Authors: Steve Dugaro (CECM) and
Konrad Polthier (TU-Berlin)
JavaView provides a superior viewing environment to augment and enhance
the plot of geometrical objects in Maple. It provides several features
that are non-existent in the Maple plotter, such as mouse controlled
scaling, translation, and auto view modes. JavaView implements arc-ball
rotation, making object viewing smoother and less directionally constrained
than in Maple. Furthermore, JavaView offers geometric modelling tools
and multiple view windows to allow geometries to be manually
manipulated in realtime over the web.
The predominant feature of the JavaviewLib is the capacity to export Maple
generated models into one of two applet based viewers - one optimized for
speed, the other for customizability. This greatly enhances the current
state of plot object export in Maple - no longer do dynamic plots need to
be converted to static images when creating html pages from Maple worksheets.
One can also export plot data to a variety of other formats such as VMRL
or JavaViews own XML format where data can be viewed as a markup tree or
further developed upon. Efforts were made to maintain the aesthetic
presentation of Maple geometries and their corresponding axes upon export.
With JavaviewLib, models created in other modeling applications such as
Maya and Mathematica, can easily be imported into Maple's viewing environment.