Related Resources

The History and Philosophy of Mathematics
A descriptive collection of references and resources that define the context within which experimental mathematics (and these Proceedings) appear. Included are several articles written by invited authors.

Inverse Symbolic Calculator
The Inverse Symbolic Calculator is a set of programs and specialized tables of mathematical constants dedicated to the identification of real numbers. It also serves as a way to produce identities with functions and real numbers. It is one of the main projects presently ongoing at the Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics (CECM).

Sloane: Integer Sequences
A Handbook of Integer Sequences was published by Academic Press in 1973, and contained an annotated list of 2372 sequences arranged in lexicographic order. Since then a great deal of new material has been added, and many improvements have been made to the original entries. The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, can now be accessed by electronic mail.

Visual DSolve
VisualDSolve is a package of routines for solving and visualizing ordinary differential equations in Mathematica created by Dan Schwalbe ( and Stan Wagon ( at Macalaster College.

CMS Electronic Preprint Server
The CMS EPS acts as a repository and access for the preprints of Canadian Mathematical Society and non-CMS members of the mathematics community. It has its own policies and standards of archiving and user support which are intended to conform as closely as possible to existing standards found elsewhere.

University of Waterloo: Mathematics Electronic Journals & Magazines
The Ejournals Project is a co-operative effort among area academic libraries with interest in facilitating access to electronic journals. Common objectives are established, and tasks will be shared. The project may lead to co-operative archiving and purchasing, and may eventually serve as a source of all electronic journals required by users of the member institution.
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