The Special Projects page details many interesting collaborations that CECM sponsors. Many involve getting young people to participate in activities that enrich their learning experience in mathematics. Take a look at the Work Preparation Project page completed by our summer ('96) visitors from Port Moody Senior Secondary School. Click here: http:// ~workprep/ to view a series of web pages completed by these students. Be sure to check out their interesting projects (and comments!).

Crux Mathematicorum (http:// CMS/ CRUX/) is the Canadian Mathematical Society's internationally respected problem solving journal - now available on-line.

This is an interactive french education module designed to introduce students to the concepts and problems associated with visualization ideas explored in the Pascal Triangle Interface developed for the Organic Math Project. http:// CMS/ Education/

This paper is about an innovative student doing an internet search for his English paper. Humbly called "The I-Search Paper" (http:// Special/ I-Search.html),this short story chronicles a young math enthusiast researching for his essay on an all too fascinating subject. (Yes, you guessed it -- it's mathematics, of course!)