Past Local and Regional Events
Past Local Events
Past Regional Events
NOTE: some links may be out-dated
Past Local Events
CECM 98-99 Academic Year events
The West Coast Optimization Meeting
November 14 (Friday) - 15 (Saturday), 1997
Room Guggenheim 317, Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
PIMS Colloquium Series 1996-1997
June 23-24, 1997, Burnaby, B.C.
First Vancouver Meeting in Probability
West Coast Optimization Meeting
April 11-12, 1997, Vancouver, B.C.
Announcement for the West Cost Optimization Meeting (Nov 1-2, 1996)
Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences
Opening Meeting
October 4th, 1996
: The Tenth Annual Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar
CECM-PIMS Workshop on Analysis and its Computational Applications
August 14-15 (also available in HTML, DVI, LaTeX, and postscript)
Semidefinite Programming and Interior-Point Approaches for Comb.'l Opt'n Problems
Fields Institute
Workshop on Interior-Point and Homotopy Methods in Mathematical Programming
(May 23-25, 1996)
Past Regional Events
The Sixth Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association (CNTA '99)
June 20-24, 1999, The Delta Winnipeg Hotel in downtown Winnipeg.
West Coast Optimization Meeting 99, Vancouver, BC
June 21 (Sunday) - 25 (Thursday), 1998, Reed College, Portland, Oregon, USA
Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium III
, Reed College, Portland, Oregon, USA (June 21-25, 1998)
Fifth SIAM Conference on Optimization
May 20-22, Victoria B.C. Conference Center
The 1996 ACM Symp. on Computational Geometry
11th Annual Workshop on Automorphic Forms and Related Topics
23-26, 1997, University of Colorado at Boulder
Computational Methods For Representations of Groups and Algebras
1997 Illinois Number Theory Conference
April 4-5, 1997, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Pacific NorthWest Number Theory Conference
April 5, 1997, Reed College, Portland, Oregon
Nineteenth Symposium on Mathematical Programming with Data Perturbation
International Conference on PDP Techniques and Applications
International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology
SOR 97:
Symposium on Operations Research 1997
Journees Arithmetiques 1997