Special Events
July 5 - 9, 2004 |
Workshop on Computational Arithmetic Geometry PIMS SFU
Workshop Computational Arithmetic Geometry
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby Campus
November 18, 2003 |
The Alan Mekler Lecture 2003 AQ 3149
Mathematics in Stone and Bronze
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby Campus
Helaman and Claire Ferguson
All welcome
Oct 3-4, 2003 |
WCOM 03 Fall Meeting
West Coast Optimization Meeting 2003
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby
All welcome
July 31, 2003 |
CECM Annual Summer Meeting 2003 Halpern Centre
CECM 2003: Computational Mathematics
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby Campus
All welcome
May 9-10, 2003 |
WCOM Seattle
West Coast Meeting
University of Washington, Seattle
All welcome
April 5 and 6, 2003
Univ. of Washington Seattle |
Seventh Pacific Northwest Number Theory Conference
Friday, March 14, 2003 in the afternoon
CoLab and K9509 SFU |
CoLab School OpenHouse for Pi Day
Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 6:00pm
Harbour Centre SFU |
Jon Borwein lectures on "The Fields
on mathematicians Nevanlinna Prize winner Madhu Sudan, USA, and Fields Medallists Vladimir Voevodsky, USA and Laurent Lafforque, France
Friday, March 7, 2003
CECM/CoLab (P8493) SFU |
IRMACS planning open house
(two floors directly below the mathematics department office)
Friday, March 7, 2003
NewMIC Harbour Centre SFU |
Greg Buck lectures on "Knots"
at 12 noon.
Thursday and Friday, January 23-24, 2003
CECM/CoLab (P8493) SFU |
Workshop on
Special Functions in the Digital Age
Wednesday December 4, 2002 at 2:30pm in AQ 3005
2002/2003 Mekler Lecture SFU |
Jeff Weeks
The Curvature of Space
Friday November 22, 2002 at 2:30pm in Images Theatre
CSS Lecture SFU |
Stephen Wolfram:
A New Kind of Science
All welcome - Registration Necessary
Friday Nov 1-2, 2002 |
WCOM Seattle
West Coast Meeting
University of Washington, Seattle
All welcome
Friday August 9, 2002
CECM 2002 SFU |
CECM 2002 Summer Workshop on
Computer Assisted Mathematics and Advanced Collaboration
All welcome - Registration Necessary
June 28-30, 2002
MathML 2002
MathML and Math on the Web
International Conference
Hickory Ridge Conference Center,
Chicago, Illinois
June 17, 2002 to June 28, 2002
Intensive Graduate Course in Computational Number Theory
-- Polynomials with Integer Coefficients
Organized by: Peter Borwein (Simon Fraser University)
and Michael Filaseta University of South Carolina)
Fri. & Sat. May 3-4, 2002
West Coast Optimization Meeting
SFU EAA (Room 1100)
The Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences is sponsoring the Spring 2002
West Coast
Optimization Meeting. This informative meeting brings together researchers
and practitioners
Friday April 26, 2002, 17:00 - 18:00
Brent Davis
Faculty of Education, University of Alberta
Changing the Culture Conference
"Rigour : Mathematics : : Intuition : Teaching ... And Vice Versa"
Fletcher Challenge Theatre, SFU Harbour Centre Campus
Organized by: Malgorzata Dubiel (Simon Fraser University)
Sponsored by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.
For more information, see
PNWNT 2002, April 20-21,2002
East Academic Annex SFU
Pacific Northwest Number Theory Meeting
Sponsered by: CECM, Number Theory Foundation and PIMS.
This event has NO registration fee.
Speakers include: Kristin Lauter: Microsoft,
Greg Martin: University of British Columbia,
Carl Pomerance: Lucent Technologies Bell Labs,
Fernando Rodriguez Villegas : University of Texas,
Hugh Williams: University of Calgary
February 15 - 17, 2002
International Math Union, CEIC
4th Annual CEIC Meeting and Workshop
at the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, SFU
Thursday February 14, 2002 in B9201 at 3:30pm
Mekler Lectures
Mekler Lecturer Martin Groetschel
talks on "Mathematical Opportunities in Telecommunication".
Reception to follow in K9509 at 4:30pm.
Friday, January 18th, 2002, 10am-2pm
Dell Computer Corporation invites you to attend a technical seminar on
High Performance Cluster Computing.
