General links to Parallel Computing

A parallel computing book, have a look! (by Morgan Kaufmann and the authors)

Parallel computing newsletter

Another page of links

Issues Survey & Policy Review Study Proposal (by Paul Wolstenholme)

Designing and Building Parallel Programs (Online) (by Ian Foster)

OpenMP application development interface

SGI Tech Documents

C language reference manual

The Fortran Market (Fortran specific info) SGI Article: Turnabout vs Throughput: Optimal Utilization of a Multiprocessor System (Haruna Cofer, Nick Camp, and Roberto Gomperts)

Performance Analysis and Tuning on SGI Origin 2000 machines

A collection of articles about supercomputing from Forbes (online)

CECM | Department of Mathematics and Statistics | SFU | SGI | PSG Home Page

For more information, please email Ronald Haynes at This web page is designed and maintained by Jen Chang.
Last modified: April 12, 1999.