rtaylor - obtain the Taylor series for an ODE or PDE system

Calling Sequences

rtaylor( solved , options )

rtaylor( solved , vars , options )


solved - system in solved form

vars - (optional) solving variables of the system

options - (optional) sequence of options to specify the ranking for the solved form, initial data, and the order of the Taylor series



> with(Rif):

A simple ODE

> rtaylor([diff(f(x),x,x)=-f(x)],order=4);

[f(x) = f(x[0])+D(f)(x[0])*(x-x[0])-1/2*f(x[0])*(x-...

A PDE system with a single dependent variable

> rtaylor([diff(f(x,y),y,y)=diff(f(x,y),x)*f(x,y),
diff(f(x,y),x,x)=2*f(x,y)], order=3);

[f(x,y) = f(x[0],y[0])+D[1](f)(x[0],y[0])*(x-x[0])+...
[f(x,y) = f(x[0],y[0])+D[1](f)(x[0],y[0])*(x-x[0])+...
[f(x,y) = f(x[0],y[0])+D[1](f)(x[0],y[0])*(x-x[0])+...
[f(x,y) = f(x[0],y[0])+D[1](f)(x[0],y[0])*(x-x[0])+...

A PDE system with two dependent variables

> rtaylor([diff(f(x,y),x,x)=diff(g(x,y),y),

[f(x,y) = f(x[0],y[0])+D[1](f)(x[0],y[0])*(x-x[0])+...
[f(x,y) = f(x[0],y[0])+D[1](f)(x[0],y[0])*(x-x[0])+...
[f(x,y) = f(x[0],y[0])+D[1](f)(x[0],y[0])*(x-x[0])+...
[f(x,y) = f(x[0],y[0])+D[1](f)(x[0],y[0])*(x-x[0])+...

An example using initial data

> sys := {diff(f(x,y),x,x)=0,diff(f(x,y),x,y)=0};

sys := {diff(f(x,y),x,y) = 0, diff(f(x,y),`$`(x,2))...

> id := initialdata(sys);

id := TABLE([Infinite = [f(x[0],y) = _F1(y)], Finit...

> rtaylor(sys, id, order=3);

[f(x,y) = _F1(y[0])+_C1*(x-x[0])+D(_F1)(y[0])*(y-y[...
[f(x,y) = _F1(y[0])+_C1*(x-x[0])+D(_F1)(y[0])*(y-y[...

An example using specified initial data and an expansion point

> ids := eval(eval(id),{_F1(y)=sin(y),_C1=1});

ids := TABLE([Infinite = [f(x[0],y) = sin(y)], Fini...

> rtaylor(sys, ids, order=3, point=[x=1,y=Pi]);

[f(x,y) = x-1-y+Pi+1/6*(y-Pi)^3]

See Also

caseplot , rifsimp , rifsimp[nonlinear]