"We have checked your domain's popularity and ranked it relative to the other domains on the net. (The domain: www.cecm.sfu.ca, is ranked #4862 out of 856147 domains in the WebsMostLinked.com database [on August 9, 2000].)"
-- WebMostLinked.com
The School Zone
"Your site, Centre for Experimental and Constructive Math. has been included in Schoolzone's list of educationally useful sites by our panel of 400 expert teachers. This is in recognition of the fact that it is useful as teaching and learning resource."
-- Philip Collie, School Zone
Links2Go Key Resource Award
"The page titled ISC Main Page, at ,
was selected as a Links2Go "Key Resource" in the Mathematics topic,
at Links2Go." -- Links2Go Awards
Britannica Internet Guide Award
"Britannica.com is contacting you because our editors have selected your site as one of the best on the Internet when reviewed for quality, accuracy of content, presentation and usability." --The Staff at Britannica.com
American Association for the Advancement of Science
"Congratulations! Your site has been reviewed by our Board of Reviewing
Editors and has been approved for use in classrooms. It is now featured
among the recommended resources on Science NetLinks, a comprehensive homepage
for science educators created by the American Association for the Advancement
of Science." -- Jillian Corr, Science NetLinks
US Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information
"Your preprint site is among those that we at the Department of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical Information would like to include as a link in our
new Internet based tool called the PrePRINT Network. The PrePRINT Network provides users a searchable gateway to a collection of approximately 240 scientific preprint sites." -- Lorrie Johnson, OSTI
Dr. Matrix Science Excellence
Dr. Matrix recognizes CECM's Inverse Symbolic Calculator.
Pointcom Top 5% of All Web Sites Award
Pointcom.com selected CECM's ISC site as one of the top 5% of all web sites. Note: The original site www.pointcom.com is no longer in service.