observed and predicted frequencies of occurrence of spacings

for each k, gives GUE predictions for number of spacings out of 10^6
that fall into the interval ((k-1)/20, k/20], and the number actually
observed for zeros of the zeta function in sets of 10^6, starting
at zeros numbered about 1, 10^6, and 10^20, respectively

k   GUE            N = 1          N = 10^6      N = 10^20

1 273.615           266           244           230
2 1902.381          1490          1646          1882
3 5095.719          4226          4296          5200
4 9726.649          7937          8438          9806
5 15606.739         13238         13608         15228
6 22486.726         19448         19972         21937
7 30057.609         26214         27093         29871
8 37954.941         34288         34612         37543
9 45769.565         42167         43416         45672
10 53067.199         50752         51256         52931
11 59417.289         57716         58083         59873
12 64428.815         64705         64075         64609
13 67788.278         70314         69712         67877
14 69293.525         72636         71662         69299
15 68877.038         73048         72123         68849
16 66613.885         72106         70661         66712
17 62712.271         66925         66715         62891
18 57487.956         61722         61073         58220
19 51326.765         54693         54115         51965
20 44641.384         47035         46881         44904
21 37829.194         38997         38879         37991
22 31237.095         31435         31738         31127
23 25137.324         24740         24939         25315
24 19715.927         19159         18936         19599
25 15073.199         14036         14165         15315
26 11233.630         10105         10394         11269
27 8161.959          7222          7250          7785
28 5781.740          4842          5020          5574
29 3993.374          3295          3421          3772
30 2689.453          2112          2270          2532
31 1766.255          1374          1373          1676
32 1131.173           794           867          1072
33 706.497           469           495           590
34 430.343           267           274           383
35 255.657           125           165           213
36 148.133            61            67           142
37 83.717            23            43            75
38 46.148            12            13            38
39 24.813             2             7            23
40 13.014             4             3             6