The button Evaluate
Expression calls the Maple function evalf
with argument typed in the field for
following is the specification of evalf
in the Maple helpfile:
to floating-point or complex floating-point numbers expressions (or subexpressions)
involving constants such as Pi, exp(1), gamma, and functions such as exp,
ln, sin, arctan, cosh, GAMMA, and erf. For the complete list of known constants,
see ininames.
For the complete list of known functions, see inifcns.
Samples for evaluation
Try the following examples:
Evaluate sqrt(2)+sqrt(3).
(Check whether it is algebraic.
Try degree 4 and precision 20. What happens if you set degree 3? Why?)
Evaluate exp(Pi
/ 7 * I).
(Check whether it is algebraic.
Try degree 6 and precision 50. What happens if you set degree 7? Why?)
Back to IntegerRelations.
Agnes Szanto
modified: Wed May 3 17:50:45 PDT 2000