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Right Click

Auto on - w

Auto off - q

Translate - t

Scale - s

Orbit - o

Reset - r

Pick - p

Zoom - x

Axes - sh+x



Authors: Steve Dugaro (CECM) and Konrad Polthier (TU-Berlin)

The momentum for the JavaviewLib project was initiated in the summer of 2000 by Dr. Jonathan Borwein, director of the Center for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics, and Dr. Konrad Plothier, head of Experimental Mathematics and Visualization at Technical University Berlin, following the Live Collaborative Mathematics conference at Simon Fraser University. Efforts were aimed at using JavaView to preserve the dynamic viewing capability of Maple for mathematically generated plot objects upon export to the web. By the end of the summer a prototype was in place, and funding by the Telelearning NCE and MathResources allowed for a complete Maple package to be developed. With this package, any maple plot object can be exported through a variety of ways into a superior viewing environment. Furthermore JavaViewLib allows for models created in a variety of other software packages to be effortlessly imported into Maple worksheets. In keeping with the spirit of the presentations at the recent conference on Multimedia Tools for Communicating Mathematics, this gallery provides a glimpse into the exciting possibilities of combining JavaView and Maple into web based documents.