x,y),y)*y-diff(xi(x,y),y,y)*y^2,

sys2 := [-diff(xi(x,y),y)*y-diff(xi(x,y),`$`(y,2))*...
sys2 := [-diff(xi(x,y),y)*y-diff(xi(x,y),`$`(y,2))*...
sys2 := [-diff(xi(x,y),y)*y-diff(xi(x,y),`$`(y,2))*...
sys2 := [-diff(xi(x,y),y)*y-diff(xi(x,y),`$`(y,2))*...
sys2 := [-diff(xi(x,y),y)*y-diff(xi(x,y),`$`(y,2))*...
sys2 := [-diff(xi(x,y),y)*y-diff(xi(x,y),`$`(y,2))*...
sys2 := [-diff(xi(x,y),y)*y-diff(xi(x,y),`$`(y,2))*...
sys2 := [-diff(xi(x,y),y)*y-diff(xi(x,y),`$`(y,2))*...
sys2 := [-diff(xi(x,y),y)*y-diff(xi(x,y),`$`(y,2))*...
sys2 := [-diff(xi(x,y),y)*y-diff(xi(x,y),`$`(y,2))*...
sys2 := [-diff(xi(x,y),y)*y-diff(xi(x,y),`$`(y,2))*...

> infolevel[rifsimp]:=1;

infolevel[rifsimp] := 1

> rr:=rifsimp(sys2,[xi,eta],storeall,casesplit);

`The system has been identified as follows:`

`The system has the following dependent variables:`...

xi, eta

`The system has the following independent variables...

x, y

`The system has the following constants:`

a, b

`The following are to be treated as solve variables...

xi, eta, a, b

      Storing current system in RifStorage_1_1.m
Storing current system in RifStorage_1_2.m
Storing current system in RifStorage_1_3.m
Storing current system in RifStorage_1_4.m
Storing current system in RifStorage_1_5.m
Storing current system in RifStorage_1_6.m
Storing current system in RifStorage_1_7.m
Storing current system in RifStorage_1_8.m
Storing current system in RifStorage_1_9.m
Storing current system in RifStorage_1_10.m
Storing current system in RifStorage_1_11.m
Storing current system in RifStorage_1_12.m
Storing current system in RifStorage_1_13.m
Storing current system in RifStorage_1_14.m
Storing current system in RifStorage_2_13.m
Storing current system in RifStorage_2_14.m
Storing current system in RifStorage_2_15.m
Storing current system in RifStorage_3_14.m
Storing current system in RifStorage_3_15.m
Storing current system in RifStorage_3_16.m
Storing current system in RifStorage_4_15.m

rr := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Pivots = [b <> 0], Solved =...
rr := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Pivots = [b <> 0], Solved =...
rr := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Pivots = [b <> 0], Solved =...
rr := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Pivots = [b <> 0], Solved =...
rr := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Pivots = [b <> 0], Solved =...
rr := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Pivots = [b <> 0], Solved =...
rr := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Pivots = [b <> 0], Solved =...
rr := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Pivots = [b <> 0], Solved =...
rr := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Pivots = [b <> 0], Solved =...
rr := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Pivots = [b <> 0], Solved =...
rr := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Pivots = [b <> 0], Solved =...
rr := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Pivots = [b <> 0], Solved =...
rr := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Pivots = [b <> 0], Solved =...
rr := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Pivots = [b <> 0], Solved =...
rr := TABLE([1 = TABLE([Pivots = [b <> 0], Solved =...

> rifread("RifStorage_2_13");

TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),y) = 0, b = 0, diff(x...
TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),y) = 0, b = 0, diff(x...
TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),y) = 0, b = 0, diff(x...
TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),y) = 0, b = 0, diff(x...
TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),y) = 0, b = 0, diff(x...
TABLE([Solved = [diff(xi(x,y),y) = 0, b = 0, diff(x...

A description of the meaning of each entry appearing in the output tables can be found on the rifsimp[output] page.

See Also

rifsimp , rifsimp[adv_options] , rifsimp[options] , rifsimp[output] , rifsimp[overview]