experimental and constructive mathematics
mathlab organics polylab m3plexus
island pacific school interactive document on algebra
A Showcase of CECM's recent TeleLearning research 
Theme 3.30.0: Advanced Knowledge Delivery for Mathematical Learning
(last updated October 5, 2001)

Advanced Computational Mathematics on the Web (January 2001)

Winner of the People's Choice Award at TeleLearning 2000 Annual Conference.

As content-on-the-web moves front and centre we have concentrated on research and development that attacks the issue of how sophisticated components may be connected so that relatively naive users may benefit substantially. This poster will concentrate on three such pieces:

1. IntegerRelations, CECM's latest interface, implements various fast methods for "for spotting simple equations satisfied by collections of seemingly unrelated numbers."

One attraction of this tool is that the underlying algorithm needs highly sophisticated computation and has been ranked as one of the ten algorithms having "the greatest influence on the development and practice of science and engineering in the 20th century" in the January/February 2000 issue of 'Computing in Science & Engineering'. It features an email submission option that allows for automated data analysis through the use of the nterface's robot. IntegerRelations has a web-based counterpart and is built to determine linear integer dependence among numerical constants and to determine the minimal polynomial of an approximate algebraic number.

IntegerRelations is designed to be a self-contained "portal" for the topic.

2. The Graph Explorer, correspondingly, illustrates how Java can be seriously used over the web in college mathematics. This JAVA applet allows one to smoothly zoom in and out or pan across the graphs of functions that one defines, and also to set and vary the values of literal "parameters" that one may include in one's formulas. Its animated zoom and pan features may give a better feel for scaling relationships than one can get from a graphing calculator (or even from some much more sophisticated Computer Algebra Systems).

3. Developed by our partners in Berlin, JavaView, a sophisticated 3D package, allows true visualization on the web. It is sufficiently flexible as we indicate that it can "grab Maple" and other packages, enhance their output and return that enhanced outout to the originating software.

Our TeleLearning Project -- JamLab (January 2000)

We are developing a visual environment for heuristic mathematics learning, for both middle school and undergraduate level. Building on previous projects, we are planning to make a specialized laboratory environment for exploration of mathematics, to engage the learner at both the intuitive and analytic levels. (see TeleLearning 99 Report)
Demo Links

Satellite Communication -- PolyLab

The CECM and the Telematics laboratory have established a unique prototyping and pre-production laboratory, PolyLab, to enable the rapid development and implementation of distributed network technologies for use in research, education and industry in mathematics and the mathematical sciences. This laboratory is in direct support of a number of current, high-profile projects as well as future developments involving several Canadian and international groups.
Publications Links

PolyMath collaborates with Dutch research group RIACA

Interactive Document on Algebra (IDA) is a project for creating electronic lecture notes for the first Algebra course for undergraduates in Mathematics and Computing Science at Eindhoven University of Technology. PolyMath technology provides imbedded tools and server systems for this project.
Public Talks

Going beans about math

Queen's researcher gives new dimensions to math education using cutting-edge JavaBean technology.
--By Celia R. Andersen. Queen's Gazette.
(see February 23, 1999 article)

Participatory Pedagogy

Island Pacific School of Bowen Island is a research partner with the CECM. Together, they are involving middle school students in the exciting developments of distance learning technology. Acting as collaborators, the students are learning to apply the latest in education technology to mathematics. In addition, they are actively participating in the user design process which will shape the technology of tomorrow's classroom.

CECM | SFU | NAOMI | RIACA | TL-NCE | PolyMath | PolyLab | ESCOT | Maple
This page is maintained by Jen Chang, Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics, Simon Fraser University.