Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics

New CECM Web Site Available

You are currently viewing an old version of the CECM web site. Please visit http://www.cecm.sfu.ca for the most up-to-date information.

The Centre Projects Research

What's New
Cutting Edge Resources

  1. CECM Interfaces and CECM Preprints
  2. SFU CoLab
  3. WestGrid: The Innovation Grid (Alberta and BC join forces in $30 Million Grid Project)
  4. IRMACS (New Math Centre funded at SFU)
  5. HPC@SFU (CFI funded installation)
  6. CEIC (IMU Committee on Electronic Matters)
  7. CECM Alternate Home Page(CEIC Math-Net)
  8. MathNet and MathGate
  9. JavaView Interface
The Centre
About the CECM

The Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics (CECM), a Simon Fraser University research centre within the Departments of Mathematics and Statistics and Actuarial Science, is located at SFU's Burnaby Campus in British Columbia (Canada).

CECM's mandate is to explore and promote the interplay of conventional mathematics with modern computation and communication in the mathematical sciences. The Centre provides a sophisticated but easy to use computational environment for research and collaboration in the mathematical sciences. Its resources are available to all its members and, where possible, to other interested individuals both at Simon Fraser and elsewhere via associate memberships and the Internet.

Information about Graduate Studies in Mathematics at SFU.


CECM '04; A day of Mathematics and Computation.
CECM '04 was held in the Halpern Centre at SFU, July 27th, 2004. We had four invited talks by George Labahn (University of Waterloo), Roman Nedela (Slovak Acadamy of Sciences), Victor Flynn (University of Liverpool) an Richard Crandall (Centre for Advanced Computation, Reed College). A talk on the new Maple release, Maple 9.5 given by Michael Monagan (CECM) and Allan Wittkopf (Maplesoft). Ten posters were presented. Four poster prizes were awarded to Ben Ong, Jennifer de Kleine, Mohammad Ebrahimi and Frank Chu.
CECM's Researcher Wins Major Award.
Adrian Lewis, director of CECM's Analysis and Applied Optimization Group, has been awarded the prestigious Lagrange Prize in Continuous Optimization for 2003. This honour was awarded jointly by the Mathematical Programming Society and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics at the 18th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Copenhagen, August 18, 2003.

Organization of Research Groups
At the Heart of CECM's Research

About the CECM
CECM 2004/2005 Events Schedule
CECM Research Groups
Computational Algebra Group (CAG)
Discrete Mathematics Group (DMG)
Number Theory Group (NTG)
Optimization and Applied Analysis Group (OAA)
Parallel Study Group (PSG)

News and Projects

Pi Hex The Quadrillionth Bit of Pi is '0'! A distributed effort to calculate Pi.
Mekler Sculpture Exhibitions
CECM Members
CECM Preprints
CECM's Photo Album
Research Projects
Special Projects
Local CECM information (restricted access)
Employment Opportunity
- CECM Clippings etc.-
CECM Mathematics Resources Page
Other Information Sites

Mar. 25, 2025

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