Lookup 1 1 2 5 14 42 132 429: The Sequence Server's reply

From: sequences-reply@research.att.com
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 95 18:23 EST

Matches (at most 7) found for  1 1 2 5 14 42 132 429  :

%I A000108 M1459 N0577
%S A000108 1,1,2,5,14,42,132,429,1430,4862,16796,58786,208012,742900,
%T A000108 2674440,9694845,35357670,129644790,477638700,1767263190,
%U A000108 6564120420,24466267020,91482563640,343059613650,1289904147324
%N A000108 Catalan numbers: $C(n)^=^C(2n,n)/(n+1)$.
%R A000108 AMM 72 973 65. RCI 101. C1 53. PLC 2 109 71. MAG 61 211 88.
%K A000108 core,nonn,easy
%F A000108 roman {G.f.:}~~{ 1 ~-~ ( 1 ~-~ 4^x) sup {1/2} } over {2^x} .
%O A000108 0,3
%p A000108 f:=n->binomial(2*n,n)/(n+1);
%B A000108 A000108.
%Z A000108 FLAG.
%A A000108 njas

References (if any):

[AMM] = { American Mathematical Monthly}.
[C1] = L. Comtet, { Advanced Combinatorics}, Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland, 1974.
[MAG] = { The Mathematical Gazette}.
[PLC] = Volume 1: { Proceedings of the Louisiana Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computer Science}, edited R. C. Mullin et\ al., 1970.  \noindent Volume 2: { Proceedings of the Second Louisiana Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing}, edited R. C. Mullin et\ al., 1971.
[RCI] = J. Riordan, { Combinatorial Identities}, Wiley, NY, 1968.

o  See also my Integer Sequences web page:
o  For more sequences see "The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences"
     by N. J. A. Sloane & S. Plouffe, Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-558630-2.
o  If the sequence you looked up was not in the table and you think it
     should be, send it to me at njas@research.att.com
o  There is a second sequence server (superseeker@research.att.com)
   that tries hard to find an explanation.  Only 1 request per person
   per hour please.
o  Key: %I = ID line: Annnnnn = absolute catalogue number of sequence,
     Mnnnn = number in the Encyclopedia,
   %S, %T, %U = beginning of sequence,  [%V,%W,%X = signed version]
   %N = name, %R = references, %Y = cross-references, %A = authority,
   %F = formula, %K = keywords, %H = URL address of source,
   %a = Macsyma; %g = Gap; %i = Pari; %m = Magma; %p = Maple;
   %t = Mathematica;  %D = details of references
   %O = offset = [a,b]: a is subscript of first entry, b gives the
   position of the first entry >= 2.
   References to journals give volume, page, year.
o  If the word "lookup" does not appear you will be sent the help file.

Sequentially yours, The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences,
N. J. A. Sloane, Bell Labs, Murray Hill NJ 07974 USA njas@research.att.com