The Standard Form Project

The Standard Form project is an implementation of the "normal" form algorithm as described in the papers of Reid, Wittkopf, Boulton, Lisle, et. al. Basically, the package reduces large systems of PDE (linear), and reduces them to a form from which it can obtain structural information about the system, such as:

The project was completed in 1993 with release 2.0 of the package which runs under Maple V release 1-2. You can download it (with examples and manual) in tarred gzipped form or in pkzip form.
There is a modified version which runs under Maple V release 3-4 in tarred gzipped form or in pkzip form.
You can also view the manual (in text format).

Development of this code is frozen (the code was updated to release 3-4 purely for comparison to other packages in these versions).
Sorry, there is no version for release 5.

An example of the use of this code to simplify the Lie symmetry determining system for the Magnetohydrodynamic equations can be viewed in a Maple worksheet.

The new Reduced Involutive Form package gives much improved functionality and flexibility, and can work with nonlinear equations as well.

Last updated May-17-99.