Simon Fraser University - Diamond University Centre - Thompson & Fraser
Speakers are Dr. Jenwei Hsieh, Dr. Reza Rooholamini, Kevin Libert, Dale Peddie,
and Robert Mah
Sunday January 13, 2002, 9:15 - 2:45
PIMS Graduate Weekend
PIMS Graduate Recruitment takes place in Vancouver.
at the East Accademic Annex, SFU Rm 1100
November 2-3, 2001
West Coast Optimization Meeting
the University of Washington, Seattle.
September 24 - 26, 2001, Schloss Hagenberg
MKM 2001
First International Workshop on Mathematical Knowledge Management
& OpenMath Workshop
RISC, A-4232 Schloss Hagenberg, Linz, Austria
Thursday July 27 & 28, 2001, K9509
CECM 2001
Analysis, Computation and Collaboration
(Sponsored by CECM/MITACS/PIMS)
All welcome - Registration Necessary
Thursday July 5, 2001, East Academic Annex Room 120
Pacific Northwest Number Theory Seminar Series
(Sponsored by PIMS/MITACS and CECM)
All welcome - No Registration - Free Lunch
Wed 16 to Fri 18 May, 2001
Pacific Institute
Workshop on "Design Theory: Resolvability and Parallelisms"
Fri. May 11, 2001
SFU at Harbour Centre
Changing the Culture 2001
The theme of this year's conference is:
Writing, Speaking and Thinking Mathematics
Fri. & Sat. May 4-5, 2001
West Coast Optimization Meeting
SFU EAA (Room 1100)
Thursday March 8, 2001, 3:30 in K9500
The 2001 Alan Mekler Lecture
Math Dept. SFU
Yuri Gurevich
Microsoft Research, "What is an Algorithm?"
4:30 Refreshments in K9509
Saturday January 27, 2001, 11am - 4pm
Joint Number Theory Event
Harbour Center, SFU.
Nils Bruin (PIMS, SFU, UBC),
"Generalised Fermat equations"
Adrian Iovita (University of Washington, Seattle)
"Explicit description of the local Galois representations
attached to modular forms"
Stephen Choi (Simon Fraser University)
"A Problem of Cohn on Classifying Characters"
Saturday January 13, 2001, 11am - 4pm
Joint Number Theory Event
University of Washington Seattle.
Michael Spiess, University of Nottingham, UK,
"Logarithmic differential forms on p-adic symmetric spaces."
Imin Chen, Simon Fraser University,
"On relations between induced representations for GL_2(Z/p^2) and
applications to modular curves"
October 28-29, 2000
Numerical Analysis Weekend
Numerical Potlatch 2000 Saturday, October 28, 2000
Fast Multipole Workshop Sunday, October 29, 2000
Wednesday October 25 at 12 noon in CECM.
Goodbye Lunch for Loki Jörgenson
Let us know if you can attend :)
October 20-21, 2000
West Coast Optimization Meeting
the University of Washington, Seattle.
October 12-14, 2000
SIAM Workshop
SIAM Regional Math in Industry Workshop
the University of Washington, Seattle.
Thursday Oct 5 at 10:30 & Tuesday Oct 10 at 10:30
Professor Veso Junjic
"Two Special Lectures on the work of Timothy Gowers"
Friday September 22, 2000 at 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
PIMS/MITACS LSK 301, 6356 Agricultural Road,
Professor Peter J. Rousseeuw
"Depth Tests of Symmetry and Regression"
Thursday September 21, 2000 at 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
PIMS/MITACS CICSR 208, 2366 Main Mall, UBC
Professor Peter J. Rousseeuw
"An Introduction to Regression Depth"
Tuesday September 12 at 2.30 in CECM
Jon Borwein SFU |
HPC@SFU Meeting.
Friday September 15, 2000 at 6pm
Food and Fun
P O T L U C K at Jon and Judi's House
You are invited to a BEGINNING OF TERM POTLUCK.
Come alone or bring friends. Bring food or drink. As always, we
will provide the basics.
June 19-23, 2000 from 8:30am - 5:00pm in K9509
Shrum Science
Maple Course
June 19-20, 2000 in Diamond
University Centre
Burnaby Mountain
Live Collaborative Mathematics on the Net
June 16, 2000 at SFU in MPX
Dr. Ulrich Kortenkamp
Berlin University |
Creating Interactive Geometry With Cinderella
(Centre for Educational Technology Instructional Lab)
Burnaby Mountain
1:30 PM, Wednesday, June 14, 2000, UBC, Math Annex 1102
Hugh Montgomery University
of Michigan |
Greedy sums of distinct squares