Lookup 1 2 12 184 8512: The Sequence Server's reply
From: sequences-reply@research.att.com
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 95 04:16 EST
Matches (at most 7) found for 1 2 12 184 8512 :
%I A7764
%S A7764 1,2,12,184,8512,1262816,575780564,789360053252
%N A7764 Nonintersecting rook paths joining opposite corners of $n times n$ board.
%R A7764 puzzles.
%K A7764 nonn
%O A7764 1,2
%A A7764 David G Radcliffe
%h A7764 ftp://lri.lri.fr/LRI/articles/durr/grille.ps
References (if any):
[puzzles] = Netnews group rec.puzzles, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) file. ({ Science Section}).
o See also my Integer Sequences web page:
o For more sequences see "The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences"
by N. J. A. Sloane & S. Plouffe, Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-558630-2.
o If the sequence you looked up was not in the table and you think it
should be, send it to me at njas@research.att.com
o There is a second sequence server (superseeker@research.att.com)
that tries hard to find an explanation. Only 1 request per person
per hour please.
o Key: %I = ID line: Annnn = absolute catalogue number of sequence,
Mnnn = number in the Encyclopedia,
%S, %T, %U = beginning of sequence, [%V,%W,%X = signed version]
%N = name, %R = references, %Y = cross-references, %A = authority,
%F = formula, %K = keywords,
%a = Macsyma; %c = C; %f = Fortran; %g = Gap; %i = Pari;
%m = Magma; %p = Maple; %t = Mathematica; %s = S
%O = offset = [a,b]: a is subscript of first entry, b gives the
position of the first entry >= 2.
References to journals give volume, page, year.
o If the word "lookup" does not appear you will be sent the help file.
Sequentially yours, The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences,
N. J. A. Sloane, Bell Labs, Murray Hill NJ 07974 USA njas@research.att.com