If it's in ``colour'', it must be ``click'able''...
Hypertext, such as above, and hyperimages, such as the various icons below, appear throughout the pages of the Proceedings. Hypertext Menus are used to allow quick navigation through the proceedings hierarchy. Hyperimages are used for accessing two specialized and customizable Web interfaces from any desired point within a given paper: the Maple Form Interface and the Annotation Form Interface.
This is an interactive help page which summarizes the various icons used to access the MFI and AFI. Click on any of the hypertext and icons described in this page for an illustration of the associated action.
As a hyperimage appearing to the right or left of typeset mathematical expressions, this icon indicates that the corresponding expression(s) is MathActivatable, i.e., there are author-specified Maple code attached to the equation. Clicking on this icon in the context of a document will results in the interpretation of the associated Maple source via the Maple Form Interface (MFI). Try clicking on the Maple icon below to activate a Maple program for graphing arbitrary functions on the torus:
This hyper image appears to the left of a typeset mathematical expression if there is no Maple code attached to the expression(s) by the author. Try clicking on the icon to see how it would typically appear in a typical document. Clicking on the blue Maple icon within the context of a document will provide access to the generic MFI.
Click on any in-lined image of an equation, such as the arbitrary function above, to view three different representations of the equation:
Click on this hyperimage to access the Annotation Form Interface (AFI). Each document is divided into a number of annotatable sections separated by two horizontal lines indicating the beginning and the end of that section. The annotation icon appears right justified on the top line of the various sections. The various annotatable section of a page will always appears at the top of the AFI to help keep the context.
Click on this icon to show the titles (or subjects) of all annotations made to an annotatable sections of a document page as hypertext in-lined with the rest of the page. This icon will only appear (aligned with the top horizontal line marking the beginning of an annotatable section) only if there are any annotations corresponding to that section. Clicking on the hypertext of the annotation subject will show the Annotation Text and allow the reader to post a follow-up.
Click on this icon to go back to the top of the corresponding annotatable section in the original page, hiding the various hypertextual annotation titles.
Click on this icon to view this page and any author supplied comments/help specific to a particular section of the document.
At the bottom of almost all pages there is a navigation bar (like the one at the bottom of this page). It provides point-and-click access to all the main sections of the Proceedings: