Stephen Braham

What Stephen has to say about himself
Status: Director, PolyMath
Affiliation: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, SFU
Phone: (604) 291-5617
Office: P8495


Research Interest

My interests are very much a function of time. I like to work on whatever I find interesting, and whatever I find I can make the most contribution to. The result of this is that I have spread myself all the way from the abstract to the concrete. Trained as a theoretical physicist, computers dominate my research, and enter what I do both as tools and as actual research subjects. My central research is based around the idea that scientific communication, both in research and in education, is crucial to what we do. We live in interesting times. Computers and high-speed networking are changing the ways in which we communicate at an ever-increasing rate. They are also giving us new tools for doing mathematical sciences. My research life includes the following:

Developing PolyMath, a set of sophisticated network-based tools for the mathematical science environment. A large but fascinating undertaking, this work involves many new technologies, concepts, and projects. Our major aim is to develop the advanced technologies needed for the TeleLearning Research Network. Some of the (overlapping) areas of research that fall within this aim are the following:
Activated Mathematics (Organic Mathematics and M3Plexus)
Collaboration systems for mathematical science research and education (Virtual Institute Network and M3Plexus)
Communication between distributed mathematical tools (OpenMath)
Network distribution of advanced interfaces to remote tools (Executable content, M3Plexus)
Experimental differential geometry. Computer studies of a mathematical physics-inspired approach to the Thurston Geometrization Conjecture.
The quantum theory of gravity, and problem of time in topologically complicated situations (quantum black holes and quantum wormholes). Extensive use of computer algebra is made. Investigations of the possibility of setting up numerical simulations of quantum collapse.
Finding new ways to use network technology to present both my computer research and other projects to the research community and the general public.
Mar. 6, 2025

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