SFU Research Links

UILO helps SFU researchers bring technologies to market


Research Links, Vol 5, No 3

September 1996


"The University/Industry Liaison office (UILO) provides services to SFU researchers to help transfer the results of their research to society. The past sevreal months have been marked by the successful negotiation of a number of high profile agreements. On behalf of the University, the UILO also obtained equity positions in a number of SFU spin-off companies." --Research Links

Neologos Technologies Ltd. is one such company. Founded by Drs. Peter Borwein, Jonathan Borwein, Loki Jorgenson and Stephen Braham of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Neologos (standing for "new knowledge") will be involved in the development of tools for linking web-based educational material to mathematical software such as Maple.

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