Events (November 2008 - October 2009)
Last updated November 2009
Networking Activities:
The Computer Algebra group at Simon Fraser,
the Symbolic Computation group at Waterloo,
and the ORCCA group at Western meet
approximately biweekly. Additionally, the two groups at Waterloo and Western meet
on the first Friday of the month with participants from Maplesoft.
We run three seminar series. The first
MOCAA Seminar Series is
run by the
ORCCA group at the University of Waterloo and the University of Western Ontario.
The second
MOCAA Seminar Series is run by the
the Computer Algebra Group at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. The third is the
Coast to Coast Seminar Series
that is hosted by Peter Borwein and Jon Borwein at IRMACS at Simon Fraser and D-DRIVE
at Dalhousie.
The personnel trained through our MITACS project included post-doctoral fellows and students
in standard university programs at the advanced undergraduate, masters and doctoral levels.
HQP from different organizations interact through electronic mail, at professional conferences
and group meetings such as those listed above and below.
Conferences and workshops
Members of the project organized and/or hosted sessions at the following
conferences where we also gave talks, presented posters, and met informally.
- ISSAC '09
Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul, South Korea, July 28 - 31, 2009.
This is the main international conference in computer algebra.
Members of the our mitacs project authored or co-authored 11 papers out of 47
presented at the conference. John May of Maplesoft presented Maple 13.
- MITACS '09
Fredericton, New Brunswick, June 1-5, 2009.
Michael Monagan organized the session on
"High Performance Algebraic Computation and its Impact on Science
and Engineering."
The speakers were Changbo Chen, Marc Moreno Maza,
Roman Pearce and Michael Monagan.
- CECM day '09
Simon Fraser, Vancouver, July 24th, 2009.
This was a one day workshop on computational mathematics
organized by Marni Mishna and Michael Monagan
of Simon Fraser.
Daniel Roche, Robert Corless and Roman Pearce gave talks
and Andrew Arnold, Afsaneh Bakhtiari, Bill Bao, Sophie Burrill,
Mahdi Javadi, Roman Pearce, Natasha Richardson, Steven Rossi,
and Asif Zaman, presented posters.
- Session on High-Performance Computer Algebra at
ACA'2009, June 25-28, 2009, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Jeremy Johnson and Marc Moreno Maza organized this session
which had 13 invited speakers; 5 of them from the MOCAA projects:
Anisule Sardar Haque, Benoit Lacelle,
LynnDing, Marc Moreno Maza,
and Eric Schost. A special issue of the Journal of Symbolic Computation
will be dedicated to the topics covered in this session.
- Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM) 2009. Held at Grand Bend, Ontario (CANADA), 5-12 July 2009 with Stephen Watt as General Chair. The event includes two international conferences: the 16th Symposium on the Integration of Symbolic and Mechanized Reasoning - Calculemus, 6 - 7 July and the 8th International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management - MKM, 10 - 12 July as well as a range of complementing workshops:
the 2nd Workshop on Compact Computer Algebra - CCA, 10 July
the 2nd Workshop on Towards a Digital Mathematics Library - DML, 8 - 9 July
the 4th Workshop on Mathematical User Interfaces - MathUI, 6 July
the 22nd Workshop on OpenMath - OpenMath, 9 July
the 3rd Workshop on Pen-Based Mathematical Computation - PenMath, 8 - 9 July
and the W3C Math Working Group Meeting, 7 July.
- Calculemus 2009.
The 16th Symposium on the Integration of
Symbolic Computation and Mechanised Reasoning was held
6-7 July 2009, Joint with CICM'09, Ontario, Canada. Calculemus was organized by
Jacques Carette,
Other Student/PDF Highlights
Graduate courses directly related to the project
Introduction to Computer Algebra given at Simon Fraser, Spring 2009, by Michael Monagan.
Topics in Computer Algebra given at Simon Fraser, Summer 2009, by Michael Monagan.
- Crytography
given at Simon Fraser by Petr Lisonek, Fall 2009.
- Advanced Numerical Analysis: A Graduate Survey. Given at the Univerity of Western Ontario, Fall 2009, by Robert Corless.
- Foundations of Computational Algebra.
Given by Eric Schost, Computing Science,
University of Western Ontario, Fall 2009.
Events (November 2007 - October 2008)
Networking Activities:
Conferences and workshops
Members of the project organized and/or hosted sessions at the following
conferences where we also gave talks, presented posters, and met informally.
We had a very active summer this year.
- Milestones in Computer Algebra.
A conference in honour of Keith Geddes' 60th Birthday.
Stonehaven Bay, Tobago, May 1-3, 2008.
Organized by Stephen Watt (general chair) and Marc Moreno Maza (program chair).
- The Mathematical Interests of Peter Borwein.
A conference celebrating Peter Borwein's 55th Birthday.
IRMACS, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, May 12-16, 2008.
International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation (ISSAC '08)
This is the main international conference in computer algebra.
Hagenberg, Linz, Austria, July 20 - 23, 2008.
Michael Monagan organized the Software Systems session.
Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA '08)
Hagenberg, Linz, Austria, July 2 - 31, 2008.
