Authors: Steve Dugaro (CECM) and
Konrad Polthier (TU-Berlin)
JavaView, JavaViewLib and Maple could all stand to make improvements
in order to fully exploit the potential for web based modeling and
presentation . The bidirectional capabilities could be refined to allow for
one to procedurally generate initial models in Maple, manipulate
and refine the models in JavaView and import them back into the recognized
format of Maple worksheets.
JavaviewLib still needs to incorporate colour information into its xml
export, and full Maple worksheet conversion would be the logical next
step. Ideally, Maple itself would be able to act as a mathematics
engine for third party software applications. The implementation
of JavaviewLib could have been nicely incorporated into JavaView itself
had the Maple software provided an application programmer's interface
such as Mathematica's JLink. The present prototype aims to
demonstrate substantial functionality in absence of such an interface.