The Second Annual

(PNWNT 98)

This will take place in Vancouver on MAY 2. The invited speakers are

9:00-9:30: Refreshments
Mike Bennett: IAS and Urbana
9:30-10:00: Rational approximation to algebraic numbers of small height
Joe Buhler: Reed College
10:30-11:30:Computing Power Residue Symbols
11:30-1:30: Lunch
Rajiv Gupta: University of British Columbia
1:30-2:00: Class Groups of Quadratic Function Fields
Chris Skinner: IAS
2:15-2:45: Galois representations and modular forms
2:45-3:30: Refreshments
Fernando Rodriguez Villegas: University of Texas
3:30-4:30: Boyd's tempered families

The meeting is sponsored by PIms (The Pacific Institute of the Mathematical Sciences), by Simon Fraser University and by CECM (the Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics). As a result there is NO registration fee.

The meeting will take place in room 1700 at Harbour Centre (515 West Hastings Street) which is the downtown campus of Simon Fraser. There will be self-hosted dinners at local restaurants on both Friday and Saturday evenings. We are particularly keen to encourage graduate students to participate.

Participants who arrive in time for dinner on Friday should come to the Harbour Centre campus (floor plan, directions and downtown map, and parking map) of Simon Fraser (515 West Hastings Street) between 5:00 and 6:30 on Friday where informal arrangements for dinner will be made. Otherwise participants should come for the talks on Saturday morning.

On Saturday May 2, there will be a self-hosting dinner at Cafe Presto Panini, 859 Hornby Street, Vancouver, 684-4445. (Menu)


To register on-line, simply fill out the following form and click the Register button to submit your request.



(reset form)

The Organizing Committee:
Peter Borwein ( (604-291-4376)
David Boyd (
Joe Buhler (

Accommodation: Please make your own accommodation arrangements and preferably soon as the hotels do fill up. The cheapest convenient option is the new downtown youth hostel at $19-23. The Sylvia Hotel is reasonably priced (from $65) and very pleasant but is a couple of miles from the conference. The Waterfront Centre Hotel is very nice and convenient but rooms are close to $200. The Tourism BC phone number for hotel bookings is 1-800-663-6000. They can book virtually any hotel for you. Additional tourism information is available from Tourism BC. More information is available below.

Best Western Chateau Granville, 1100 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6Z 2B6. 1.800.663.0575 (from $85.00).
Hostelling International-Downtown Vancouver, 1114 Burnaby Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6E 1P1. 604.684.4565 (from $19.00).
Sylvia Hotel, 1154 Gilford Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6G 2P6 604.681.9321 ($65.00 Single, Bedroom with Kitchen:$100.00).

Sponsored by

Pacific Institute
for the Mathematical

Simon Fraser University

Centre for Experimental &
Constructive Mathematics