Stephen Watt co-organized the Compact Computer Algebra session and Ilias Kotsireas
co-organized the Groebner Bases and Applications session.
- CMS 2007 Winter Meeting
Talk Abstracts
London, Ontario, December 8-10, 2007.
Stephen Watt organized
the ``Algorithmic Challenges in Polynomial and Linear Algebra'' session.
- The MOCAA M^3 Workshop. Talk Abstracts
University of Western Ontario, London, May 6 - 9, 2008.
This was our main mitacs project meeting in the year.
Other networking activities
- Marc Moreno Maza and his students Xin Li, Wei Pan, and Yuzhen Xie from Western
visiting the group at Simon Fraser December 4 - 7, 2007 for
talks and project work.
- Michael Monagan and Roman Pearce visited MapleSoft for project presentations
on Monday May 5th, 2008.
- Juergen Gerhard and David Linder of Maplesoft gave Maple training sessions
at the University of Western Ontario on May 6th and May 9th, 2008.
- Stephen Watt co-organized the Aldor & Axiom Workshop
at Hagenberg, Austria, June 24-26, 2006.
- Marc Moreno Maza and George Labahn visited Simon Fraser October 22-25, 2008
for projectwork.
Other Student/PDF Highlights
- Andrew Arnold of Simon Fraser won 3rd prize for his poster
Calculating really big cyclotomic polynomials
which he presented at the
eight Analytic Number Theory Symposium
which was held in Banff, Alberta, May 2008.
- Changbo Chen of Western presented the papers
The ConstructibleSetTools and ParametricSystemTools
modules of the RegularChains library in Maple and
High-Performance Symbolic Computation in a Hybrid
Compiled-Interpreted Programming Environment
at CASA '08 which was held
in Perugia, Italy, June, 2008.
- Wei Pan of Western presented the paper
Whan does (T) equal Sat(T)? at
ISSAC '08,
in Hagenberg, Austria, July, 2008.
- Daniel Roche of Waterloo presented the paper
On Lacunary Polynomial Perfect Powers at
ISSAC '08,
in Hagenberg, Austria, July, 2008.
Graduate courses directly related to the project
Cryptography given at Simon Fraser, Fall 2008, by Michael Monagan.
Grobner Bases and Algebraic Geometry given at Simon Fraser, Spring 2008, by Michael Monagan.
- Algorithms for recurrences, differential equations, and the automatic proof of identities.
Given winter semester 2008 at Western by Eric Schost.
- Foundations of computational algebra. Given Fall 2008 semester at Western by Eric Schost
Events (November 2006 - October 2007)
Networking Activities:
Conferences and workshops
Members of the project organized and hosted the following conferences where we also
gave talks, presented posters, and met informally:
- Computer Algebra Session,
organized by Michael Monagan. Talk Abstracts
Joint CMS and MITACS Conference, Winnipeg, May 29 - June 2, 2007.
International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation (ISSAC '07)
Mark Giesbrecht and George Labahn, local arrangements chair.
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, July 29 - August 1st, 2007.
Parallel Symbolic Computation (PASCO '07), organized by Marc Moreno Maza.
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, July 27 - 28, 2007.
Symbolic Numeric Computation (SNC '07)
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, July 25 - 27, 2007.
- CECM Day 2007, on Computational Mathematics,
organized by Michael Monagan.
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, August 8th, 2007.
- Maple Retreat, organized by MapleSoft, Sparrow Lake, Ontario, September 25-27, 2007.
- Workshop on algorithmic challenges in polynomial and linear algebra
CMS Winter meeting, London, Ontario, December 8-10, 2007.
Other Networking Activities.
- SFU students and Michael Monagan visited MapleSoft for project presentations
by Pearce, Monagan, and Wittkopf on August 2nd, 2007.
- Juergen Gerhard of MapleSoft visited the group at Simon Fraser October 17 - 19, 2007 to
give a Maple training session and for student project presentations.
Other Student/PDF Activities
- MITACS conference poster session, Winnipeg, May 31st, 2007.
Mahdad Khatirinejad-Fard won a prize for his poster
Equiangular lines in complex spaces and their application in quantum information theory and
Ksenija Garschuk won a prize for her poster On Kloosterman sums divisible by 3.
CECM Day 2007 poster session, Simon Fraser, August 8th, 2007
The following students won prizes for their posters.
- Liang Chen for Solving Linear Systems of Equations Over Cyclotomic Fields
- Michael Coons and Paul Vrbik for On the density of integers bi-representable as the sum of two cubes
- Ksenija Garaschuk for On Kloosterman sums divisible by 3 and
- Roman Pearce for Sparse polynomial arithmetic using heaps of pointers.
- Pure Math Graduate Student Camp, Simon Fraser, October 12-14, 2007.
This was organized by Kseniya Garaschuk and Mahdad Khatirinejad-Fard.
Graduate courses directly related to the project.
Introduction to Computer Algebra course given at Simon Fraser, Spring 2007, by Michael Monagan.
- Advanced Graduate Seminar in Computer Algebra (CS887) given at Waterloo,
Summer 2007 by Mark Giesbrecht and George Labahn.
Topics in Computer Algebra course given at Simon Fraser, Summer 2007 by Michael Monagan.